Title: TETRA
1TETRA in PPDR environment
Anssi Kuusela Board Member, TETRA
Association CIO, City of Helsinki Rescue
Department P.O.box 112 (Agricolankatu
15) FIN-00099 CITY OF HELSINKI tel 358 9 3936
3312 mobile 358 50 3296 231 e-mail
2TETRA in PPDR environment
- Finnish perspective
- Finland participating
- - peace keeping and crisis management (UN
and EU-operations (NATO)) - - disaster relief operations (bilateral aid,
UN-/EU-operations ? Finn Rescue, UNDAC, IHP) - Finnish authorities network VIRVE for public
safety and protection. - Presentation discripes...
- an overall picture of using TETRA based PMR
system in PPDR environments - Fire and Rescue Services, Ambulance services
etc. - in Disaster Relief operation and in exceptional
circumstances - ? needs in large scale disaster situations.
- ? very demanding, environment
- Finally, an overview to future possibililties
what we see with TETRA
3Requirements for Radio Communication inPublic
Protection and Disaster Relief -
environmentFinnish perspective
4VIRVE Secure communication for Authorities
- Fire and Rescue Service
- Police
- Ambulanceservice
- Social and health authority
- Defence forces
- Customs
- Border guard
- Some specially selected
- security authorities and
- companies
- Group centric instant communication
- Fast response times
- Guaranteed availability of service
- Quick calls
- Full control of resources
- InfoSec
- Combined radio, mobile telephony,
- messaging IP data
- Virtual Private Networking to build
- shared networks - cooperation
- Powerful voice dispatch features
- Much improved spectrum efficiency
- TETRA is the open ETSI standard for digital PMR
- Multi vendor
- Open standard
5TETRA in Fire and Rescue ServicesHelsinki
6Business benefits
- Fire and Rescue organisation
- Saving more lives (own and customers)
- Arriving better informed
- Co-operation
- Management of talk groups
- Emergency call
- Information security
- DATA services? Applications
7C4I applications
- Homeland needs and international needs
- work done already in Helsinki
- C4I for fire and rescue services
- ? System operational ? Positioning, management
and - leading, communication, analysing,
- backround information, reporting
- C4I for Ambulance services
- ? ongoing project ? Critical patient data from
database to field - and sent from the field to hospital
- C4I for Civil defence
- ? Using Fire and Rescue C4I special features
8TETRA for disaster relief operationsFinnish
9International Operations
TETRA future in crisis management and disaster
- Finland supports UN/OCHA conducted UNDAC missions
and - EU-missions through EU mecanism and maintain
- FRF, Finn Rescue Force
- Disaster relief
- participation also in bilateral relief
mission - e.g. Flods, forest fire etc. in neighbouring
10(No Transcript)
11- What are the basic characteristic features in
disaster - relief operations?
- Destruction of infrastructure
- No comms network
- Variety of disasters no precise standard plan
of action - What kind of needs for radio communication?
- - Ad hoc situation
- Different organizations
- co-operation needs ? interoprability
- large variety of communication equipment
- in what phase joining operation
- independency from locals
- needs of own organization vs. co-operative needs
12DCN Deployable COTS Network
13User and Operator view (Finnish military TETRA
- Finnish Communication system has got a lot of
positive attention - Users
- Users are satisfied for the system, services and
small mobile terminals - Because of the good network coverage security of
the force has enhanced - Main service is group traffic
- SMS is used very much, also for emergency
messages - Data services wanted ? Applications
- Authorities on the area are very interested
- Operator
- Container solution is good
- Star shape of the transmission network has caused
some unstable situations in the TETRA -network - Interference time to time. Need for measurement
equipment - Easy to operate. Mobile management terminals are
14Why TETRA for international operations?
- light device which is easy to handle for a single
user - a digital radio network with versatile services
- Tetra is used for the Public Safety radio
Communication system in Finland (called VIRVE) - Tetra is the official ETSI standard and finished
COTS (standard) product ? Multivendor system
15Co-operation needs are there wherelse
- Change of basic information for assessment of
situation - Regions political and cultural history
- State and regional level administration
- Public administration and services
- Economical situation
- Problems within population (employment, incomes,
etc) - Movement of population (refugees, internally
displaced persons) - International organisations with mandate and
other civil organisations in the region, their
mission and ability to act - Media
- Need for co-ordination and agreed course of
action - Information change of incidents and other
relevant information - Common operations, preparations and execution
16UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan Building
sustainable peace - Speech before the german
Bundestag, Feb 28, 2002 All these tasks
humanitarian, military, political, social and
economic are interconnected, and people engaged
in them need to work closely together. We cannot
expect lasting succes in any of them unless we
pursue all of them at once, as part of a
recources are lacking of any one of them, all the
others may turn out to have been pursued in vain.
17C4I applications
- Homeland needs and international needs
- work done already in Finland
- C4I in fire and rescue services
- ? System operational
- C4I in Ambulance services
- ? ongoing project
- C4I in Civil defence
- ? Using Fire and Rescue C4I
- C4I in international operations
- ? ITCM?
19European dimension What we believe in Finland
- EU/Schengen mandate to create cross-border
interoperability for police, customs etc systems -
- National TETRA Public Safety networks built
already in Belgium, Finland, The Netherlands, UK - National projects in many other countries in
various phases - TETRA will be the common platform of
interoperable Public Safety and protection
systems across the EU and worldwide - TETRA continues to be the solution for demanding
mobile users in PMR sector - Shared network improves communication and reduces
cost privacy maintained anyway - Genuine multi-vendor market gives the power to
the customer to pick the best products for each
purpose. This keeps pricing also on reasonable
level. - In Europe the biggest user base comes from the
national shared Public Safety and Security
20Challenges in common Networks and Systems
operationsin international
- Network operator and system administrator
- Military organisation or Civil organisation ?
- Operation level international coordinator ?
- Security issues
- Common security procedures
- Access, authentication, encryption
- Categories of information
- Public, Operation Unclassified, Restricted,
Confidential, Secret - Usefulness of the System
- Too much information vs. not enough information
- Rotation of personnel
21FUTURE - The next 10 years
- Regrettable inevitability of
- natural and man made disasters
- international crime and terrorism
- TETRA will be there
- Users are investing millions
- flexible technology
- resilient solutions
- open standard (multiple vendors)
- Handling more data applications (rel 2)
?TETRA will continue to play a key part ?TETRA
fundamentals will remain relevant
22Thank you! Any questions?
Anssi Kuusela, Member of the TETRA MoU
Board Chief Information Officer City of Helsinki
Rescue Department P.O.box 112 FIN-00099 CITY OF
HELSINKI tel 358 9 3936 3312 mobile 358 50
3296 231 anssi.kuusela_at_hel.fi
TETRA MoU Association P O Box 88 St
Ives Cambridgeshire PE27 6PD England t 44 1480
370640 f 44 1480 370641 e secretary_at_tetramou.com