Title: Emergency Preparedness Tiers
1Emergency Preparedness Tiers
- Ready to Respond Conference
- May 7, 2008
- Mickey Scullard, MPH, Office of Public Health
Practice, MDH - Lynn Theurer, Winona County Community Health
- SCHSAC MDH-LPH Preparedness Committee
- Created after Formula Funding work group
discussion - MDH and LHD Members
- Strategic Plan Blue Print
- 6 priorities
3Blue Print
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Emergency Preparedness Communications
- Public Education
- Preparedness Plans
- Training
- Integrated Exercise Plan
4Emergency Preparedness Communications
- Between and within MDH and LHDs
- Two-way communication
- Tools, templates and protocols
- Chapter 13 Training sharing
- Agreement to use the MDH Incident Lifecycle Map
- Created a complementary LHD Incident Lifecycle Map
6LHD Incident Lifecycle Map
7Public Health Emergency Preparedness Tiers
- Charged with exploring tiers for public health
work - Dont discuss funding
8Tier Development
- Crosswalk
- Essential Local Activities
- Emergency Preparedness, Environmental Health,
Infectious Diseases, and Infrastructure - Grant duties
- DPC Common Activities Framework
- Project Public Health Ready
- Advanced Practice Centers
9Tier Development
- Started with hospital trauma system
- Level 1 trauma center, etc.
- 3 vs 2
- Feedback from SCHSAC
- Confusion
- Stigma
10 Local Regional Component
Local Health Departments
Planning, response, and recovery responsibilities
completed by working with other local health
departments, local partners, and regional
partners in region
Base Tier Responsibilities for jurisdictions
receiving base amount of funding
Some planning, response, and recovery
responsibilities completed by working with other
local health departments, local partners, and
regional partners in region in region
- To Be Named Tier
- Responsibilities
- May assist others if able
- Works with local partners
Planning, response, and recovery responsibilities
may or may not be completed by working with other
local health departments local partners, and
regional partners in region
- Comprehensive Tier
- Responsibilities requiring greater capacity or
capability - May be a county, multi-counties or a region
- Leads, develops, creates, manages
- Leadership role in regional efforts
Essential Local Activities
11Public Health Emergency Preparedness Tiers
- 3 tiers
- Essential Local Activities already established
and adopted statewide - Base responsibilities for LHDs receiving base
funding - Mid-Level additional responsibilities
- Comprehensive greater resources capabilities
12Pilot Tests
- 8 sites, one in each region
- Selected for differences
- The sites were
- Wright
- Dodge-Steele
- Countryside
- Brown-Nicollet
- Clay-Wilkin
- Lake of the Woods
- Anoka
- Cook-Carlton-Lake-St. Louis
13The Tiers Planning Preparedness
14Tiers Planning Preparedness
15Tiers Detection
16Tiers - Response
17Tiers - Recovery
18Tiers Long-term Recovery
19Potential Uses of Tiers
- Identify statewide level of readiness
- Identify priority work (local, regional, state)
- Development of grant duties
- Assist in identifying more specific MDH roles
responsibilities in support of LHDs - Paint a clearer picture of strengths and weakness
- Use to request funding from the MN legislature
20Next Steps
- Revision of tiers
- May 9 SCHSAC meeting
- Implementation