Title: Forensic Psychology II CRJS 3107
1Forensic Psychology IICRJS 3107
- Nipissing University
- Lecture 1
- 9 January 2007
2Contact Information
- Instructor Dr. Jane Barker
- Office is A108A
- Office Hours Tuesdays Thursdays from 200
300 p.m. (or by appointment) - Phone (705) 474-3450 x 4487
- EMAIL janeb_at_nipissingu.ca
3Course Information
- Textbook
- Andrews, D.A. Bonta, J. (2003). The Psychology
of Criminal Conduct (3rd edition). Cincinnati,
Anderson Publishing Co. - Class Schedule
- Tuesdays 630 930 p.m.
- Required Readings each week
- Final Grades will be determined as follows
5Class Schedule
6Letter Grades and Grading Standards Nipissing
- Please consult page 271 of the 2005-2006
Nipissing University Academic Calendar for a full
description of the Letter Grades and Grading
7Course Info on the Web
- CRJS 3107 website
- Syllabus
- Assignment
- Announcements
- Go to www.nipissingu.ca
- Click on Faculty and Departments
- Click on Criminal Justice
- Click on Faculty
- Click on link under my name
- Click on Access Protected Area
- Enter Password
- Click on Course CRJS 3107
8Group Presentations
- Groups of 6-7 students
- Power-point presentation
- 45 to 50 minutes in length
- List of Topics to select from
- Sent to Course instructor by 4pm of the day of
the presentation - APA referencing for slides
- ONE GROUP MARK worth 15 of grade for each member
of each group - PARTICIPATION MARK worth 5
- 2 page summary
- Of personal contribution to the group assignment
- Due by 7 p.m. Tuesday April 3th, 2007
- Late papers
- will be penalized 10 per day that they are late
10APA Style
- Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association - Nipissing Library Reference Desk
- call BF76.7 .P83 2001
- web site for APA http//www.apastyle.org/
11Groups and Topic Selection
- A Quick Review of the Treatment Principles
13Treatment Principles
- Risk Principle
- Match treatment services to risk level
- Need Principle
- Target criminogenic needs
- Responsivity Principle
- Match treatment style to offenders learning
style - Professional Discretion
- Program Integrity
Andrews, D. Bonta, J. (2003). The Psychology of
Criminal Conduct (3rd ed). Cincinnati, Anderson
Publishing Co.
14Risk Principle
- Criminal Behaviour can be predicted
- Treatment matching
- Link between assessment treatment
Andrews, D. Bonta, J. (2003). The Psychology of
Criminal Conduct (3rd ed). Cincinnati, Anderson
Publishing Co.
15The Need Principle
- Criminogenic Needs VS. Noncriminogenic Needs
- Dynamic
- Assoc. with Recidivism Weak assoc. with
Recid. - Change Crim Need Change Noncrim Need
- Change Recidivism Rate No change in recidivism
Andrews, D. Bonta, J. (2003). The Psychology of
Criminal Conduct (3rd ed). Cincinnati, Anderson
Publishing Co.
16Responsivity Principle
- Style and mode
- Cognitive Behavioural
- Motivation to change
Andrews, D. Bonta, J. (2003). The Psychology of
Criminal Conduct (3rd ed). Cincinnati, Anderson
Publishing Co.
17Professional Discretion
- Decision making
- Risk, Need, Responsivity are Empirical Basis for
decision - Professional Overrides
- Used judiciously
- Track them, analyze them.
Andrews, D. Bonta, J. (2003). The Psychology of
Criminal Conduct (3rd ed). Cincinnati, Anderson
Publishing Co.
18Program Integrity
- Is the Assessment Measure being used properly?
- Addition Errors?
- Conceptual Errors?
- Resistance to Change?
- Monitor
- Additional Training
Andrews, D. Bonta, J. (2003). The Psychology of
Criminal Conduct (3rd ed). Cincinnati, Anderson
Publishing Co.
19High Risk Offender
20Readings for Next Class