Title: A Human Rights Travesty
1A Human Rights Travesty
Perpetuating poverty, disease and death to
prevent speculative climate chaos
International Conference on Climate Change New
York March 4, 2008
2Global warming is real . . .
The chasm
- Humans are to blame
- The changes will be cataclysmic
- Reducing CO2 will stabilize Earths climate
- Reducing emissions will be easy
3Climate change through the ages
- Ice ages
- Medieval Warm Period
- Little Ice Age
- Warm and cold periods
4Climate change is about power
- Power to control the power we need for
- Heating and cooling
- Food and consumer products
- Transportation
- Modern living standards
New York City during a blackout
5Who gets to decide?
Consumers, employees who own our energy
resources? Or someone else?
6Benefits of fossil fuels
- Modern living standards
- 1 degree of planetary warming
7Energy Reality in America
- Fossil fuels 84.9 of all the energy Americans
use - 39.8 petroleum
- 22.6 coal
- 22.5 natural gas
- Nuclear power 8.2
- Renewable energy 6.9
- 2.9 hydroelectric
- 3.3 biomass (wood waste, garbage, etc)
- 0.3 geothermal
- 0.1 solar and photovoltaic
- 0.3 wind
87 billion gallons of ethanol in 2007
- 17 million acres
- 35 billion gallons of water
- Insecticides
- Fertilizers
- Diesel and natural gas
- More greenhouse gases
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 2,000 acres
1/20 of Washington, DC
9Wind power versus fossil fuels
- Electrify New York City
- Blanket Connecticut
- One gas-fired generating plant or
- 13,000 wind turbines
10Pushing America into an Energy Gap
- Between the energy we need and
- The energy we will be left with
- MegaWatts or
- BeggaWatts ??
11Slashing greenhouse gas emissions
- Japan 85 reduction
- United States 88
- European Union 83
12Reducing energy use
- Al Gore 100 million Africans
No tolerance for layoffs No tax breaks for job
exporters No tax hikes or so they claim
13Lieberman-Warner climate change bill
- Slash CO2 emissions by 80
- Draconian cuts in living standards
- Lowered economic activity
- Cost hundreds of billions of dollars
- Raise cost of living
- Increase business costs reduce profits
- Send operations and jobs overseas
14Trampling on civil rights
- Energy is The Master Resource
- It transforms civil rights we have on paper
- into civil rights in reality
- life, liberty, pursuit of happiness
- Policies that lock up energy and increase prices
- trample on civil rights
15Anti-people policies
- Barring access to
- Fossil fuels
- Hydroelectric power
- Biotechnology
- Effective malaria control
16Gar Smith, Earth Island Institute
- Once they get electricity, they spend too much
time watching television and listening to the
radio. If there is going to be electricity, Id
like it to be decentralized, small and
17Ed Begley, Jr., actor
- Its much cheaper for everybody in Africa to
have electricity where they need it on their
18Appropriate alternatives to electricity
19Appropriate alternatives to tap water
20Appropriate alternatives to modern kitchens
21Consequences of energy deprivation
- Lung infections 4 million dead / year
- Intestinal disease 6 million dead / year
22Views of real stakeholders 1
- Opposition to these energy projects is a crime
against humanity! - We dont want to be encased like a museum.
- People of Gujarat Province, India
23Views of real stakeholders 2
- Telling destitute people they must never aspire
to living standards much better than they have
now because it wouldnt be sustainable is
just one example of the hypocrisy we have had
thrust in our faces . - Leon Louw, South Africa
24Protecting civil and human rights
- Families in developing countries must take their
rightful places among the Earths healthy and
prosperous people. - Rabbi Daniel Lapin
Sustained development not sustainable
25The Master Resource Ultimate Resource
- Abundant energy the Master Resource
- Abundant mineral resources
- Intellect and creativity The Ultimate Resource
- Free enterprise
- Working together to ensure
- health, prosperity, environmental quality
26Congress of Racial Equality www.CORE-online.org
Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow
www.CFACT.org Center for the Defense of Free
Enterprise www.CDFE.org www.Eco-Imperialism.com