Title: National Cancer Institute Division of Cancer Control
1 National Cancer InstituteDivision of
Cancer Control Population Sciences
2 NCI Translational Funding Mechanisms (Mini-R01s)
SBIR R43/R44 Traditional and
Fast Track Small
Business Innovation Research Grants STTR
R41/42 Small Business Technology Transfer
Grants - for
non-profits organizations
collaborating with small
businesses SBIR CONTRACT Traditional and
Fast Track - for small businesses
3 Funding Mechanism Small Business
Innovation Research Grants
(SBIR) Research Control Small Business (1-
499) R43 Phase I 6-12 months 100,000
(direct costs) R44 Phase II 2-3 years
750,000 (direct costs) Must work for
company 51 of time Must be U.S.
citizen Due Dates April 1, August 1,
December 1 Commercialization Support
4 Funding Mechanism Small Business Technology
Transfer Research Grants (STTR) Researc
h Control Non-profit organization, i.e.,
universities, foundations, other
non-profits R41 Phase I 1 year 100,000
(direct costs) R42 Phase II 2-3 years
750,000 (direct costs) Must be on payroll of
non-profit organization Must work with small
business for technology transfer Due Dates
April 1, August 1, December 1 Commercialization
Support none at present
5 Funding Mechanism SBIR FAST TRACK
GRANTS gt Phase I and II are submitted at the
same time gt Reviewed at the same time gt Given
one score for both phases gt Funding gap is 2-4
weeks instead of 18 months gt Who applies?
Generally, mid-size small businesses with
years of experience in research or
technology development and grant
6 Funding Mechanism SBIR
CONTRACTS gt Phase I, Phase II or Fast
Tracks gt Same amount of money as SBIR
grants gt Same time duration in each
phase gt Major difference between grants
contracts STAFF can - require quarterly
reports - require periodic meetings to review
progress and recommend changes - request
additional activities that do not exceed the
7 Applications SBIR/STTR Grants
Contracts gt Phase I feasibility test or
pilot study gt Phase II develops, implements,
and tests the effectiveness of new or existing
models of behavior modification or
informational/ educational or training
8 Applications New Requirements for
eHealth SBIR/STTR Applicants
- As of January 2003, ALL Phase II applicants must
address - organizational infrastructure issues
- Applicants must include a site administrator on
their team for advice about organizational
infrastructure barriers to product use. The
administrator needs to be in a position to remove
barriers or provide alternatives. - long-term evaluation of developed product
- - Applicants must build-in a tracking component
into their media technology or devise another
means of tracking sales and purchaser
demographics without name identification. - usability
- - Applicants will participant in usability
testing at NCIs Technology Lab. This second
level of testing is independent of the
applicants. It is not a seal of approval by the
- Applications Programmatic Priorities
- Grant research categories result from
- S Congressional Priorities for NCI
- S Senate Committees Report on NCI
- S NCI Directors Budget Proposal for Cancer
Research - S Expressed opinions of the NCAB
- S Expressed needs of primary care providers,
oncologists and the public - Contract topics result from
- - Needs expressed by the DCCPS staff
10- Applicant Characteristics
- S Research Oriented
- S Former University Faculty
- S Health Communication Experts
- S Media Technology Experts
11Applicant Communication with SBIR/STTR Program
- Applicants and grantees may
- Contact staff ANYTIME, preferably by email
- Receive pre-application advice and guidance
- Receive post-review advice and guidance
- Receive post-award advice and guidance
12 Review SBIR/STTR
SBIR/STTR NIH Center for Scientific Review
Panel of External Reviewers Contracts
NCIs Contract Office Panel of
External Reviewers Program NCIs Division
of Extramural Announcements Special
13Review Background of eHealth Reviewers
- Deans of Public Health, Nursing, Medicine
- Professors of nursing medicine, oncology
behavior and preventive medicine kinesiology
music therapy and other CAM topics health
communication community health psychology
business health sciences and bio-communication
pediatrics and human development surveys/data
collection/statistics education - Researches in social work, oncology, epidemiology
clinical applications - Media Technology companies
14NIH SBIR Review Criteria
- Significance to science field and NCI activities
- Approach theory and experience-based
- Innovation technology/approach
- Qualified Investigators and research team
- Environment
- Safeguards for human subjects
- Appropriateness of the budget
- Commercialization Potential
of Institute Budgets Set-aside for SBIR RD FY
1987-92 1.25 FY 1993-94
1.5 FY 1995-96 2.0
FY 1997 and Beyond 2.5 Pay
lines - determined by the Budget Office -
based on the number of applications submitted
and funded from previous year - FY03 pay
line 230
16Funding Total NCI and eHealth SBIR/STTR
spent 1987-2003 (Multimedia Technology
HealthCommunication SBIR Program)
17 Trends in NCI eHealth SBIR/STTR
FundingMultimedia Technology/Health
Communication SBIR Program
18 NCI eHealth Grant Awards, 1989-2003
Multimedia Technology/Health Communication
SBIR Program 73 Life Styles Associated
with Cancer Risk (nutrition, smoking, obesity)
4 Cancer Genetics 56 Communication
Techniques (specific cancers/hard to reach
populations 15 Physically Challenged
Populations or Special Cases
7 Complementary Medicine Approaches 13
Innovative Alternative Teaching Methods
7 Survivorship and Quality of Life Issues
35 Systems for Primary Care Professionals/Oncolog
ists 40 Systems for use by the Public
250 Total Grants Funded 287 funded grants
(2nd year Phase II supplements excludes last
2003 cycle) screening, assessment, tracking,
education, training
19 NCI eHealth Contract Awards, 2000-2003
Multimedia Technology/Health Communication
SBIR Program FY02 2 million Models to
Enhance the Quality of Interactive Health and
Medical Information on the Web Enhancing the
Quality of Interactive Health Communication Used
by Physicians FY03 5 million Expert-
vs. User-Tailored Interactive Media
Technologies to Promote Best Practices in Data
Sharing Real-time Cancer Communications Data
Collection FY04 New Topics A Software
Program to Develop Logic Models Research-based
Health Information Communications Network
Targeting Minority Populations A Standardized
Computerized Mammography Database System
20Linking Science with Business NCI SBIR/STTR
Product Showcases
Showcase I 10/2-3, 2000 22 products
demonstrated Showcase II 9/6-7, 2001 13
products demonstrated Showcase III
9/25-26, 2003 NIH Natcher Center 19 products
to be demonstrated. Video casts MTHC
Linking Science and Business Series can be
seen at http//videocast.nih.gov (click past
events under) Product information and grant
synthesis is continuously being posted on
Program homepage
This URL provides - Information for new
grantees - SBIR/STTR Grant and SBIR Contract
Solicitations - Sample SBIR Phase I Grant
Application - Financial Questionnaire Evaluation
of Financial Management Systems - Other Small
Business Sites of Interest and much
22For further information
- Connie Dresser, RDPH, LN
- Acting NCI SBIR Liaison to the NIH OD
- Program Director, Multimedia Technology
- Health Communication SBIR Grants
- Health Communication Informatics Research
Branch - Behavioral Research Program
- Division of Cancer Control Population
Sciences - National Cancer Institute
- 6130 Executive Blvd, EPN - Rm. 4072
- Bethesda, MD 20892-7365
- 301/435-2846
- 301/480-2087 Fax
- cd34b_at_nih.gov
- http//cancercontrol.cancer.gov/hcirb/sbir/
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