Final meeting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Final meeting


Unconfirmed results will be available late on Friday 12th September. A CD of photos will be given to you; if you have pictures you want to be added ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Final meeting

Final meeting?
  • 10th June 2008

  • Research part of the Literature Review and
    Research Proposal
  • Talk based on the final project
  • Extra work to be done by those who failed to
    attend one or more sessions of the research
    training unit in order for them to gain credits
    required to fulfil the mandatory attendance
  • Viva voce by the external examiner
  • Feedback on project one
  • AOB

Research Proposal
  • What is a research proposal
  • Terminology
  • Good and bad plans
  • Choosing a topic and adviser
  • I have some samples for you to examine

Research Proposal
  • The Research Proposal would be a 3-year programme
    of research work for a PhD student
  • The output would be a detailed plan enabling the
    student to be successful, to submit a PhD thesis
    within 3 years and to have publications in good
  • The description would be about 6-7 pages of
    double-spaced A4 (2000 words) including
    references and workplan (12 font)
  • include a brief background to the problem (2
  • involve hypothesis testing (statement)
  • include appropriate references (½ page smaller
  • Include a detailed programme of work (3 pages)
  • Include a detailed, timetabled workplan with
    deliverables and milestones (1 page)

Some Terminology
  • The programme of work
  • A detailed description of what you are actually
    going to do, broken down in work packages that
    are discrete (but inter-related) aspects to the
  • A Deliverable is an identifiable product.
    Examples are
  • Construction of a new vector
  • Construction of a database
  • Construction of a microarray
  • A Milestone is an identifiable stage or result.
    Examples are
  • Demonstrating that your (novel) assay works
  • Producing viable offspring from novel crosses
  • Completing a screen of KO strains
  • Aims Scientific goals that you want to achieve
  • Objectives Measurable achievements towards your

Things to consider in the plan
  • High risk projects
  • A project based on developing an assay that
    no-one has done before
  • A project whose aim can only be achieved by using
    one method that has not been done in the lab
  • A project that dissipates your effort into too
    many approaches
  • Low risk projects
  • Use established methodologies, existing
    strains/constructs, familiar databases
  • Good strategies have alternative ways to achieve
  • Quantity of data is good but quality is shown

Some self-assessment questions
  • Is the topic a good one?
  • Sufficient replication?
  • Independent verification of the results by
    different approaches?
  • Good positive and negative controls?
  • Is there an easier way to do it?
  • Collaboration?
  • What about the competition?
  • Published work Meeting reports Patents
  • Cost (effective)?
  • Can it be done in three years of experimental

Research Proposal
  • You should find an adviser to help you with a
    topic and who will be one of the markers of the
    research proposal
  • You should either have obtained or be actively
    seeking a potential adviser within the department
    in an area of interest to you from June onwards
  • You will not be permitted to perform a Literature
    Review and Research Proposal in the same research
    area in which you are conducting research
    projects unless you are undertaking your PhD here
    when it can be your own research project
  • Note that it is possible to do a research
    proposal with one of your supervisors on a topic
    different from your research project topic

MRes in RegenMed
  • You have done three core literature reviews
  • You will prepare a research proposal that you
    will develop from one of these themes suitable
    for a 3-year PhD programme
  • You will not be permitted to prepare a Research
    Proposal on the same research area in which you
    have conducted a research project unless you are
    undertaking your PhD work here when it can be
    your own research project

Finishing your project and research proposal
  • From the end of this month staff are likely to be
    often away at meetings and on holiday
  • Early planning and discussion with them is
    essential discuss this in detail
  • Once all work is done you are free to go BUT
    remember the viva voce
  • End of programme questionnaire can be submitted
    after degree classification decisions!

Your project talk
  • You need to organise a talk date with your
  • The talk may be just to two assessors or form
    part of a lab meeting
  • Allow 20 minutes for the talk and 10 minutes for
    questions for the project presentation
  • The assessment form is in your Handbook it
    essentially covers the quality of the talk and
    your ability to handle questions

Research Training Unit
  • This comprises 6 of you 90 credits
  • Attendance was mandatory to gain the credits
    (since you are not directly assessed)
  • I cannot give credits to those who did not attend
  • Therefore, later this week you will receive
    individual details of what extra work you have to
    do to gain the credits
  • No work, no credits no credits, no degree!

Finishing all your work
  • Deadlines maintained unless approval is given for
    late submission early submission is possible
  • Deadline of S2 project is Friday 1st August
  • Final deadline is 15th August
  • Attendance at a viva voce (Friday 12th September)
    is recommended (more later)
  • It can be useful for borderline candidates
  • Unconfirmed results will be available late on
    Friday 12th September
  • A CD of photos will be given to you if you have
    pictures you want to be added for all, send them
    now to Jane Dickinson

The Viva Voce
Role of External Examiner
  • Moderation of marking standards
  • Advice on borderline candidates
  • View of the degree programme as a whole
  • Reports to the Boards of Examiners
  • Written report to the Vice-Chancellor

The External Examiner
  • The viva voce is a 'one to one' interview with
    the External Examiner, with no one else present,
    taking about 20 minutes
  • The external examiner may also ask you for your
    candid and confidential opinion of the MRes
  • His role is to provide an independent assessment
    of your overall performance to ensure that our
    standards are appropriate

Moderation of marking standards
  • Taught Unit marks will have already been
    moderated by the UG EEs
  • The MRes EE will concentrate on project work
    literature review and research proposal, and
  • He can see any of your work and assessments

The viva voce examination
  • The viva voce examinations will take place on the
    morning of Friday 12th September
  • Not all students will be interviewed
  • The final list will not be known until Thursday
    12th September
  • I would like to know who will be available
  • You should attend a viva voce if requested to do
    so by the External Examiner and should therefore
    not make other plans for that period
  • Attendance or non-attendance cannot harm you
  • Attendance can hep you!

Degree classifications
  • Pass
  • Pass with Distinction
  • Fail
  • Because of the intrinsic error associated with
    any assessment, borderline candidates (2 of the
    border) can be considered for elevation

  • The Boards of Examiners for the MRes degree
    programmes meet on the afternoon of Friday 12th
  • Provisional result of your degree programme will
    normally be available later that afternoon
  • Informal transcripts will be available from the
    following week formal transcripts will only be
    available some time later

Feedback on project one
  • Marks will be on SAMIS on 19th June
  • You will be given copies of your assessment
  • You can discuss these with me or the supervisor
    to improve your performance

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