Title: Ec 335 International Economics and Finance
1Ec 335 International Economics and Finance
- Lectures 14-15 International Factor Movements
- Giovanni Facchini
- International labor mobility
- International borrowing and lending
- Foreign direct investment and multinational firms
3Movements in Factors of Production
- Movements in factors of production include
- labor migration
- the transfer of financial assets through
international borrowing and lending - transactions of multinational corporations
involving direct ownership of foreign firms
4Movements in Factors of Production (cont.)
- Like movements of goods and services (trade),
movements of factors of production are
politically sensitive and are often restricted. - Restrictions on immigration
- Restrictions on financial asset flows (less
common today in Europe and U.S.) - Restrictions on the activities of multinational
5International Labor Mobility
- Stylized facts
- Increase in the share of foreign born in OECD
countries - Increase in the share of immigrants from low
income countries in the OCED - Bimodal skill composition of the immigrant
6Â 1995 2000 2005 ?1995-2005
Australia 23.0 23.0 23.8 0.8
Austria 10.5 13.5
Belgium 9.7 10.3 12.1 2.4
Canada 16.6 17.4 19.1 2.5
Czech Republic 4.2 5.1 0.9
Denmark 4.8 5.8 6.5 1.7
Finland 2.0 2.6 3.4 1.4
Germany 11.5 12.5
Greece 10.3
Hungary 2.8 2.9 3.3 0.5
Ireland 6.9 8.7 11.0 4.1
Netherlands 9.1 10.1 10.6 1.5
New Zealand 16.2 17.2 19.4 3.2
Norway 5.5 6.8 8.2 2.7
Portugal 5.4 5.1 6.3 0.9
Slovak Republic 2.5 3.9
Spain 5.3
Sweden 10.5 11.3 12.4 1.9
Switzerland 21.4 21.9 23.8 2.4
United Kingdom 6.9 7.9 9.7 2.8
United States 9.3 11.0 12.9 3.6
7Rising share of immigrants from low-income
countries in the OECD
Low Income Sending Region 1990 2000 Change
Mexico, Central America, Caribbean 0.149 0.202 0.053
Southeast Asia 0.086 0.102 0.016
Eastern Europe 0.057 0.099 0.042
Middle East 0.062 0.063 0.001
South Asia 0.041 0.052 0.011
North Africa 0.050 0.044 -0.006
South America 0.031 0.041 0.010
Central, Southern Africa 0.029 0.036 0.007
Former Soviet Union 0.031 0.029 -0.002
Total 0.540 0.672 0.132
High Income Sending Region
Western Europe 0.355 0.244 -0.111
Asia, Oceania 0.065 0.055 -0.010
North America 0.040 0.029 -0.011
Total 0.460 0.328 -0.132
8Educational composition of immigrant population
Share in adult immigrant pop. Share in adult immigrant pop. Share in adult immigrant pop. Share in adult resident pop. Share in adult resident pop. Share in adult resident pop.
  primary education secondry education tertiary education  primary education secondry education tertiary education
1990 EU 8 0.616 0.210 0.174 0.332 0.485 0.183
Canada, US 0.388 0.180 0.433 0.118 0.486 0.397
Australia, N. Zealand 0.303 0.322 0.375 0.311 0.391 0.298
2000 EU 8 0.510 0.240 0.250 0.233 0.541 0.226
Canada, US 0.367 0.181 0.453 0.060 0.427 0.513
 Australia, N. Zealand 0.285 0.267 0.448  0.248 0.425 0.327
9International Labor Mobility
- To show the effects of labor migration
(mobility), lets build a simple model with only
one composite good called output. - Suppose that there are only two important factors
of production capital and labor. - On a given stock of capital of land, the
productivity of workers eventually diminishes as
each works more hours and as more workers produce
given that fixed stock of capital . - The marginal productivity of labor eventually
10Fig. 7-1 An Economys Production Function
11Fig. 7-2 The Marginal Product of Labor
12International Labor Mobility (cont.)
