Title: Status of Oregon Health Plan Multnomah County April 2004
1Status of Oregon Health PlanMultnomah
CountyApril 2004
- Desired Outcome At the end of the briefing an
increased understanding of - Oregon Health Plan (OHP) History
- Current Status of OHP - System wide, Regionally
and Locally - The Future of OHP - Potential Scenarios, Changes
and Remedies
Lillian Shirley, MCHD Dave Ford, CareOregon
- 1965 Federal Law
- Medicaid Provide for the most vulnerable
- Medicare Improve care access for elderly
- Covered 9.1 of Population in 1978
- Covered 12 of Population in 1998
- Joint Federal and State Program
- Eligibility based on income and need category
3In Oregon
Oregon .37
Federal .63
- 32 Million Nationally
- 430,000 in Oregon
- Not all low income people
- States decide groups
- Financial criteria
- For Oregon to receive Federal Funds
- Meet categorical Criteria
- Or, have a waiver
5People Enrolled by Eligibility
- Mothers and Children
- Blind and Disabled
- SSI Social Security
- Pregnant Women
- Medicare
- Without Medicare
- With Medicaid
6Very Real for Oregon
7Choices facing Legislatorsin 1990
- Cut enrollment despite increased Need
- Pay providers less Doctors, Hospitals less
- Develop a method for better Purchasing
- Rationing
- Managing Reducing wasteful practices
8Oregon Legislative Decision 90s
- We want to cover all vulnerable in Oregon
- We want to Pay only for necessary care
- Which is important for life or will actually cure
people - Which is fairly set by experts and the community
- We want to manage the efficiency of the care
delivered to enrollees - We want the Federal Government to help pay for
9- The Oregon Health Plan
- As designed
- Consensus about Priorities of benefits
- Set by experts and community
- Apply for Federal Waiver
- Extended coverage to
- Employers
- People not now qualified for Medicaid
- 150-200 of Federal Poverty level
- Washington agrees to pay .63
- per Oregon Dollar spent
A Great Vision
10So What Happened
- Oregon Expanded Coverage to 100,000 more people
- The Delivery System expanded capacity
- Counties and Safety Net
- New paying clients instead of free care
- Mental Health, Chemical Dependency, Physical
Medicine - New organizations to Manage Care
- CareOregon Founded by Multnomah, SNC, OHSU
11Current Status
12Measure30 Vote
- 911
- National Recession
- Job losses
- State Revenue Down
2002 E-Board 2003 Legislature
13(No Transcript)
14National Criminal Justice/MentalHealth
Consortium Study1999
- Many Untreated end up in CJS
- Mentally Ill
- Chemically Dependent
- Jails are full and expensive
- Study in Marion County, Oregon 40 bankruptcies
due to insurmountable health costs
151.1 Million
16If Standard Goes Away, Who Pays
Charges With Coverage
Medicaid Payment For Standard
Federal Dollars
17(No Transcript)
18Oregon Average Health BenefitPer Employee
7500 7000 6500 6000 5700
Will this Help Oregon's Job Recovery?
National West
ORSW Washington
Source Mercer 2004
19Safety Net Infrastructure ShrinkageFrom Loss of
OHP Standard
- Out Patient CD
- Multnomah County
- Potentially Loss of County Clinic Sites
- PCP Access Reduced
- ER up
- Real jobs lost in recovering economy
20The Future OHP Potential
21Managed Care and Hospital Taxto Support OHP
Federally Approved
Net Combined Tax 39.7 MM
Pending Approval
22(No Transcript)
Current Level
New Reset Program
Standard Stable _at_ Approx. 23,000
2004 2005
Next Decade
24Impact Multnomah County Who We ServeFY 04
Compared to 05
Primary Care Medical Visits First 7 months of
Primary Care Medical Visits First 7 months of
Self-Pay Uninsured 26
Self-Pay Uninsured 33
Medicaid/OHP Plus 44
Medicaid/OHP Plus 71
25Impact of Oregon Health Plan Changes To Date on
Primary Care Visits Budget to Actual FY04
26Revenues Decline while Service Demand Rises
Visit Trend Compared to CGF and Medicaid Funding
27MCHD Response to Changes in OHP Reconfiguration
of Clinical Services
- Customers
- Finance
- Processes
- Employees