Title: Innovations in Training
1- Innovations in Training
- Employee Assistance
2Critical Incident
- Is any event which has a stressful impact
sufficient enough to overwhelm the usually
effective coping skills of either an individual
or group. They are typically sudden, powerful
events which are outside the range of ordinary
human experiences.
3Critical time periods
- The initial day of the incident
- Up to 3 days following the incident
- 1 week after the incident
- 1 month after the incident
4Who is affected
- Primary victim
- Secondary victims
- Family
- Friends
- Fellow workers
- Support staff Management
Improved Job - person fit Pre-employment
induction training Stress management and
Training Critical Incident management policy
Time Management Maintenance of Physiological
Health Maintenance of Psychological
Health Personal Stress management Strategies
Relaxation Response Meditation Bio feedback and
desensitization Behaviour Modification Escape
alcohol, drugs Counselling
Critical Incident counselling and
debriefing Relocation
6NETTHERAPY BTM Solutions at your finger tips
Critical incident management
Online / live counselling Therapy
Workplace Education Training
7The Cycle of Support workplace well being
Information from TNA forms the basis of education
training programs. These programs prepare
individuals and organizations to cope with
critical incidents.
Individual organizational preparedness limits
the impact of critical incidents on employees
and productivity.
Counselling, the information gathering process
that forms the basis of TNA and provides support
to impacted employees
8Critical Incident Management
- Professional debriefing (group personal)
- Personal stress and trauma management
- Work within operational guidelines and protocols
(WHS) - Regular incident and personal progress reports
- Ongoing support via the internet to accelerate
recovery - Personal management support to assist in employee
9Online / live counselling and support
- Therapeutic psychological support
- Reinforces prior education and training during
and after C I T - Gathers information on staff capacities and
recovery - Provides feedback for improving workplace
procedures processes - Acts to minimise managerial stress
responsibility during and after C I T
10Workplace Education Training
- Preventative education designed to prepare staff
for critical incidents - Communication, mediation stress management
- Training needs analysis
- Maintains learning organisation strategies
- Organisational knowledge management
- Organisation Content specific
11This means a healthy return on time and money
invested through
- Less down time / absenteeism
- Increased motivation hence productivity
- More stable workplace
- Happier working environment
- Increased employee confidence/self esteem
- Increased employee loyalty
- Improved job security satisfaction
12So where does it all begin?
13Workplace Education and Training
- Prevention preparedness minimises impact
- Develops a supportive work environment
- Creates a learning organisation
14Two Levels of training
- Personal
- Organizational Management and Critical Incident
Officer training
15Anyone who has been or is likely to be involved
with a Critical Incident the associated Trauma
- Staff
- Family members of staff
- Management
16Personal Stress Management
- Physiology of Stress
- Fight or flight
- Chemical reactions
- Autonomic reactions
- Physical reactions
- Physical disorders pain
17Personal Stress Management
- Behavioural patterns of stress
- Depression
- Moods swings
- Atypical behaviour
- Hypochondriasis
- Helplessness
18Personal Stress Management
- Cognitive processing and stress
- Thought patterns
- Regression
- Perception and reality
19Personal Stress Management
- Techniques in Stress management
- Relaxation
- Guided Fantasies (detachment)
- Cognitive reprogramming
20Organisational Stress Management
- 6 stages of stress management
- Emotional behavioural stabilisation
- Trauma education
- Stress management
- Trauma focus
- Relapse prevention
- Follow-up maintenance
21Critical Incident Officer training
- Counselling theory and practice
- Debriefing techniques
- Psychotraumatology
- Defusing
22Live / online counselling and therapy
- Providing staff with an opportunity to receive
help and support - Taking advantage of existing support for
23Its in your hands