Title: The art of data visualization
1The art of data visualization
2Visual communication is perhaps the most
important form of communication that takes place
while users are surfing the Internet. The term
'visual presentation is used to refer to the
actual presentation of information through a
visible medium such as text or images. Data
visualization is viewed by many disciplines as a
modern equivalent of visual communication.
3A primary goal of visualization is to communicate
information clearly and efficiently to users via
the information graphics selected, such as tables
and charts. Effective visualization helps users
in analysing and reasoning about data and
evidence. It makes complex data more accessible,
understandable and usable. One good example is
business infographics. Users find it easier to
show company performances. It also simplifies
particular analytical tasks, such as making
comparisons or understanding causality, and the
design principle of the graphic (i.e., showing
comparisons or showing causality) follows the
4There may be graphs and pie charts in a
successful infographic, but they are part of the
narrative rather than standalone pieces of
information. This is where an infographic design
company steps in. It makes sure that information
in the infographic is comprehensible and also
that it is germane to the narrative and veritable.