Title: Information Visualization
1Information Visualization
- Based on a lecture by John Stasko
- April 18, 2003 in CS 4750
- Questions?
- Announcements
- More Ubicomp videos
- Information Visualization mini-lecture
- Wednesday, Friday be here, and be ON TIME!
- If you havent received feedback from me on your
evaluation plan revisions, send them to Ed - Project presentations are the 19th, 21st, and
23rd. Email Ed with your order of preference - Writeups are due the 19th see Ed before the 17th
for feedback
4More ubicomp movies
5Data Explosion
- Incredible amount of data available
- News, Weather, Traffic, Sports scores, Articles,
Pictures, Financial information, E-mails, - Greatly facilitated byInternet and Web
6How much data?
- Estimates of between 1 and 2 exabytes of unique
data produced per year - 1000000000000000000 (1018) bytes
- 250 meg for every man, woman and child
- Printed documents only .003 of total
Peter Lyman and Hal Varian, 2000 Cal-Berkeley,
Info Mgmt Systems www.sims.berkeley.edu/how-much
7Big Challenge
- How do we make sense of it?
- How do we harness this data in decision-making
8Three Possible Approaches
- Software Agents
- Computational agent that carries out users
request - Data Mining
- Software that analyzes database and extracts
interesting features - Information Visualization
- Visual tools to help users better examine the
data themselves
Can be complementary
9Knowledge Acquisition
Web,Books,Papers, Game scores, Scientific
data, Biotech, Shopping People Stock/finance News
Data Transfer
10Human Vision
- Highest bandwidth sense
- Fast, parallel
- Pattern recognition
- Pre-attentive
- Extends memory and cognitive capacity
- (Multiplication test)
- People think visually
- Impressive. Lets use it!
Which state has the highest income? Is there a
relationship between income and education? Are
there any outliers?
Example courtesyof Chris North
12Visualize the Data
College Degree
Per Capita Income
13Even Tougher?
- What if you could only see 1 states data at a
time? (e.g. Census Bureaus website) - What if I read the data to you?
14Illustrates the Idea
- Provide tools that present data in a way to help
people understand and gain insight from it - Cliches
- Seeing is believing
- A picture is worth a thousand words
- Often thought of as process of making a graphic
or an image - Really is a cognitive process
- Form a mental image of something
- Internalize an understanding
- The purpose of visualization is insight, not
pictures - Insight discovery, decision making, explanation
16Main Idea
- Visuals help us think
- Provide a frame of reference, a temporary storage
area - External cognition
- Role of external world in thinking and reason
More examples
17Atlanta Flight Traffic
18Napoleans March
From E. Tufte The Visual Display of Quantitative
size of army direction
latitude longitude
temperature date
Minard graphic
19London Subway
20True Geography
21Information Visualization
- What is information?
- Items, entities, things which do not have a
direct physical correspondence - Notion of abstractness of the entities is
important too - Examples baseball statistics, stock trends,
connections between criminals, car attributes...
22Information Visualization
- What is visualization?
- The use of computer-supported, interactive visual
representations of data to amplify cognition. - From Card, Mackinlay Shneiderman 98
23Information Visualization
- Essence
- Taking items without a physical correspondence
and mapping them to a 2-D or 3-D physical space. - Giving information a visual representation that
is useful for analysis and decision-making
24Two Key Attributes
- Scale
- Challenge often arises when data sets become very
large - Interactivity
- Want to show multiple different perspectives on
the data
25Domains for Info Vis
- Text
- Statistics
- Financial/business data
- Internet information
- Software
- ...
26Components of Study
- Data analysis
- Data items with attributes or variables
- Generate data tables
- Visual structures
- Spatial substrate, marks, graphical properties of
marks - UI and interaction
- Analytic tasks to be performed
- Browse, correlate, identify, associate
27More Examples
28NYC Weather
Tufte, Vol. 1
2220 numbers
HCIL Univ. Maryland
30Case Study
- Understanding hierarchies
- Learn about some InfoVis techniques
- Definition
- Data repository in which cases are related to
subcases - Can be thought of as imposing an ordering in
which cases are parents or ancestors of other
32Hierarchies in the World
- Pervasive
- Family histories, ancestries
- File/directory systems on computers
- Organization charts
- Animal kingdom Phylum,, genus,
- Object-oriented software classes
- ...
- Hierarchies often represented as trees
34Space-Filling Representation
Each item occupies an area Children are
contained under parent
One example
- Space-filling representation developed by
Shneiderman and Johnson, Vis 91 - Children are drawn inside their parent
- Alternate horizontal and vertical slicing at each
successive level - Use area to encode other variable of data items
37Map of the Market
Visualizing fileand directory structures Root
dir at center Color - file type Angle - file/dir
39InfoVis Techniques
- Aggregation
- Accumulate individual elements into a larger unit
to be presented as some whole - Overview Detail
- Provide both global overview and detail zooming
capabilities - Focus Context
- Show details of one or more regions in a more
global context (eg, fisheye)
40InfoVis Techniques
- Drill-down
- Select individual item or smaller set of items
from a display for a more detailed view/analysis - Brushing
- Select or designate/specify value, then see
pertinent items elsewhere on the display
- In-class evaluations
- CSCW DFAB 13.2, 14