Title: Aviana Bulgarelli
1Meeting of the Advisory Committee for Vocational
Training17-18 November 2005, Brussels
- Aviana Bulgarelli
- Director of Cedefop
2Cedefops role and tasks
- The aim of the Centre is to assist the Commission
in encouraging, at Community level, the promotion
and development of vocational education training
and of in-service training. - As the European Unions reference centre for
vocational education and training, Cedefop
provides policy-makers, researchers and
practitioners with information to allow them to
have a clearer understanding of developments in
VET and to take well-informed decisions on future
3Cedefops role and task
- Cedefop promotes the European and international
dimensions of education and training systems by
encouraging and facilitating mutual learning
(between countries, researchers and professional
4Cedefops role and tasks
- Cedefops statutory role is to provide
information and to report on and analyse
developments in Member States and at European
level. In accordance with Article 2 of Cedefops
founding Regulation, its main tasks are to - contribute to developing and coordinating
research - exploit and disseminate useful information
- encourage and support a concerted approach to
vocational education and training problems - compile selected documentation and analysis of
data - provide a forum for all those concerned.
5Serving its partners
- Cedefop supplies its products and services to the
following stakeholders - the European Commission, European Parliament and
other European institutions - the Member States
- social partners
- other policy-makers, including local and regional
authorities - vocational education and training researchers and
practitioners - associated countries (Iceland and Norway) and
candidate countries.
6Cedefops medium-term priorities 2006-08
- Cedefop will contribute to the education and
training 2010 work programme in support of the
Lisbon goals and the European Council
Stockholm/Barcelona conclusions. - Cedefop will concentrate on the four priorities
cited in the Maastricht Communiqué.
7Transversal tools
- From 2007 Cedefop will support the new integrated
lifelong learning (LLL) programme. - It will support thematic networks and create
synergy between the LLL programme as a laboratory
of innovation and Cedefop as a tool in the
service of the EUs vocational training policy. - Assistance in implementing the integrated LLL
programme will also be provided and will promote
coherence with the activities of the European
Social Fund and other lifelong learning-related
8Transversal tools
- Cedefop will, in cooperation with others, provide
comparable information on the EUs lifelong
learning approach. The introduction of coherent
and comprehensive national lifelong learning
strategies, which is due to take place by 2006,
needs analysis and reporting arrangements with
Cedefops reference and expertise network
(ReferNet), which provides a sound basis for data
collection, review, analysis, research input and
dissemination of information on education and
9Transversal tools
- A major tool in enhanced cooperation is the
knowledge management system, which will provide
thematic comparative information as a foundation
for policy development.The European training
village will develop a thematic approach with a
constantly updated web-based transversal and
comparative reporting system and a platform for
networking and exchange. - Cedefop will continue to report on change and
innovation in VET research. The next research
report will focus on the Maastricht priorities.
10Transversal tools
- Cedefop will support cooperation and partnership
on issues related to human resource development
through the social dialogue on vocational
education and training, and particularly on
sectoral activities.
11Transversal tools
- Cedefop will continue to develop networks and
organise conferences and meetings to provide a
platform for dialogue, exchange and policy input.
In particular, it will organise study visits on
behalf of the European Commission for mutual and
peer learning on priority issues.
12Transversal tools
- Cedefop will work together with the European
Commission, Eurostat and other international
partners (such as the OECD, Unesco, the ILO and
the Council of Europe) in developing and
disseminating comparative statistics on education
and training, and especially on VET, within the
overall framework of lifelong learning.
13Transversal tools
- Cedefop will ensure high visibility and quality
of service and disseminate the outcomes of its
work through a variety of channels the Cedefop
website the ETV including its networks and
projects electronic publications and databases
and through key reference publications on
research and policy and other publications, such
as the European journal vocational training, the
Panorama series and the Cedefop info broadsheet.
14On going conclusions
- Cedefop is the EU tool for knowledge based policy
making - Cedefops priorities match the policy agenda in
VET and LLL - Cedefops Governing Board is the guarantee that
activities target the needs of policy makers and
social partners
15For further information
P.O. Box 22427 GR-55102 Thessaloniki
Greece Tel. (30) 23 10 49 01 11 Fax (30) 23 10
49 01 02 E-mail info_at_cedefop.eu.int websites ww
w.cedefop.eu.int www.trainingvillage.gr http//com
Brussels Office 20, avenue dAuderghem B-1040
Brussels Tel. (32-2) 230 19 78 Fax (32-2)
230 58 24 E-mail info.be_at_cedefop.eu.int