Title: of blogs and pods, of wikis and things.
1of blogs and pods,of wikis and things.
"The time has come," the Walrus said,"To talk of
many thingsOf shoes--and ships--and
sealing-wax--Of cabbages--and kings--And why
the sea is boiling hot--And whether pigs have
- Brian Gillespie
- Dublin Institute of Technology,
- with help from Pauline Rooney, Learning
Technology Team DIT and Ronan Kennedy, Library
NUI Galway
2What I wont be talking about
- Virtual Learning Environments
- video and teleconferencing
- E Learning Platforms
- e-Packs
- e-Journals e-books
- subject databases
- IRel
- Open-Access
- Etc etc etc etc etc etc etc
3and avoiding predictions too
4So what are we talking about??
- Blogs
- Podcasts
- Wikis
- Social networking
- Social bookmarking
- Discussion boards
- SMS/texting http//www.usatoday.com/tech/products/
gear/2006-08-27-campus-tech_x.htm and
http//www.ravewireless.com/ - Games and gaming
- Download services
- Digital photo sharing Flickr
- Chat
5Points to consider
- technofantasy and technohype
- emerging, merging and invisible technology
- the real library without walls
(Truly Madly Deeply Engaged) http//www.omd.com/l
(Teens and technology) http//www.pewinternet.org/
pdfs/PIP_Teens_Tech_July2005web.pdf - focus on content and material not the technology
or platform
6Internet 2.0
- interactive, intuitive, responsive, personalised
- user generated content
- typical 2.0 site http//www.digg.com/
- software as service
- MoSoSo http//www.csmonitor.com/2007/0119/p11s02-s
tct.html - mobile technology/portable devices iPod, iPhone,
Xboxes, BlackBerry Pearl, Sidekick 3, Sony
Reader, etcenter your own favourite - mix and mash http//www.bashr.com/
7Advantages of online collaboration
- overcomes student isolation
- convenience
- encourages participation in the learning process
- learn from others
- Educause Learning Initiative http//www.educause.e
du/EmergingPracticesandLearningTechnologies/5673 - e-Learning Centre http//www.e-learnin
gcentre.co.uk/eclipse/Resources/index.html - FutureLab http//www.futurelab.org.uk/about_us/ind
8Principles for good teaching and learning
practice in higher educationChickering and
Gamson (1987)
- Encourages contact between students and staff
- Develop co-operation among students and
co-workers - Encourages active learning
- Gives prompt feedback
- Emphasizes time on task
- Communicates high expectations
- Respects diverse talents and ways of learning
Dr. Sarah Maguire UU _at_ ANLTC 28th June
9RSS (really simple syndication)What is it and
what can it do?
- helps manage information overload
- uses technology to grab feeds as selected web
pages are updated - monitors new content on relevant web-sites
- websites come to you (bit like current awareness
but on the web not email) - e.g. RTE http//www.rte.ie/
10The need for feed readers
- allows you to group, manage and display your
subscribed feeds.
e.g. of feed readers - web-based www.newsgator.com http//www.bloglines.
com/ - download http//www.mozilla.com/firefox/
11How it works5 easy steps
- choose a feed reader
- find an RSS feed youre interested in
- subscribe to the feed
- check your feed reader
- visit the updated sites
12(No Transcript)
13Possible library applications
- use RSS feeds to display headlines from other
sites on your webpages - to keep students informed about changes in
services, resources etc. - help create a fresh lively look on your website
- http//www.hennepin.lib.mn.us/pub/search/RSS.cfm
14RSS examples
- http//news.bbc.co.uk/
- http//chronicle.com/help/rss.htm
- http//www.hennepin.lib.mn.us/pub/search/RSS.cfm
- http//www.ucd.ie/library/news/elec/
- http//www.archive.org/index.php
15Further reading
- http//chronicle.com/weekly/v50/i23/23a03101.htm
- Kelly B (2005) RSS more than just news feeds.