- The productivity of labor depends on the amount
of work and number or workers. - In competitive markets, firms can afford to pay
only wages whose purchasing power equals the
marginal productivity of the workers earning the
wages. - The area under the marginal product(ivity) of
labor curve equals the value of output produced,
which equals the value of wages and income paid
to factors of production when markets are
13International Labor Mobility (cont.)
- If the domestic country is a labor abundant
country and the foreign country is a land
abundant country, - the marginal productivity of domestic workers is
less and they therefore are predicted to earn
less than those in the foreign country, if
technology and other factors of production are
the same across countries. - There is an incentive for domestic workers to
move to the foreign country.
14International Labor Mobility (cont.)
- Workers in the domestic country have an incentive
to move to the foreign country until the
purchasing power of wages between the countries
are equal. - Emigration from the domestic country raises real
wages of the remaining workers there. - It increases the supply of labor services and
decreases the real wage in the foreign country.
15Solving for General Equilibrium
- Conditions for equilibrium in the labor market
- Wage equals marginal revenue product of labor in
- Wage equals marginal revenue product of labor in
- World labor supply
16Solving for General Equilibrium
- Conditions for equilibrium in markets for capital
- Rental price of capital revenue MP of capital
- We assume capital is immobile between countries
(or whatever capital will move already has) - As a result, equilibrium in K markets holds by
assumption and remains in the background of the
model - All action comes from competing national demands
for labor
17Demand for Labor in the US
18Demand for Labor in Mexico
19Global Supply of Labor
20Labor Market Equilibrium without Labor Mobility
21Labor Market Equilibrium with Labor Mobility
22Labor Market Equilibrium with Labor Mobility
23Welfare Effects of Migration
- US natives
- Loss in labor income A
- Gain in capital income AB
- Gain in GNP B
- Gain in GDP BCDE
- Mexico natives
- Gain in labor income (migrants) CD
- Gain in labor income (non-migrants) F
- Loss in capital income DF
- Gain in GNP C
- Loss in GDP -(DE)
- Global Effects
- Gain in global GNP BC
24International Labor Mobility (cont.)
- The Heckscher-Ohlin model predicts that trade in
goods is an alternative to factor mobility. - Services from factors of production are
embodied in goods, so that the value of goods
reflects the value or productivity of the factors
of production that produced them. - But equalization of factor prices with labor
mobility does not really occur for reasons that
are similar to the reasons given in the
Heckscher-Ohlin model
25International Labor Mobility (cont.)
- The model assumes that trading countries produce
the same goods, but countries may produce
different goods so that marginal productivities
of labor are not comparable. - The model assumes that trading countries have the
same technology, but different technologies could
affect the productivities of factors and
therefore the wages and income paid to these
26International Labor Mobility (cont.)
- Barriers to immigration and emigration and
transportation costs may prevent the purchasing
power of wages from equalizing. - Barriers to movements for other factors of
production, like land and capital, are also
27Immigration and the U.S. Economy
- In the past generation, immigration in the U.S.
has increased substantially, especially among
workers with the lowest education levels and the
highest education levels. - The largest increase in immigration occurred
among workers with the lowest education levels,
making less educated workers more abundant, - possibly causing a widening wage gap between less
educated workers and highly educated workers.
28Fig. 7-4 Immigrants as a Percentage of the U.S.
29Immigration and the U.S. Economy (cont.)
- But immigration can not wholly explain the
widening income distribution in the U.S. - The fraction of U.S. workers without a high
school diploma fell, while that with a college
education rose, during 19801990. - More highly educated workers became more
abundant. - So why did the wage of highly educated workers
rise relative to that of low educated workers? - Possibly due to technological changes that made
education more valuable to employers.
30International Borrowing and Lending
- International capital mobility refers to mobility
of financial assets, or capital, across
countries. - Financial capital is a source of funds used to
build physical capital (ex., factories and
equipment). - International capital mobility can be interpreted
as intertemporal trade - trade of goods consumed today by borrowers in
return for goods consumed in the future by
31International Borrowing and Lending (cont.)
