Title: Understanding and Protecting Our Home Planet
1Observations, Models, Experiments, and
Uncertainty Science Framework for Rapid
Prototyping Capacity NASAs Applied
Sciences Program
RPC Workshop
April 19, 2006
L. DeWayne Cecil
29 Next Generation Missions
3Goals of the Science Framework Session
- Overview Of An Example RPC Experiment
- Present Several Tools That Can Be Components In
Rapid Prototyping Configurations - Research Results From
- NASAs Modeling and Analysis Program
- Earth System Modeling Framework
- NASAs Water and Energy Management Program
- Observation System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs)
- Pros and Cons
- Project Columbia
- Maintain Scientific Rigor Throughout The Process
- Characterization and Reporting of Uncertainty
- Science and Engineering Community Peer Review
4Bringing Global Climate Change Model Projections
to the Watershed Scale Pitfalls, Opportunities,
and Uncertainties for Decision Support
- Watershed-Scale Applied Sciences Questions?
- (1) How can global predictions of future rapid
climate change and its effects be enhanced and
used at the watershed scale? - (2) How are uncertainties in global projections
compounded, or not, at the watershed scale?
5Bringing Global Climate Change Model Projections
to the Watershed Scale Pitfalls, Opportunities,
and Uncertainties for Decision Support
Potential Partners
- Watershed scale, 2-D, snow, ice, and water mass
balance model (Plummer and Phillips, 2005) with
input from NASA global scale projections - Rigorous large ensemble probability distribution
analyses - OSSE datasets for next generation satellites
- Rigorous statistical design built into OSSEs
upfront (NIST as a partner) - Climate Models in ESMF GISS Model E and other
GMAO Analyses
- Use OSSE simulated next generation and current
mission datasets for climate change scenario
assessments WITH associated uncertainties carried
throughout projections - Use OSSE simulated data from next generation
missions with existing measurements of climate
change parameters from space to estimate the
watershed-scale mass balance and climate change
impacts - Interagency AlignmentCCSP, CCTP, US GEO
- Uncertainty analyses, uncertainty analyses,
Uncertainty analyses! - Global/Regional/Water-shed scale model products
- Regional differences in aerosols and trace gas
concentrations and impacts on climatology - 12 18 month seasonal forecasts,
- 5 20 year projections,
- Century timescale projections
- Impacts of global climate change on the Watershed
scale - Water resource management on local scale
- Climate-change impacts on waste- management
facility sighting - Decision support with uncertainty quantified and
communicated (NSF as a partner)
- Natural anthropogenic aerosols, black carbon
- Trace gas profiles
- Climate-Change Parameters
- Tropical/Global/Regional Precipitation
- Total Aerosols
- Atmosphere Aura, TRMM, OCO, CALIPSO, CloudSat,
GPM, Aquarius - Land ICESat, MODIS
- Field Mission Watershed- scale airborne
campaigns, Ground-based monitoring network
Uncertainty Analysis, Scientific Rigor, Community
Peer Review
Next Generation Missions
6Tasks of the Chief Scientist
- Science Advisor to Program Director, Applied
Sciences - Facilitation of Increased Collaboration Between
Data Managers and Data Assimilators/Modelers - Guide the Capacity Building for Addressing
Growing Ocean Science Issues - Infuse Scientific Rigor Into the Transition
Process from Research Results to Operations - Science Advisor to Program Managers in 12 Focus
Areas of National Priority - Establish an External Earth Science Applications
Advisory Committee - Help to Expand Collaboration With New Research
Partners - Establish Guidelines for Benchmark Reports and
Monitor Process from Proposal Activity to
Published Documents
7NASA Plan for Applied Sciences Activities
Research and Analysis Program
Applied Sciences Program
National Applications
Crosscutting Solutions
Scientific Rigor
Rapid Prototyping Capacity
NASA Earth Science Research
Integrated System Solution
Societal Benefits
Solutions Network
Uncertainty Analysis
- Water and Energy
- Climate
- Weather
- Carbon
- Solid Earth
- Atm Composition
- Solar
- Verification and Validation
8Why host a global modeling session at a future
AGU meeting?
- Earth is a complex system driven by many physical
processes - Understanding the earth systems naturally
gravitates towards modeling - Capacity of computing systems allow increasingly
more detailed and sophisticated modeling - More sophisticated models require understanding
across discipline boundaries (oceans to
atmospheres to solid earth geophysics) and ever
increasing demand for observations to validate
and initialize the models, and potential for
assimilation into the models
9Why should modelers and data providers work more
- Earth observations have increased many fold in
the past decade, and models are arguably the
biggest consumer of those earth observations - Theres a perception that observational data are
underutilized in global models and when they are
used, they are used inefficiently
10(No Transcript)
11- Late Pleistocene pluvial lakes in the Western
Great Basin - Reheis et al.
12Essence of the session Exchange of
- about models and their needs for data.
- about data sets of potential interest to models
- about modeling techniques of potential use across
earth science modeling communities
13(No Transcript)
14Intellectual Leadership
15Contact Information
L. DeWayne Cecil, Ph.D. NASA Applied Sciences
Program Chief Scientist/Systems Engineer NASA
Headquarters 300 E St. SW Washington, DC
20546 202-358-0743 lcecil_at_hq.nasa.gov