Title: Brownfields
Amy Darpinian U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency Region 7- Kansas City
2EPA Funding for Brownfields Projects
- Program Overview
- The Brownfields Program
- Brownfields Liability
- Properties Eligible for Funding
- Brownfields Grants Competition
- Preparing a Competitive Proposal
- Additional Resources
3Are There Brownfields In Your Community?
4What is a Brownfields Site?
- New Brownfields Definition
- ...Real Property, the Expansion, Redevelopment,
or Reuse of Which May Be Complicated by the
Presence or Potential Presence of a Hazardous
Substance, Pollutant, or Contaminant.
6Brownfields Site (Property)
- Definition Also Specifically Includes
- Mine-scarred Land (e.g. Abandoned Waste Rock/
Spent Ore Piles) - Controlled Substances (e.g. Illegal Drug Labs)
- Petroleum (e.g. Abandoned Gas Stations)
- Relatively Low Risk
- Owner Is Not the Polluter
- No Viable Responsible Party
7What Contaminants May Be Assessed and Cleaned Up?
- Hazardous Substances
- Contaminants
- Pollutants
- Petroleum Products
- Controlled Substances
- Mine-Scarred Lands
8EPA Authorized Funding 2002 Brownfields Law
Provide funding for envt employment training for
residents in brownfield communities
designed to help states, tribes, and
municipalities, to minimize the uncertainties of
contamination often associated with brownfields
9Who Is Eligible to Apply?
- Local Governments
- Land Clearance Authorities/Quasi-Governmental
Entities Under Local Governmental Control - State Legislated Government Entities
- Regional Councils of Government or Group of Local
Governments - Redevelopment Agency (State Chartered/Sanctioned)
- States
- Tribes Other Than Alaskan
- Nonprofit Organizations (Cleanup Only)
10Region 7s Brownfields ProgramAccomplishments
- Providing Funding for Planning, Assessment and
Cleanup - 26 Million to Regional Communities
- 790 Properties Assessed
- 585 Properties Ready for Redevelopment
- 95 Properties Undergoing Redevelopment
- 275 Million for Redevelopment Projects
- 1100 New Jobs
Inventory, Characterize, Assess (ASTM standards),
Conduct Planning
200,000/ contaminated property 200,000 for
petroleum sites (Up to 350,000/ Site with Waiver)
States, Tribes, Local Governments, Land Clearance
Authorities, Regional Councils, Redevelopment
Agencies Other Quasi Governmental Entities
Loans and Subgrants for Cleanup
1,000,000/ Eligible Entity, 20 Cost Share
Same as Above
Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund (RLF)
Cleanup - grant recipient must own property
200,000/ property, up to 5 properties per year
20 Cost Share
Same as Above Non-Profits
Direct Cleanup
Environmental Training
Universities Job-Training Organizations
12Assessment Grants
- May Be Community-wide or
- Site-specific
- Examples of Eligible Activities
- Single- or Multi-property ASTM Phase 1 and 2
Environmental Assessments - Area-wide Groundwater Assessments
- Creation of Brownfields Inventories, With GIS
Data - Outreach and Community Engagement Activities
- Planning Activities Including Preparation of
Required Quality Assurance Documentation
13Cleanup and RLF Grants
- Both Require a 20 Match, Unless Hardship Waiver
Granted - Certain Federal Cleanup Requirements Apply to All
Cleanup Activities (e.g. Community Notice) - Up to 40 of RLF Funds May Be Used for Cleanup
Subgrants to Eligible Entities and Nonprofits - Pre-existing RLFs May Transition
- Cleanup Grant and RLF Subgrant Recipients Must
Own the Property
14Other Brownfields Assistance
- Brownfields Targeted Assessments
- Environmental Assessments
- Conducted by EPA, State or
15Former Neighborhood Garage . . .
16becomes Westside Library
17Westside Library
18Irene H. Ruiz Biblioteca de las Americas
September 15, 2001 reopened at 2017 West Pennway
in honor of Irene Ruiz, a former librarian.
19Sources of Information
Brownfields Information www.epa.gov/brownfields
- Susan Klein, US EPA-Region 7
- Brownfields Coordinator
- (913) 551-7786
- Deborah Kennedy, US EPA- Region 7
- Brownfield Targeted Assessments (913) 551-7628
- Bob Richards, US EPA
- Region 7 Office of Regional Counsel
- (913) 551-7502
20 BROWNFIELDS 2004 Gateway to Revitalization
21FY05 Grants Competition
- USEPA Region 7
- Brownfields Funding
22Region 7 Brownfields Team
- Jim Callier
- Kerry Herndon
- Benita Hamilton
- Susan Klein
- Saundra Newsom
- Vincenzo Crifasi
- Nancy Schelle
- Ina Square
- Bob Richards
- Deborah Kennedy
- Harold Palmer
- Connie Thigpen
- Alma Moreno Lahm
- Stephanie Doolan
- Janet Hallier
- Belinda Young
- Amy Darpinian
23Region 7- U.S. EPA Brownfields Team 901 N. 5th
Street Kansas City, KS 66101 (913)
551-7786 r7-Brownfields_at_epa.gov