Title: Antony Card, Ed.D., Associate Director,
1School Health Coordinators in Newfoundland
Labrador Initial Reflections
- Antony Card, Ed.D., Associate Director,
- School of Human Kinetics and Recreation
- Memorial University of Newfoundland
- 1-709-737-8667 antonyc_at_mun.ca
2SHPLCs Study
- The aim of this study is to assess the effects of
introducing school / community health
coordinators, to facilitate education-health
cooperation in promoting the health of children
and learning at the school board/health
authority/community level.
3Other Research
- Warwick et al. (2004), have provided an extensive
evaluation of school health coordinators in
England. The results were promising and funding
has continued as part of the National Health
Service (NHS) reforms. The coordinators - Develop support networks
- Share best practice
- Contribute to school accreditation
- Develop local and strategic links
- Provide a coherent and coordinated to student
- What lead to the positions?
- Provincial Wellness Council established
- Other initiatives underway SFGs, Smoke Free
Grounds, Physical Education funding, Active
Schools. - Provincial Healthy Schools Summit was held and
from this Healthy Students Healthy Schools was
created and the SHPLCs were hired.
5- Health Students Healthy Schools (HSHS)
Initiative - joint initiative of the Department of Health
and Community Services and Education. - - supports positive changes to school aged
children - - creates school environments that support
healthy living for children - - the SHPLCs are one key element of the HSHS
- The SHPLCs work out of the school board but are
on the regional health payroll. - Consultants report to both Education and Health.
- First position began November 2005.
- Funding for the positions is provided by both the
Department of Health and Community Services (and
regional health authorities) and the Department
of Education (and school boards). - salary- regional health authorities
- travel- department of education
- office space supplies- school boards
- provincial meetings- department of education
- The research design involves two phases
- The first involves an analysis of the documents
pertaining to the role of the SHPLCs. - The second phase involves a process of
semi-structured interviews and focus groups with
key informants.
- Documents reviewed
- minutes from meetings
- annual workplans
- results from surveys
- district improvement plans
- reports prepared by the SHPLCs
- results of evaluations on the programs/activities
conducted by the SHPLCs - costs associated with the positions, newsletters,
and feedback from teachers/principals.
- Interviews (n40) were conducted with the
following people from each district level - SHPLC
- Parent child health coordinator
- Principals
- Program specialist responsible for the SHPLC
- Regional nutritionist
- Assistant director of programs (school board)
- Director of wellness and health promotion.
- Emerging Themes
- Positions viewed as helpful
- Effective Changes
- Barriers/Challenges
- Evaluation of the positions
- Response from parents
- Response from students
- Ideas for the future
13Findings - Are the positions helpful?
- Yes, definitely!
- We have seen massive gains in that area and
normally it takes a long time for change to occur
so I dont credit all the success just because we
had health consultants, like I said the ducks
were all sort of in line for a positive change to
happen, but with that being said without those
people focused to drive to continue the messages
to continue to come up with things we wouldnt be
nearly as along as we are and we still have a
long ways to go (school board official) - Yes, as a champion
- - Positions viewed as a needed champion for
school health.
14Findings - Are these positions helpful?
- Yes, positive short term effect
- Yes I believe theyre already having a
difference, but having said that, you cannot fix
the problems associated with childhood obesity,
and the problems associated with the lack of
physical activity and all of those areas in a day
or a month or a year (government official) - Too early to tell
- Thats a good question, I mean, I dont know,
time will tell, I think its probably too early
to tell yet
15Findings- Effective Changes
- Communication between Health Education
- Most referenced when asked about effective
changes - We dont do a good job with communication,
sometimes we tend to be doing our own thing and
they are doing their own thing and if you find a
person that can go across both organizations or
three or four organizations and being able to do
that very successfully then thats a big strength
of the position. (school board official).
16Findings - Effective Changes
- Implementation of Provincial School Food
Guidelines - School Caterers In-Services
- Student Poster Contest
- New Cafeteria Equipment
- In the last provincial budget there was
800,000 targeted towards that so (the SHPLC) has
met with the caterers and talked to them about
their needs and talked to the principals about
that and certainly (the SHPLC) knows where our
greatest priorities are. (health official) - Active Schools
- Smoke-Free School Grounds
17Findings - Effective Changes
- Funding Opportunities
- Living Healthy Teams
- Weve set up a healthy living team which are
very active in the school in terms of creating
more of an awareness of healthy living, healthy
eating and active living. (principal) - Teacher In-Services
- Principals Meetings
18Findings - Effective Changes
- Living Healthy Commotions
19Findings Barriers/Challenges
- Geographical distance
- I think I referred to the challenges for them
is going to be geography, its going to be size,
the number of schools you can get to the number
of teachers you can contact relationships you can
build with people, the support you can provide to
teachers. (school board official) - Status (non permanent).
