Title: Quartz Plate Simulation Status
1Quartz Plate Simulation Status
- F. Duru, U. Akgun, A.S. Ayan, J. Olson, Y. Onel
- The University of Iowa
2Quartz Plate Simulation Studies
- Version of the simulation as of October 15,
2005 - GEANT 4.7.1
- WLS Fiber (Bicron 91a) embedded in the Quartz
Plate - Counts Cerenkov photons reaching the
3Quartz Plate Simulation Studies
Iron absorber
Quartz Plate
WLS fiber
4An example event of detected photons with Fe
absorber in front
- Quartz Plate is wrapped with reflecting material
of 95 efficiency. - Currently UVA, UVB regions are included.
(gt280nm) - Cerenkov Photons are shown in GREEN.
- Photons emitted by WLS process are shown in RED.
- The WLS-fiber is visible by the wls (red) photons
traveling in it.
5Simulation Geometry
- 10 x 10x 0.2 cm Quartz plate
- 0.35/0.30 mm radius clad/core wls fiber
- Counting the photons (wls)
- reaching the PMT
- PMT photo-cathode detection.
6Simulation Geometries
O-shape wls
S-shape wls
Y-shape wls
7Simulated WLS (Bicron 91a) Fiber
We simulated Bicron 91a WLS fiber. This can , of
course, be changed.
The wavelength distribution of generated Cerenkov
and WLShifted photons shown.
8Surface Scan O-Shape
- Scans made with 4 GeV electron beam.
- At every 5 mm in x and y.
- 1000 events for each (x,y) pair.
9Surface Scan Y-Shape
10Surface Scan S-Shape
11Photon Arrival(to PMT) Times
S-shape mean2.9 ns rms 1.1 ns
O-shape mean4.1ns rms 3.4 ns
Y-shape mean2.8 ns rms 2.3 ns
All wls shapes have a mean lt 4 ns photon arrival
12Light Collection Non-Uniformity O-shape
Assume (0 cm,0cm)100 Min 14
Max 614 Ave 127
13Light Collection Non-Uniformity S-shape
Assume (0 cm, 0cm)100 Min 48
Max 253 Ave 80
14Light Collection Non-Uniformity Y-shape
Assume (0 cm,0 cm) 100 Min 21
Max 170 Ave 43
15Light Collection Efficiencies
Both Y- and S- have better light collection
efficiencies than O-shape.
16Light Collection Efficiency Comparison
Light collection efficiency ratios calculated as
the ratio of total number detected
photons by PMT during surface scans for each
fiber geometry O S Y 1 9.9 11.4
- Y-shape has the highest light yield compared to
- S- and O-geometries
- (O S Y 1 9.9 11.4)
- S-shape has the best surface uniformity on ligth
collection - O-shape Max/Min 614/14 44, RMS/Mean0.62
- S-shape Max/Min 253/48 5, RMS/Mean0.36
- Y-shape Max/Min 170/21 8, RMS/Mean0.52