Title: Web Page Introduction
1Web Page Introduction
2What is a web page?
- A hypertext is a document contains clickable
links. - A web page is a text file containing Hyper Text
MarkUp Language (HTML) tags and/or other markup
language tags.
3Types of Web pages
- Static page
- The contents of a web page is predefined by HTML
tags. - Example david chaos home page.
- Dynamic page
- A web page includes contents produced by a
programming language when the page is opened. - Examples
- Pages that display current date/time, visitor
counter - Yahoo home page
- Pages that display results based on a database
query. - Yahoos Finance/Enter symbol/Historical prices
4Technologies for Creating Dynamic Pages
- Client-side technology
- JavaScript, VBScript
- Server-side technology
- Microsoft .Net
5Dynamic Page Client-Side Script ExampleDemo
lthtmlgt ltheadgt lttitlegtNew Page 1lt/titlegt lt/headgt ltb
odygt ltpgtThe time is now ltscript
languagevbscriptgt document.write
time() lt/scriptgt lt/pgt ltscript languagevbscriptgt i
Hourhour(time()) if iHour lt 12
then document.write "lth1gtgood morninglt/h1gt" else
document.write "lth1gtgood afternoonlt/h1gtltbrgt" end
if lt/scriptgt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
6Problems with Client-Side Script
- Source code revealed
- Compatibility problem
- Mozilla
- IE
7Dynamic Web Pages Server-Side Script Example
- Demo TimeNow.aspx
- ltbodygt
- ltpgtThe time is now ltNow.TimeOfDay()gtlt/pgt
- ltpgtThe time is now lt response.write(Now.TimeOfDay
())gtlt/pgt - lt
- dim iHour
- iHourNow.Hour()
- if iHour lt 12 then
- response.write("lth1gtgood morninglt/h1gtltbrgt")
- else
- response.write ("lth1gtgood afternoonlt/h1gtltbrgt")
- end if
- gt
- lt/bodygt
- Note
- Need web server cannot open by File/Open Page.
- Work for both Mozilla and IE.
8HyperText MarkUp Language
- A language used to define a web page.
- Other languages
9Basic HTML Tags
- lthtmlgt lt/htmlgt
- lttitlegt lt/titlegt
- ltbodygt lt/bodygt
- lth1gt lt/h1gt large text
- lth6gt lt/h6gt smallest text
- Reference tag
- lta hrefcake.jpggt
- ltpgt lt/Pgt Paragraph tag
- ltimggt Image tag
lthtmlgt lttitlegtDavid Chao ISYS363 HTML
Demolt/titlegtltpgt ltbodygt lth1gtWelcome to David
Chaos Home Pagelt/h1gt lthrgt lta hrefcake.jpggtClic
k here to see a cake picturelt/agtltpgt lt/bodygt lt/html
11Web Page Editors
- Word
- File/New
- Under new document choose WebPage
- Composer
- FrontPage
- Others
12Typical Web Page Contents
- Text
- Alignment, Size, Font, Bold
- Link
- Table
- List
- BookMark
- BackGround
- Picture
- Form
- Email mailtoemailAddress
13Other Features
- Frame
- Word Format/Frame
- When creating a link Target Frame
- Theme
- Word Format/Theme
- Insert/Object
- Calendar, worksheet, Chart
14FrontPage Demo
- Controls
- Format
- Layer, Theme
- Behavior
- Select a control
- Select an action
- Select an event
- Insert
- Web Component
- Layer
- Intteractive button
- Inline frame
- Frame
- File/New/More page templates/Frames
- Form
- Controls
- Action
- Mailto
15Reference Tag
- Absolute reference
- The reference includes the complete path to the
linked document. - lta hrefc\cake.gifgt
- Cause problem when the referenced page changes
location. - Relative reference
- Relative position of page folders
- Cause problem when the web page changes location
and the referenced page does not.
16Edit a Currently Opened Web Page
- With IE or Netscape
- File/Edit page
- Copy components
17Access Database Page
- Select a table or a query, and click
- File/Save As/Data Access Page
- Page wizard
- Copy/Paste to a page editor.
18Publishing Web Pages
- Web server
- Default directory, default home page
- Virtual directory
- Creating web pages using editor
- Transfer web pages to web server
- FTP, File Transfer Program
19Typical Web Page Contents
- About Us
- Company organization
- Mission
- Products/Services
- Partner organizations
- Clients
- Information for users
- Links to relevant sites
- Contact Us