Title: 10 Survey Questions Groupings
110 Survey Questions Groupings
2Survey Representatives
Here is the breakdown of the various colleges of
the respondents Arts Sciences 20
respondents Business Administration 5
respondents Honors College 0
respondents Public Affairs/Community Services
3 respondents Education
10 respondents Engineering
2 respondents Library and Information
Sciences 2
respondents Merchandizing Hospitality Mgmt
1 respondents Music 2
respondents Visual Arts 4
respondents Toulouse School of Graduate Studies
0 respondents Unknown
Anonymous 10 respondents Total number of
respondents 59 respondents
3Question 1The annual performance review process
is .
Fair (Question 59)
4Question 1The annual performance review process
is .
Effective in terms of relating what is important
for promotion and tenure (Question 60)
5Question 2Office Politics
Office politics are an inherent part of all
organizations. (Question 7)
6Question 2Office Politics
Office politics are an important part at UNT.
(Question 8)
7Question 2Office Politics
I feel UNT has less office politics then most
other local universities. (Question 9)
8Question 3
I feel a strong sense of teamwork with the
following entities. (Question 30 - 32)
My College
My Department
9Question 4How did the survey group perceive the
present amount communication of relevant, honest
and timely information at UNT between faculty
Departmental Chair (Question 15)
UNT's Chancellor (Question 11)
10How did the survey group perceive the present
amount communication of relevant, honest and
timely information at UNT between faculty and
their colleagues?
departmental colleagues ( 17)
college colleagues ( 18)
university colleagues ( 19)
11Question 5
I feel I have a good understanding of what is
required of my. (Question 33 - 35
Present Position
On becoming a full Professor
12Question 9I perceive the ORGANIZATIONAL culture
at UNT today to be (Question 1 2)
Present Perception
Desired Outcome
13Additional Survey Questions
I need to know more about office politics to
survive at UNT. (Question 10)
I feel the desire of the faculty to work with
professors from other departments is (Question
14Additional Survey Questions
Acceptable behavior and expected productivity
levels are clearly communicated. -Question 40
Recognition and the reward structure is
independent of politics at UNT. -Question 39
15Additional Survey Questions
Most decisions at UNT are performance-based and
have nothing to do with race, color, religion,
sex, national origin or disability. -Question 47
16Additional Survey Questions
Communication of performance appraisals and
work-related aspects are confidential. -Question
I am paid fairly for what I do. -Question 61
17Additional Survey Questions
The PAC Committee in my department is fair and
communicates fairly by giving constructive
feedback which can help my productivity and
enhance possibilities for promotion and tenure.
-Question 89
My Dean is a good listener and communicator.
-Question 88
My Department Chair is a good listener and
communicator. -Question 90