Title: Week 3
1Week 3
- Construct image maps
- Define tables in HTML
- Use tables to display information
2HW1 Review
- Using Unix command create all folders and set
permission - Do the following if you havent done anything
- Start\Run and type
- telnet students.depaul.edu
- Use login name and password
- mkdir public_html (Create a public folder
Public_html )
3- Chmod 755 public_html
- cd public_html ( now I am in public_html
- Folder)
- mkdir IT130
- mkdir images
- Chmod 755 IT130
- Chmod 755 images
4- Using a text editor and HTML code create your
main webpage and name it main .html - ftp main,html to your students account.
- Always re ftp your file once you change.
- How to do that?
- Open Internet explorer, type ftp//students_at_depaul
.edu in the address bar - Use login name and address.
- Drag and drop the file into correct folder at
ftp site. - You need to set the permission for the file using
unix command. - Go to students account using telnet ( if it is
not open) - cd public_html
- chmod 611 main.html
5Comments on hw1
- The url address of your image (say image.jpg) is
something like - http//students.depaul.edu/loginname/ect270/imag
es/image.jpg - (this was also specified in the hwork
instructions!) - URL addresses for web pages use the HTTP protocol
not the ftp protocol! - This is WRONG ftp//students.depaul.edu/loginnam
6Which tag goes first?
- Are the following HTML codes right or wrong?
- lta hrefwww.depaul.edugt lth2gt De Paul homepage
lt/agt lt/h2gt - lta hrefwww.depaul.edugt lth2gt De Paul homepage
lt/h2gtlt/agt - ltpgt ltigt ltbgt Welcome to ECT270 lt/bgtlt/igtlt/pgt
- ltpgt ltstronggt ltigt Welcome to ECT270
lt/igtlt/stronggtlt/pgt - ltimg srcphoto.jpggt
- ltbodygt
- ltpgt This is my picture lt/pgt
- lt/bodygt
8Client-side image maps
- Designate certain sections of an image as
hotspots. Metra System Criminal justice
Mount Laguna observatory - http//kaiserpermanente.org/locations/index.html
- Often used as navigation tools for instance at
www.yahoo.com www.amazon.com - Each hotspot will hyperlink to a different page
- Create a map of the image specifying the shape of
each hotspot and the coordinates of the vertices. - The name of the map to be used is then referenced
in the ltimggt tag.
9Image map syntax
- ltmap namemapnamegt
- ltarea shapeshape coordscoordinates
hrefurl targetwindow altalternative
textgt - (1 area for each hotspot in the image map)
- lt/mapgt
- ltimg srcphoto.jpg usemapmapnamegt
SHAPE rect (default - for rectangular shapes),
circle, polygon (polygonal shape) COORDS The x
and y coordinates of the crucial points of
each shape. The coordinates are relative to
the top left corner of the image. The x axis
extends horizontally, the y axis extends
vertically. HREF location of the linked page for
that hotspot
10Shapes and coordinates
ltarea shaperect coordsx1,y1,x2,y2
hrefurlgt ltarea shapecircle coordsx,y,r
hrefurlgt ltarea shapepolygon
coordsx1,y1,x2,y2,.x5,y5 hrefurlgt
11The ISMAP Trick
- Using Netscape or IE, you can find the x-y
coordinates for any spot - Set up an IMG tag with an ISMAP attribute
- lta hrefplaceholder.htmlgtltimg srctest.jpg
ismapgtlt/agt - Display the HTML file using a browser
- Place the cursor inside the image and look at the
status message at the bottom of the browser
window. You should see the coordinates of the
cursor position. - An alternative method is to use MapEdit (look in
the CD attached to the book or
12Class exercise Navigation bar in www.yahoo.com
- Complete the HTML code to
- insert the image contained in the file
yahoomap.gif and - create the image map for the three hotspots
defined above.
13Basic HTML Tables
- A table organizes data in rows and columns (of
columnsof cells) - lttablegt lt/tablegt Enclose the table structure
- lttrgt lt/trgt Table row
- lttdgt lt/tdgt Each data cell within a row. The
smallest area of the table we are able to format
14Basic table structure
- lttablegt
- lttrgt
- lttdgtA1lt/tdgt
- lttdgtA2lt/tdgt
- lttdgtA3lt/tdgt
- lt/trgt
- lttrgt
- lttdgtB1lt/tdgt
- lttdgtB2lt/tdgt
- lttdgtB3lt/tdgt
- lt/trgt
- lt/tablegt
15Table Caption and Headers
- ltcaption alignvaluegtlt/captiongt A caption is
centered at the TOP/BOTTOM of the table. - ltthgt lt/thgt special cells that act as table
headers (centered and boldface)
lttablegt ltcaptiongtThis is a tablelt/captiongt
lttrgt ltthgtFirst Rowlt/thgt lt/trgt
lttrgt lttdgtA1lt/tdgt lt/trgt lt/tablegt
This is a table
16ltTablegt attributes
- BORDER pixels? Size of the border around the
table - CELLSPACING pixels? space inserted b/w cells
- CELLPADDING pixels? size of the gap b/w the
cell text and the cell border - ALIGN
LEFT/RIGHT? table is placed on the left/right
and text is wrapped around the
table CENTER ? table is placed in the center of
the page. Text is not wrapped around the
17More ltTablegt Attributes
- BORDERCOLORcolor? changes the color of the
creates a 3D effect for the border
18HTML and Colors
- Colors in HTML documents are represented by a
triplet of numbers, called and RGB triplet, based
on theirs Red, Green, and Blue component.
