Title: NEFE High School
1NEFE High School Financial Planning
2What do you know about Teens and money in your
3What Percent of Teens
- ___ Know whether a check cashing service
is good to use? - ___ Know how credit card interest and fees
work? - ___ Owe money to a person or company?
- ___ Know how to use a credit card?
- 26 Know whether a check cashing service
is good to use. - 30 Know how credit card interest and fees work.
- 31 Owe money to a person or company.
- 48 Know how to use a credit card.
5What are the 5 Top things Teens Need to Learn
About Money?
6About the HSFPP
- Basic money management curriculum.
- Gives teens what they need in order to begin
using the skills the program teaches - Offers opportunities for family and trusted
financial professionals to play a role.
7Why is this important for teens?
- Financial security in adulthood is extremely
important. - The high bankruptcy rate among young people.
- High level of personal debt amongst young people
after HS - Lack of experience handling money
- They dont always learn about this at home.
8Why do teens need this now?
- Many guaranteed benefits adults used to enjoy
are being reduced or eliminated - Personal savings among adults have never been
lower - Theres a need to get students out of a debtor
mentality and into a saving state of mind.
9Program Materials
Student Guide
- One copy per student
- Student keeps their student guide when course is
completed - Order extras to replace when lost.
- Tour the student guide
Instructor Manual
- One copy per teacher
- Has most of the instructional materials
- Tour the Instructor Manual
12Data Disk with all Program Materials
Take-Home Brochure For Parents
Spanish Version Via Download
13Complete Presentation Visuals
Interactive Excel Spreadsheets
PowerPoint or PDF Format
14Certificate of Completion
One available for each book you order