Title: DataModules as Business Objects
1DataModules as Business Objects
- Purpose and Advantage of Business Objects
- Managing Business Objects
- Designing a Business Object
2Purpose and Advantage of Business Objects
- Encapsulation of identifiable Business Concepts
- Centralization of Business Rules
- Separation of Business Rules from Presentation
Why are these advantages?
3Purpose and Advantage of Business Objects
- Encapsulation of identifiable Business Concepts
- Centralization of Business Rules
- Separation of Business Rules from Presentation
Why are these advantages?
4Encapsulation of Identifiable Business Concepts
- Forces more thought about what business problems
are to be addressed by the project and the
interactions between these - Organizes and focuses design effort
- Enhanced ability to successfully delegate
programming tasks - Enhanced ability to monitor progress and sign-off
completed tasks
5Encapsulation of Identifiable Business Concepts
Although in many cases a Business Object will
essentially manage a single database table,
objects should be built around the business
concepts. For example, the Orders object would
manage Orders and OrderItems tables, but must
also handle relations between these and Products,
Customers, Inventory and so on.
6Hierarchical Business Concepts
Business Objects can, and should, use other
Business Objects. Here, as indicated on the last
page, the Orders object is shown to have
relationships with other objects.
7Purpose and Advantage of Business Objects
- Encapsulation of identifiable Business Concepts
- Centralization of Business Rules
- Separation of Business Rules from Presentation
Why are these advantages?
8Centralization of Business Rules
- Business rules for each business concept are
organized in clearly defined objects and units
instead of fragmented across many units - Simplifies maintenance and enhancement
- Helps protect data integrity since all access
must be through these objects - Easily reused !!
9Purpose and Advantage of Business Objects
- Encapsulation of identifiable Business Concepts
- Centralization of Business Rules
- Separation of Business Rules from Presentation
Why are these advantages?
10Separation of Business Rules from Presentation
- Presentation can be changed easily since no
change affects implementation of the rules - Multiple presentations can be coded without
re-coding the rules, for example a Windows GUI
and a Java GUI - Rules can more often be changed without requiring
coding changes to the presentation
11Managing Business Objects
- Ownership
- Affects lifetime of the object. Created and
destroyed when and by who? - Sharing
- Can the resources in an object be shared by
different users concurrently, or are multiple
instances required? - Factories
- Centralized Business Object management
Business Objects are subject to the same design
issues faced when designing any object. There is
no single correct way to implement a Business
Object, but there are some typical issues and
common ways to deal with them.
12Managing Business Objects
- Ownership
- Some Business Objects are needed throughout the
lifetime of the application, for example, a
Security Business object to allow checking of
user permissions as well as log-in and log-out
methods. In this case, the Application should be
the owner. - Most Business Objects are only needed for a short
time by a particular Form or other Business
Object. In this case, the Form or other Business
Object should be the owner.
By simply setting an appropriate Owner, the
lifetime of a business object is automatically
taken care of for you by Delphis built-in
Component behaviour.
13Managing Business Objects
- Sharing
- If being used by a form that will connect
data-aware controls, then the same Business
Object instance cannot be shared among multiple
forms since the datasets involved can only
maintain a single state and cursor position. Each
form must have its own instance of the business
object. - If no data-aware controls are involved, then
there is a possibility of making a business
object stateless and therefore shareable between
any number of users. In this case, the Business
Object should be a singleton owned by the
Application. - Each Business Object should be able to say
whether or not it is shareable. This is most
easily done by creating a Shareable base class
and descending such Business Objects from that
14Managing Business Objects
- Factories
- The Main DataModule is a perfect place to
provide management for Business Objects including
a Factory method for creating them. - Providing a Factory
- Provides a consistent method for users to acquire
Business Objects. - Makes it easy to manage the issues of Ownership
and Sharing - Ensures users do not control how Business Objects
are created and do not need to worry about
Ownership and Sharing issues.
Every application should have a Main
datamodule that provides application-wide
facilities. This datamodule typically contains a
TDatabase component (or equivalent) to which all
other database components connect.
15Business Object Example