Title: Maintaining Dysphagia Skills Over a Professional Lifetime
1Maintaining Dysphagia Skills Over a Professional
- Soenke Stanschus
- Karlsbad, Germany
- Janet Brown, ASHA
- Invited SessionDivision 13
- Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders
2Special Interest Division 13Swallowing and
Swallowing Disorders Why join ASHA Division 13
Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders?
- Perspectives Newsletter 4 per year with CEUs
sent electronically. - Discounts on Division sponsored short courses at
the ASHA convention and other ASHA educational
offerings - Networking with colleagues through a Division
listserve and web forum - Tools to help you advocate for yourself and your
- Policy documents to guide your practice
- Grants to support your research practice
including 2 new investigator grants for first
time presenters at DRS - Learn about Specialty Recognition in Swallowing
and Swallowing Disorders - All this for a remarkably small investment
- 35.00 year
- 10.00 year/students
3Special Interest Division 13 Swallowing and
Swallowing Disorders 2007 ASHA Convention
- Join Us
- Special Interest Division 13
- Meeting Date 11/16/07
- Time 430pm-530pm
- Location Room
- Boston Convention Exhibition Center, 52B
- Please join us.
- Your input is very important!
Visit us at the Graduate Student Fair Thursday
and Friday afternoon at the ASHA Exhibit
Hall We will have a thank you gift for you at
the Div 13 table
4SLP and Swallowing Past, Present, Future
- Janet Brown
- Director, Health Care Services in SLP
- jbrown_at_asha.org
5How Dysphagia Evolved in SLP
- Early involvement with children with cerebral
palsy - 1972 Articles (Larsen, G.)
- 1975 Article on cinefluorography study
(Blonsky, Logemann, Boshes, Fisher) - 1983-4 Books by Logemann Groher
- 1988 Endoscopy article (Langmore et al.)
6Dysphagia as Policy
- 1981 Included in Medicare guidelines
- 1987 1st ASHA technical report
- now 15 at www.asha.org/policy
- 1989 Medicare recognizes dysphagia as
stand-alone service - 1999 AHCPR (now AHRQ) evidence-based report
- 2005 CFCC Standards for Certification include
swallowing - 2007 New ICD-9 codes
7Acquiring and Maintaining Skills Two Early
8What Were/Are the Stakes for SLPs?
- Positive perceptions
- Professional credibility
- Good outcomes for patients
- Reimbursement
- Negative perceptions
- Overgeneralized
- One size fits all
- Obstructionist
9Current Practice What are the Standards for
Professional Skills?
10Adult Swallowing Services Percentage of Time
11Pediatric Swallowing ServicesPercentage of Time
12Schools Percentage of SLPs Who Treat Swallowing
13Current Standards
- Certificate of Clinical Competence
- Board Recognized Specialist in Swallowing
- (BRS-S)
- Clinical (including supervision)
- Research/Teaching
- www.swallowingdisorders.org
- Affiliations
- Division 13 membership
- Dysphagia Research Society
14 ASHA Policy Documents
- Scope of Practice (2007)
- Oral, pharyngeal, laryngeal, and esophageal
- Preferred Practice Patterns
- Position statements, technical reports, knowledge
and skills - Evolution toward clinical practice guidelines
15Recommendations for Acquiring Knowledge and
- Reading, continuing education
- Direct observation
- Practice under direct supervision
- Independent practice with
- indirect supervision
16Continuing Education
- Not all CE programs are created equal
- What ASHA CEU means
- How to evaluate quality of programs
- www.asha.org/members/evaluate
17Transmitting Expertise
- Access to
- clinical experts
- instrumentation
- populations
- Peer learning/mentoring
- Journal study groups
- Hands-on clinical teaching
18Facilitating Peer Learning/Mentoring
- Opportunities for clinical observation,
shadowing, coaching - Needed for transitions to new populations
- Adult to pediatric
- Hospital to SNF
- Schools to health care
- Health care to schools
19Challenges for Clinicians
- Training in supervision
- Awareness of resources
- Ability to give feedback
- www.asha.org/members/slp/supervision
20Role of Research
- Demand for evidence to support clinical practice
- Need for greater collaboration, research skills
21Other Influences
- Commercial interests/Public perception
22Other Influences
- Payers
- Medicare, Medicaid
- Private insurance
- State legislatures scope of practice
- Legislative/regulatory
- Other professions
23New Frontiers
24Scope of Practice
- Esophagus
- Instrumentation
- Collaboration vs. encroachment
- Coding (ICD-10 ICF)
- Home environment
- Assessment
- Supervision
- Unresolved issues
- Licensure
- Reimbursement
- Standardization
- Photo Courtesy of National Rehabilitation
Hospital, Washington, D.C.
26Specialists or Generalists?
- University programs
- Next generation of SLP clinicians