Intensity 0-255 in decimal base. - RED (255,0,0)
- HTML requires that the color values be entered as
3 two-digits hexadecimal numbers. - RED FF0000
- digit1 digit2 digit3 digit4
digit5 digit6 - red green
blue - Colors may appear differently in different OS or
browsers. - Use 216 Web safe colors displayed consistently on
all types of computers.
19Color names and RGB values
20More on RGB code for colors
- Use Web Safe colors (216 color palette) that are
independent on the computer used
http//www.lynda.com/hexh.html. - Tool to generate hexadecimal code
- MS Paint hexadecimal converter in Windows
calculator - Other tools available on the web
- ColorMix at www.colormix.com
- Palette Man at www.paletteman.com, etc
- For color charts go to http//www.hypersolutions.
21More ltTablegt attributes
- FRAMEoption Controls which side of the table
has borders - Where option can be one of the following
22More ltTablegt attributes
- RULESallrowscolsnone? controls around which
cell the border is drawn.
23ltTABLEgt,ltTDgt,ltTHgt attributes
- WIDTHpixels or ? Table/cell width in pixels
or as of the page/table - HEIGHTpixels or ? Same as above
- BGCOLORcolor? Change the table/cell background
color - BACKGROUNDpic.jpg? Tiles a picture as a
24Cell attributes (ltTDgt,ltTHgt)
- COLSPAN? this cell spans for columns
- ROWSPAN? this cell spans for rows
LEFT/RIGHT? text in the cell is aligned
left/right CENTER? text in the cell is centered
TOP/BOTTOM? text in the cell is aligned
top/bottom MIDDLE? text in the cell is aligned
with the middle of the cell
25Align and valign attributes
26Example of spanning cells
Cell spans two cols and two rows lttd rowspan2
Cell spans three cols lttd colspan3gt
Cell spans . lttd .gt Complete
27Using tables for page layout
- To display content in newspaper-like columns or
separates the page in different topical areas. - Start with the outer table and work your way in
using nested tables - Add background color to visually separate column
- Add cell padding to avoid crowding
- Do not use too many nested tables it slows down
the web page may confuse browsers!
28(No Transcript)
29Tables and Graphics
- lttablegt
- lttrgtlt!--first row--gt
- lttd rowspan"2" align"center"gt
- ltimg src"sila1thin.jpg" width"222"
height"608"gt lt/tdgt - lttd align"center"gt
- ltimg src"silahead.gif" width"232"
height"164"gt lt/tdgt - lttd rowspan"2" align"center"gt
- ltimg src"sila1thin.jpg" width"222"
height"608"gt lt/tdgt - lt/trgt
- lttrgtlt!--second row--gt
- lttd align"center"gt
- ltimg src"sila2.jpg" width"267" height"334"gt
- lt/tdgt lt/trgt lt/tablegt
30How many rows and columns?
31Web page layout using tables
- Financial Times http//news.ft.com/home/us/
- Calendar of Events http//www.cs.depaul.edu/calen
dar/calendar.asp - http//events.tc.umn.edu/months.xml
- CTI homepage
- http//www.cs.depaul.edu/news/default.asp
32Final remarks
- Work plan
- Diagram the layout before you start writing
- Create the text for various cols in separate
files, to insert later. - Start from the outer table first, and gradually
work inward - Insert comment tags lt!-- text--gt to identify the
different sections of the Web page - Use cell padding cell spacing to avoid
overcrowded web pages - Use the valigntop attribute for cells
containing articles/text. - Use no more than three/four cols of text. Keep
the layout of your web page simple!
33Examine the following code and predict how it
will display the table. Draw the table by hand!
- lthtmlgt
- ltheadgt lttitlegt ECT270 - Exercise on tables
lt/titlegt lt/headgt - ltbodygt
- lttable border"1" cellpadding"1"
cellspacing"10"gt - lttr align "center"gt
- lttd width"25" bgcolor"red"gt ltpgt lt/pgt lt/tdgt
- lttd width"50" bgcolor"yellow"gt Hello Sunshine!
lt/tdgt - lttd rowspan"2" width"25" bgcolor"orange"gt
ltpgtlt/pgt lt/tdgt - lt/trgt
- lttrgt
- lttd colspan"2" bgcolor"blue"gt Did you draw the
right table? lt/tdgtlt/trgt - lt/tablegt
- Solution
34Assignment 2hw2.htm
- Rewrite main.htm using tables for the layout!