- - Commented on most when asked about
barriers and challenges. - More information/education for parents
guardians - Children/youth bringing drugs into the schools or
using drugs on school property.
20Findings - Barriers/Changes
- Culture change
- Understanding the difference in roles/positions.
- Some children still leaving school property to
purchase food - A lot of people go to the store and they (the
stores) do really well but were (the school
cafeteria) okay (principal) - Parents bringing in foods to students that do not
meet the School Food Guidelines (SFGs). - But we really do need to do a lot more, and
thats something that weve been talking about
over the past year, how do we get parents more
involved, and thats why were not, like the full
implementation is the full two years, cause we
know we have all these different pieces we have
to look at. (health official)
21Findings - Barriers/Challenges
- Communication
- Funding
- More consultants needed
- The challenges to the successes right now in
our district (are associated with) the time for
one person to attack this issue (school board
22Findings - Barriers/Challenges
- Teachers not complying with School Food
Guidelines - Time constraints
- Um, I guess one would be with all our positions
is just the time restraints (health official) - Rural vs Urban
23Findings - Evaluation of Positions
- Consultant Backgrounds
- - Teacher, principal, dietician, social worker.
- Communication
- And I think the other thing thats really
helped with the success is what theyve learned
from each other, what weve all learned from each
other, the building on ideas, and all the
sharing, the development of policies, thats been
another success, where we came up with the school
food guidelines, each of the school districts had
to come up with their own healthy eating or
nutrition policies, and we all worked on those
together, and I think thats made them very
successful. (health official)
24Findings - Evaluation of the Positions
- Liaison
- Resource
- Its good to have somebody like that as a
resource person, the SHPLC came in and spoke to
our student council and gave a powerpoint
presentation to them on the new guidelines and
where things were going and some educational
pieces. It is good to have people like that, if
that 10 people on the council go out and talk to
their friends about it, it spreads the word.
25Responses - Parents
- Responses from parents have been optimistic
towards the changes with regards to the SFG,
active schools and the smoke free grounds policy. - Some principals suggested that there will always
be parents that you struggle to reach but the
majority of parents are very supportive. - There is still a need for further information to
be available to parents.
26Response - Students
- Students responses have been encouraging towards
the School Food Guidelines (SFG), active schools
and smoke free grounds. - Like the parents, some students were initially
reluctant to change. - Principals commented that students response to
the commotions, or any physical activity days are
always overwhelmingly positive. - Yeah, I think overwhelmingly positive, because,
you know, I guess the change in the menu, I mean
the children are still accessing it, in terms of
the foods that we provide, and theres still
quite a bit of variety there that still allows
them to balance out the type of foods that
theyre eating. (principal)
27Findings - Ideas for the Future
- Active Schools
- Another big focus on the physical activity, I
would really like to next year have pilot schools
and the following year look into having double or
triple that, ultimately with the goal in mind to
have all the schools with the Quality Daily
Physical Activity (QDPA) focus. (principal) - Additional Positions
- - School board officials suggested having
additional positions - - Another position to divide the district would
be great (shplc)
28Findings - Ideas for the Future
- Continued Positions
- We need to recognize that this is a permanent
position in the school district office because
you do need a champion it needs to be sustained
to move onto the next stage - (school board official)
- Living Healthy Teams
- You know I think that the best thing that the
consultant can do is to ensure that schools have
functioning healthy living or nutrition or
whatever you want to call them committees.
29Findings - Ideas for the Future
- More Caterers Sessions
- Food safety would be another issue, perhaps
different recipes and menus, there is all kinds
of things that could be done at that in-service
if we could get the funding (shplc) - More focus on High School
- - It was suggested by participants (principals)
that there has been a lot of focus from the SHPLC
on primary/elementary school-aged children and
there needs to be a greater focus on high school
students. - - Often change is easier and more welcomed with
the primary/ elementary schools.
30Findings - Ideas for the Future
- More Physical Activity
- - Principals suggested a greater focus on
physical activity - Other Areas
- - Other areas of focus for the future that were
suggested were - - drug use
- - body image
- - more physical activity
- - violence in schools
- - bullying
31Current SHPLCs work
- Active Schools
- Changes to Canteen/Cafeteria Equipment
- Professional Development Days
- Hand washing Pilot Project
- Training Preschool Staff
- Pedometer Challenge
32SHPLCs future work
- After the full implementation of the School Food
Guidelines, Physical Activity Smoke Free
Grounds, the next focus areas for the consultants
(based on the provincial wellness plan) will be - Immunizations
- Social behaviors
- Vulnerable populations
- Injury prevention
33(No Transcript)
- The findings have demonstrated the value of these
positions and the need for them to continue. - These positions have built a great rapport
between health and education and have been
successful in their role as a liaison between the
two. - The SHPLCs other health officials needs to be
aware of their roles, responsibilities
boundaries. - The consultants have made significant changes
(physical activity, school nutrition, smoke free
schools) in a short period of time.