Mini-review induced by the break
of the insulating glass disk
- Design evolution of the horn from WANF to CNGS
(concerns only insulation and vapor tightness) - Present design with a 19 mm thick glass disk and
its apparent problems - Preliminary proposal(s) for a new design
- Preliminary conclusions
3Design evolution of the hornWANF horn
- Generalities
- No vapor tightness asked
- The atmosphere inside the horn was directly in
contact with ambient atmosphere of the cavern. - Approximated section of the circular aperture
130 cm2 - Overall dimensions smaller than CNGS horn
dimensions (reflector diam /- equivalent to the
diam of the CNGS horn) - Horn was about 5 times less transparent to the
beam than CNGS horn (bolted flanges, deflectors) - Voltage 300 V maxi
4Design evolution of the hornWANF horn
Beam axis
Water outlet
Schematic view (principle)
5Design evolution of the hornWANF horn CNGS
6Design evolution of the hornCNGS horns
- Reminder
- CNRS/Orsay was in charge of the complete
development of the horns. Cern agreement
necessary before manufacture. - 1st horn delivered was not in conformity with the
technical specifications (MoU) - Vapor tightness strongly asked (reference to the
WANF) - Only mineral material allowed for insulation.
- Inner diameter of the outer conductor
- Horn 700 mm
- Reflector 1100 mm
- Voltage 500 V maxi
7Design evolution of the hornCNGS horns (CNRS
solution for the glass disk assembly)
8 insulator rings (ARCLEX) mm
100 mm
R370 mm
8Design evolution of the hornCNGS horns (CERN
solution for the glass disk assembly)
- Main changes done on the design of the glass disc
assembly to be in conformity with technical
specifications (vapor tightness) - Cross section larger and thickness increased from
15 mm to 19 mm - 12 bolts instead of 8, placed on a diameter close
the C-shaped seals - Exchange of the standard bolts by high grade
bolts M16 (A4 quality) - The glass disc is now drilled with 20 holes (12
used to press the Tin/Ag seals 8 for the
clamping rods used to maintain the electrical
connection plates) - New high quality machining on the both polarity
plates to accept the new dimensions of the glass
9Design evolution of the hornCNGS horns CERN
design of the glass disk
Viewable cracks
10Design evolution of the hornCNGS horns
(Comparison between CNRS and CERN glass disk
CNRS Assembly
CERN Assembly
11Design evolution of the hornCNGS horns (CERN
solution for the glass disk assembly)
12Design evolution of the hornCNGS horns (CERN
solution for the glass disk assembly)
13Design evolution of the hornCNGS horns CERN
design of the glass disk- Tightening
calculationExtracted from the note S.R
- Vérification de la force décrasement dun joint
métallique Garlock/Cefilac 175225 -
- Caractéristiques du joint
- HN200 tore 6.1 mm
- Di 734
- De 746.2
- Revêtement détanchéïté étain/Ag
- Revêtement interne inconel 600
- Ressort Nimonic 90
- Effort de serrage Y2 100 N/mm pour e2 0.9
mm - Calcul de la force totale transmise par 12 vis
M16 A4/80 - Longueur linéaire du joint dia. moyen 739.5
soit 2323 mm - Force nécessaire pour e2 0.9 mm 232.300 N
- Couple de serrage 156 N/m
- Force de serrage correspondante 50.210 daN
- Soit pour 12 vis 602.520 N
14Design evolution of the hornCNGS horns (CERN
solution for the glass disk assembly)
15Design evolution of the hornCNGS horns (ratio
between the horn and the reflector)
1400 mm
1000 mm
16Design evolution of the hornPrevious experience
with a glass disk insulator(CERN horn prototype
for NuFact project)
Glass disk
670 mm
17Design evolution of the hornPrevious experience
with a glass disk insulator(CERN horn prototype
for NuFact project)Detail of the glass disk
Dimensions smaller than for CNGS horn Better
ratio between overall dimensions and
thickness Elastomere O-ring seals The annular
pressure area is very limited Assembly with
damping washers Only one row of drilled
holes Assembly concept quite different (5 kV)
23 mm
18Design evolution of the hornCNGS horns
(Preliminary proposal 1)
19Design evolution of the hornCNGS horns
(Preliminary proposal 1- Cross section)
30 mm
Electrical contact surfaces
Al2O3 sector
60 mm
Coaxial spring (s.steel)
ARCLEX insulators (rings)
Spacer ring
20Design evolution of the hornCNGS horns
(Preliminary proposal 1A)
2.5 mm
Contact surface of the seals after clamping
21Design evolution of the hornCNGS horns
Advantages/DisadvantagesComparison with the
present solution (glass disc insulator)
- Concern proposal 1 with the alternative solution
1A - Advantages
- Risk to break an element is very low
- Vapor tightness can be considered as correct,
even without Helicoflexseals - Mechanical characteristics of Al2O3 are better
known and pieces can be precisely machined. - Clamping for electrical contacts and for vapor
tightness can be treated separately - Disadvantages
- All electrical connection plates must be
re-designed - Water tightness lost (risk of leak if dimensions
of the water deflectors are not sufficient) - Additional delay estimation about 4 months
- Cost
22Design evolution of the hornCNGS horns
(Preliminary proposal 2)
15 mm
Solution proposed after an open discussion with
Piet Wertelaers PH/DT2
2 Helicoflex seals (lining silver)
Glass disk insulator
Reminder Slope 5.66
23Design evolution of the hornCNGS horns
(Preliminary proposal 2) Advantages/Disadvantage
sComparison with the present solution (glass
disc insulator)
- Advantages
- The glass disk is clamped between the 2 C-shaped
seals in opposition, without any other contact
with the connection plates. - The flatness of the machined faces is less
critical than previously, except for the seal
grooves. - The torque applied on the screws used for the
clamping of the electrical contact surfaces can
be dissociate of the torque applied on the screws
used for the clamping of the seals. - Water tightness
- Disadvantages
- Seals must be imperatively resistant to the
corrosion ( not a great experience in moist and
high aggressive environment) - Presently, no solution foreseen to empty the
lower chicane
24CNGS horns Remarks and preliminary conclusion
- Mainly due to the limited choice of mineral
material for the insulator, (glass, ceramics,
mica/glass fiber composite, granite, marble)
several ways can be explored but not a lot. - Because time is missing for long tests, the
retained solution must preferably be already
experienced (bad choices in high radioactive
areas have a very high cost at a later stage). - The ends of the inner conductor cannot be
modified (monolith component of 6.5 m) - Modifications on the extremity of the outer
conductor lead to an extra delay not acceptable
with the installation schedule. - Overall dimensions of the horn cannot be
increased - Choice of the final solution must integrate the
compulsory over cost and the additional extra
delay -