New Review of Information Networking, Vol.11,
No.2, pp.219-227
16Blogs or weblogs (online diaries)
- an ongoing live chronicle of information and
platform for discussion - usually populated by brief postings, starting
with the most recent first - often devoted to a particular subject
- usually info is archived
- http//www.ahmadinejad.ir/ as an example
- http//elgg.net/csessums/weblog as a good example
- http//sluggerotoole.com/index.php as a good
(northern) Irish example
17Using blogs in education
- use as a log of programme progress and activities
- as a reflective journal - create and maintain a
personal blog - as a research log
- use to stimulate discussion, interact, brainstorm
- for prospective students http//www.clarkson.edu/
clarkson_experience/blogs/ - http//weblogs.hcrhs.k12.nj.us/journ1/ a
paperless course in journalism - http//www.lawclinic.tv/ an academic video blog
18Blog warnings for librarians
- easy to create
- they have to be relevant content is king
- they have to be maintained pages need to look
fresh and relevant - the blog needs to have a purpose
- where are you going to put it?
- http//webjunction.org/do/DisplayContent?id767
for more on using blogs in libraries - http//www.higheredblogcon.com/ and more
- http//lirgroup.heanet.ie/ presentation by Josh
Clark Diarmuid Stokes 8/12/06
19Blog examples
- http//heyjude.wordpress.com/
- http//keptup.typepad.com/academic/
- http//library2.0.alablog.org/
- http//meredith.wolfwater.com/wordpress/index.php
- http//freerangelibrarian.com/
- http//www.blogwithoutalibrary.net/ (see the
blogging libraries wiki) - http//ucdscience.blogspot.com/
- http//dundalkinstitute.library-blogs.net/
- http//www.irishblogs.info/
- http//www.technorati.com/ (whos saying what
right now)
20Further reading
- Clyde L (2004) Library weblogs. Library
Management, Vol.25 Issue 4/5, pp.183-189 - Glenn D (2006) Scholars Who Blog Chronicle of
Higher Education - Kennedy K (2003) Writing With Web Logs
techLearning - provides useful tips on how to
evaluate student blogs for assessment purposes. - Research blogs - an annotated list of weblogs
used by researchers and academics as a part of
their research practice - Fiedler S (2003) Personal webpublishing as a
refective conversational tool for self-organized
learning - Burnet K (2006) Using blogger to get teachers
started with e-learning. http//fm.schmoller.net/2
006/05/using_blogger_t.html (check out the link
to the podcast on blogs in education)
- A digital recording of a radio broadcast or
similar program made available on the internet
for downloading to a personal audio player
New Oxford American Dictionary, 2005
22How it works
- 1 or more media files organized into a series of
connected episodes - organized using XML code to describe the series
and each episode - smart clients (e.g. iTunes) access the series
using RSS - episodes downloaded to pc (not necessarily an
iPod) for offline mobile viewing
23Uses in education (Podagogy)
- putting people in control of their learning.
Prof. Roy Pea Stanford University. - its rich, personal, mobile and widespread
- to disseminate lectures and course material
- for revision purposes
- http//www.apple.com/education/solutions/itunes_u/
iTunes University - http//www.ucmerced.edu/ University of
California - http//www.marquette.edu/ Video podcast for
prospective students
24Podcast examples
- http//www.wku.edu/library/podcast/
- http//www.dowling.edu/library/newsblog/podcasts.a
sp - http//www.tcd.ie/Engineering/Courses/BAI/JS_Subje
cts/3D1/general/podcast.php - http//www.histories-humanities.tcd.ie/index.php
- http//www.thepersuaders.libsyn.com/
- http//www.apple.com/itunes/ iTunes
25(No Transcript)
26(No Transcript)
27further research
- Podcasting gold rush is on http//wired.com/news/b
usiness/0,68950-0.html - Podcasting after iTunes http//wired.com/news/cult
ure/media/0,71257-.html?twwn_index_2 - MagneticTime http//www.magnetictime.com/index.htm
28Whats a wiki?
