Title: Motivations for International Expansion
1Motivations for International Expansion
- Economies of Scale or Learning
- Expanding size or scope of markets helps to
achieve economies of scale in manufacturing,
marketing, RD or distribution - Can spread costs over a larger sales base
- Increase profit per unit
- Examples Japanese electronics or automobile
2- Return on Investment
- Large investment projects may require global
markets to justify the capital outlays - Weak patent protection in some countries implies
that firms should expand overseas rapidly in
order to preempt imitators - Example Aircraft manufacturer Boeing
3- Location Advantages
- Low cost markets may aid in developing
competitive advantage - May achieve better access to
- Raw materials Key customers
- Lower cost labor Energy
- Key suppliers Natural resources
- Benchmarking products and technology in a
state-of-the-art market
4- Retaliation against a global competitor
5The Search for Growth
6What kind of business model effectively serves
the needs of consumers?
- understand the market pyramid to avoid becoming a
small, high-end niche player
7What kind of business model effectively serves
customers? (contd)
- Rethink price-performance
- consumers are much more focused on
price-performance - Rethink brand management
- dont overestimate Westernization
- Rethink costs of market building
- changing developed habits is difficult and
expensive - Rethink product design
- must reflect differences in use, distribution,
and selling - Rethink packaging
8Will Local or Expatriate Leadership be most
- Expatriates are effective because they
- transfer technology and management practices
- conduits of information
- provide credibility at HQ
- But, they also have problems, such as
- cultural and language difficulties limit
interaction with locals and effectiveness - less able with local politics
- need many years in country to be most effective
9- Locals have different abilities, such as
- better appreciation of local nuances
- deeper commitment to market
- But,
- need share of voice
- many not have soft technology
10International Entry Strategies
- Exporting
- Licensing
- Strategic Alliances
- Acquisitions
- Wholly-owned subsidiary
- Advantages
- No need to establish operations in other
countries - Establish distribution channels through
contractual relationships
- Disadvantages
- May have high transportation costs
- May encounter high import tariffs
- May have less control on marketing and
distribution - Difficult to customize products
Firm authorizes another firm to manufacture and
sell its products. Licensing firm is paid a
royalty on each unit produced and sold.
- Advantage
- Least risky way to enter a foreign market because
licensee takes risks in manufacturing investments
- Disadvantages
- Licensing firm loses control over product quality
and distribution - Relatively low profit potential
- Risk if licensor learns technology and competes
when license expires
13Strategic Alliances
Most involve a foreign company with a new product
or technology and a host company with access to
distribution or knowledge of local customs, norms
or politics
- Advantage
- Enable firms to shares risks and resources
- Disadvantages
- Difficulties in merging disparate cultures
- May not understand the strategic intent of
partners - Divergent goals
- Costs of expatriate managers
- Who owns what?
- Local partners may not have adequate market
- Disadvantages
- Can be very costly
- Legal and regulatory requirements may present
barriers to foreign ownership - Usually require complex and costly negotiations
- Potentially disparate corporate cultures
15New Wholly-Owned Subsidiary
- Advantages
- Achieves greatest degree of control
- Potentially most profitable, if successful
- Maintain control over technology, marketing and
- Disadvantages
- Most costly and complex of entry alternatives
- May need to acquire expertise and knowledge that
is relevant to host country - Could require hiring host country nationals or
consultants at high cost
16International Corporate Strategy When is each
strategy appropriate?
Need for Global Integration
Need for Local Market Responsiveness
- Pressures for Global Integration
- commodity-type products
- products that serve universal needs (tires,
steel, hand-held calculators) - industries with excess capacity
- when consumers are powerful and face low
switching costs
- Pressures for Local Mkt Responsiveness
- Differences in consumers tastes and preferences
- Differences in infrastructure or conventional
practices - Differences in distribution channels
- Demands of host government (e.g.., local content
17Multi-domestic Strategy
- Strategy and operating decisions are
decentralized to strategic business units (SBU)
in each country - Products and services are tailored to local
markets - Business units in each country are independent of
each other - Focus on competition in each market
- Autonomy can create complex reporting lines
- Prominent strategy among European firms due to
broad variety of cultures and markets in Europe
18Global Strategy
- Products are standardized across national markets
- Decisions regarding business-level strategies are
centralized in the home office - Strategic business units (SBU) are assumed to be
interdependent - Often lacks responsiveness to local markets
- Requires resource sharing and coordination across
borders (which also makes it difficult to manage)
19Transnational Strategy
- Seeks to achieve both global efficiency and local
responsiveness - HQ takes strategic responsibility in some
decision areas, subs dominate in others. - National subs provide HQ with more competitive
intelligence and learn about world competitors
from the experiences of other subs. - Subs fight retaliatory battles on behalf of a
larger strategy and develop information systems,
decision protocols, and performance measurement
systems to weave global and local perspectives
into tactical decisions.
20Transnational Strategy (contd)
- Difficult to achieve because of simultaneous
requirements for strong central control and
coordination to achieve efficiency and local
flexibility and decentralization to achieve local
market responsiveness - Must pursue organizational learning in both
directions (HQ--gtsubs, subs--gtHQ) to achieve
competitive advantage
21PGs Vizir Launch
- Company built on its administrative heritage of
highly motivated, entrepreneurial subsidiary
companies in each country, didnt deny it - Worldwide learning capability is an important
source of competitive advantage - ability to sense needs or opportunities for
change - ability to develop effective responses
- ability to implement change throughout the