Title: Steyaert, Jan
1Steyaert, Jan Gould, Nick (2009) Social work
and the changing face of the digital divide
British journal of social work 39(4)
2Why is the digital divide pivotal?
- Technology increasingly structures the interface
between providers and those who use services. - Social work traditionally distrusts technology
both humanists and anti-humanists. - Technology is not neutral digitally excluded
users risk less choice and higher costs.
3- The discourse of the digital divide has been
with us for 15 years. - What the digital divide means has radically
changed time for a new definition? - This presentation considers
- is digital inclusion more than being online?
- what currently are the key dimensions of the
digital divide? - what are the implications for social work and
social care?
4(No Transcript)
5Source Rogers, E. (2003). Diffusion of
innovations (5 ed.). New York Free press, e.g.
p. 281.
6(No Transcript)
7Source Bonfadelli, H. (2002) 'The Internet and
Knowledge Gaps A Theoretical and Empirical
Investigation', European journal of
communication, 7(1), pp. 65-84.
8Source Valentine, G., Marsh, J. and Pattie, C.
(2005) Children and young people's home use of
ict for educational purposes, London, DfeS.
9The ICET model
Source Vermaas, K., Maltha, S., Bongers, F.,
Segers, J., van de Wijngaert, L. (2005).
Breedband en de gebruiker 2004-2005. Utrecht
10Digital inclusion isnt just about playing Santa
- Interest in the digital divide is decreasing but
complexity is increasing. - It cannot be separated from wider dynamics of
social exclusion both reinforce one another. - With information about services increasingly
delivered digitally there is risk of reinforcing
the advantages of the already information-rich.
11- Digital inclusion strategy for the UK how does
it connect to social care? - Developing hardware and software to support
access, e.g. Microsofts senior PC. - Evidence-based approaches to accessing public
information - information is general, personal needs are
specific - social care systems are complex
- preference for some personal interaction
- support and advocacy
12Steyaert, Jan Gould, Nick (2009) Social work
and the changing face of the digital divide
British journal of social work 39(4)