- a wiki is a website that allows anyone enter and
edit, add, delete content - it also can refer to the software itself, the
look and feel, and the operation of such a
website - may include tools to allow monitoring of added
content and areas to help resolve issues over
content - http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page probably
the best known
29Using Wikis in education
- as an online space for academics, students,
librarians to share and contribute to - as a tool for students to take personal
responsibility for their own learning - to encourage student ownership, creativity and
collaboration - to allow students to share work and ideas and get
feedback - http//students.wikia.com/wiki/Penn_State student
campus wiki
30Wikis and libraries
- for gods sake youre in college, dont cite the
wikipedia James Wales (founder of Wikipedia) - http//www.libsuccess.org/index.php?titleMain_Pag
e Library success a best practice wiki - http//libres.curtin.edu.au/libres16n1/index.htm
Kille, A. How wikis can help manage knowledge in
library reference services - Frumkin, J. (2005) The wiki and the digital
library. OCLC Systems and Services, 21 (1),
pp.18-22. (available online google it)
31Wiki examples
- WikiNews (News Source)
- Wikitravel
- EduTech Wiki (focusing on educational
technologies) - WikiEd (Educational focus)
- http//www.futureofthebook.org/gamertheory/
- http//www.placeopedia.com/ good e.g. of mashup
- http//umjournalism.pbwiki.com/ the next
generation? - http//citizendium.org/
- http//www.scholarpedia.org/
- http//www.digitaluniverse.net/
32further research
- Lamb B (2004) Wide Open Spaces Wikis, Ready or
Not. EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 39, no. 5
(September/October 2004) 36-48. - Moody G (2004) Of blogs and wikis.
- Bird A (2006) On using wiki sites with student
groups - Professor raises wikipedia awareness
/20/44987c3928d54?in_archive1 - http//wikimania2006.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
33Social networks
- Bebo - launched feb 2005. As of April 2006, has
over 22 million registered members. It is the
440th most popular English language website, and
the second most popular in Ireland , according to
the Irish Independent (24th in the UK). - MySpace - founded in July 2003. As of May 2006 it
is the world's fourth most popular
English-language website and the fifth most
popular in the world , with over 86 million
registered accounts. - Friendster
- Classmates
- facebook
- livejournal
- Orkut
- Xuqa
34Features of social networks
- whiteboards, internal email system,
add comments, quizzes, flash box,
polls, photos, blogs - http//www.myspace.com/brooklyncollegelibrary
college library presence on myspace - http//www.myspace.com/utlibraries
University of Texas Libraries
35further reading
- Duffy J (2006) The MySpace Age BBC News Magazine,
7 March 2006 - Facebook the complete biography
http//mashable.com/2006/08/25/facebook-profile/ - MySpace Education
- Social Networking Websites Bebo, Myspace,
Friendster etc. - Not just for the children http//www.siliconrepubl
36- http//www.youtube.com/ YouTube a website
allowing users to upload view and share
videoclips - uses in education as a student portfolio, as a
reference tool, as a collaborative group area - http//www.siliconvalley.com/mld/siliconvalley/new
s/local/15065411.htm Use in online reading
programme - http//www.flickr.com/ Flickr a digital photo
sharing website and web service suite. Uses as
above - digital entertainment service for US colleges
http//cdigix.com/ - and for art students
37Social bookmaking sitesa way to tag (classify),
store, share and search links, books, whatever
- http//www.furl.net/ where to look for what you
need - http//del.icio.us/
- http//www.citeulike.org/
- http//www.librarything.com/
38The Empire strikes back
- Aquabrowser http//www.medialab.nl/
- Endeca guided navigation http//endeca.com/
- Encore (in development) http//www.iii.com/
- Watson Intellext http//www.intellext.com/
- Primo http//www.exlibrisgroup.com/primo.htm
- University of Rochester http//www.extensiblecatal
39Games and gaming
- http//secondlife.com/ Contact
lbell_at_alliancelibrarysystem.com (IRL Lori
Bell) http//www.thephoenix.com/article_ektid2
0561.aspx http//chronicle.com/weekly/v52/i06/06a0
3501.htm (need Chronicle HE login) - http//swi.indiana.edu/ Arden The world of
Shakespeare dev at Indiana University. - http//www.rcrusoe.org/
- http//www.2kgames.com/civ4/home.htm
- http//www.peacemakergame.com/
- http//www.there.com/
- http//thesims.ea.com/us/index.html
40In conclusion
- best to have unrelenting enthusiasm tempered
with healthy cynicism.