Title: A Grandfamilies Policy Update: Past, Present and Future
1A Grandfamilies Policy Update Past, Present
and Future
- Generations United 14th International Conference
- July 26, 2007
2Center for Law and Social Policy
- CLASP is a national non profit that works on
improving the lives of low income families and
individuals through national and state level
research and advocacy . - Child Welfare
- Child Care and Early Ed.
- Welfare Policy
- Work-Life
- Prisoner re-entry
- Legal aid
3Knowing where youre going is a good place to
- Where weve been
- Relevant policies
- Where were at
- Quick overview of the research
- Lots of attention!
- Where were headed
- The Kinship Caregiver Support Act
4Where weve been Policies affecting kinship care
families over the years
- Child Welfare Waivers (1994)
- Subsidized Guardianship waivers are among the
most successful in terms of demonstrated outcomes - ASFA (1997)
- Explicitly recognized return home, adoption and
legal guardianship as appropriate permanency
options for children - Unlike adoption, no federal financial assistance
for legal guardians
5Where were at Getting lots of attention!
- In the media
- In the states
- Now there are 38 States and DC that have some
sort of subsidized guardianship program - Some are even preventive
- On the hill
- Foster care in general
- Consistently mentioned in hearings
- Briefings
6Where were at the research
- Children in kinship care experience greater
stability - Fewer placement changes
- More likely to be with siblings
- More school stability
- Less likely to reenter foster care if they are
reunified - Children in kinship care report more positive
perceptions of their placements and have fewer
behavioral problems
7Existing supports in summary
- Variety of supports available (foster care,
adoption, TANF, various other such as SSI, food
stamps, etc) - Few of the supports were designed with
grandparent and other relative caregivers in
mind. - Access may not be easy or comfortable.
- Improvements to existing laws and to the
implementation of those laws are critical.
8The Kinship Caregiver Support Act (S. 661/H.R.
- Sponsors
- Senators Clinton (NY), Snowe (ME) and Cochran
(MS) - Representatives Davis and Johnson (both IL)
- Major provisions
- Kinship Navigator program
- Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program
- Notice provision
- Separate licensing standards
- Expand Independent Living Services
9Kinship Navigator program
- Provide grants to establish navigator programs
that would help kinship caregivers navigate the
complex array of services and programs available
to them.
10Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program
- The legislation would give states the option to
provide federal subsidies to some relative
caregivers who become legal guardians.
11Notice provision
- Requires that adult relatives be notified within
60 days of a child being removed from his or her
parents custody and that those relatives be made
aware of their options relating to the childs
12Separate licensing standards
- Allows states to establish separate licensing
standards for relative foster homes and
non-relative foster homes so long as both, at a
minimum, protect the childs safety and provide
for criminal record checks.
13Expand Independent Living Services
- Make youths exiting from foster care to legal
guardianship eligible for federally-supported
independent living services (after 16 in S. 661
and after 14 in H.R. 2188). - The House bill also clarifies that youth exiting
foster care to legal guardianship after reaching
age 14 are eligible for Independent Living
14Final thought
- Weve enjoyed considerable attention and were
hoping for success in relation to kinship care
but we cannot lose sight of other goals that will
help all generations and all families- namely,
the provision of a continuum of comprehensive
services and supports that can help prevent the
need for any form of substitute care. That would
truly be a monumental achievement for all
15Contact information
- Tiffany Conway
- Center for Law and Social Policy
- 1015 15th St. NW Suite 400
- Washington, D.C. 20005
- 202.906.8031
- tconway_at_clasp.org
16Thank you!