Title: Chapter 9a Systems of Particles
1Chapter 9a - Systems of Particles
- Center of Mass
- point masses
- solid objects
- Newtons Second Law for a System of Particles
- Linear Momentum for a System of Particles
- Conservation of Linear Momentum
- Rockets
- Internal Energy/External Forces
2Calculating the center of mass point objects
1 D
3Calculating the center of mass point objects
2 D
4Problem 1
- Three masses located in the x-y plane have the
following coordinates - 2 kg at (3,-2)
- 3 kg at (-2,4)
- 1 kg at (2,2)
- Find the location of the center of mass
5Calculating the center of mass solid objects
1 D
6Calculating the center of mass solid objects
2 D
7Finding the COM
8Problem 2
- What is the center of mass of the Letter F
shown if it has uniform density and thickness?
10 cm
9Problem 3
The blue disk has a radius 2R The white area is
a hole in the Disk with radius R. Where is the
center of mass?
10COM and translational motion
First time derivative
COM Momentum
Second time derivative
Newtons 2nd Law
11What this means.
- The sum of all forces acting on the system is
equal to the total mass of the system times the
acceleration of the center of mass. - The center of mass of a system of particles with
total mass M moves like a single particle of mass
M acted upon by the same net external force.
12Conservation of Linear Momentum
- If 2 (or more) particles of masses m1, m2,
form an isolated system (zero net external
force), then total momentum of the system is
conserved regardless of the nature of the force
between them.
13Problem 1
- An astronaut finds himself at rest in space after
breaking his lifeline. With only a space tool in
his hand, how can he get back to his ship which
is only 10 m away and out of his reach.
14Variable mass Rocket propulsion
15Rocket thrust
Find Thrust, initial net force, net force as
all fuel expended