- For any economy, there is a trade-off
(opportunity cost) between consuming today and
saving for the future resources can either be
consumed or saved. - To save and invest more today typically means
that economies need to consume less today. - We represent this concept by drawing a special
kind of production possibility frontier, an
intertemporal production possibility frontier.
32Fig. 7-5 The Intertemporal Production
Possibility Frontier
33International Borrowing and Lending
- Some countries will have a comparative advantage
in spending current output/income (in current
consumption). - Others will have one in saving current output/
income (in future consumption). - A comparative advantage in current consumption
- would mean a lower opportunity cost of spending
current income. - would be reflected in an intertemporal PPF that
is biased toward current consumption.
34International Borrowing and Lending (cont.)
- Suppose that the domestic country has a
comparative advantage in (bias towards) current
consumption, while the foreign country has a
comparative advantage (bias towards) future
consumption. - In the absence of international borrowing and
lending, the relative price of current
consumption should be lower in the domestic
country. - But what is the relative price of current
35International Borrowing and Lending (cont.)
- The price of borrowing 1 unit of output/income to
consume today is the output/income that needs to
be repaid in the future - principal interest 1r, where r is the
interest rate - The relative price of current consumption
relative to future consumption is (1r) - The relative price of future consumption relative
to present consumption is 1/(1r) - The opportunity cost of consuming 1 unit of
output/ income today is the output/income that
could be earned by saving it - principal interest 1r, where r is the
interest rate - The opportunity cost of current consumption
relative to future consumption is (1r)
36Intertemporal budget constraint
- The isovalue curve expressed in current
consumption is given by - The intertemporal budget constraint of the
economy when it is allowed to trade is given by
37Fig. 7A2-1 Determining Homes Intertemporal
Production Pattern
38Fig. 7A2-2 Determining Homes Intertemporal
Consumption Pattern
39Fig. 7A2-3 Determining Foreigns Intertemporal
Production and Consumption Patterns
40International Borrowing and Lending (cont.)
- If international borrowing and lending are
allowed, the domestic country will export
current consumption (that is, lend). - The domestic country initially has a lower
relative price of current consumption (1r) - Thus the domestic country initially has a
lowerinterest rate r. - A lower interest rate r at Home implies a higher
return to consumption and investment abroad
investments are highly desirable and profitable
abroad so that the domestic country should lend
41Foreign Direct Investment
- Foreign direct investment refers to investment in
which a firm in one country directly controls or
owns a subsidiary in another country. - If a foreign company invests in at least 10 of
the stock in a subsidiary, the two firms are
typically classified as a multinational
corporation. - 10 or more of ownership in stock is deemed to be
sufficient for direct control of business
operations. - In addition, international borrowing and lending
sometimes occurs between a parent company and its
42Global FDI Flows
Source UNCTAD, WIR 2008
43FDI in China
44Theory of Multinational Corporations
- Why are multinational corporations created and
why do they undertake direct foreign investment? - We rephrase these questions into those dealing
with - Location Why is a good produced in two countries
rather than in one country and then exported to
the second country? - Internalization Why is production in different
locations done by one firm rather than by
separate firms?
45Theory of Multinational Corporations (cont.)
- Why production occurs in separate locations is
often determined by - the location of necessary factors of production
- mining occurs where minerals are
- labor intensive production occurs where
relatively large numbers of workers live. - transportation costs and other barriers to trade
may also influence the location of production. - These factors also influence the pattern of trade.
46Theory of Multinational Corporations (cont.)
- Internalization occurs because it is more
profitable to conduct transactions and production
within a single organization than in separate
organizations. Reasons for this include - Technology transfers transfer of knowledge or
another form of technology may be easier within a
single organization than through a market
transaction between separate organizations. - Patent or property rights may be weak or
non-existent. - Knowledge may not be easily packaged and sold.
47Theory of Multinational Corporations (cont.)
- Vertical integration involves consolidation of
different stages of a production process. - Vertical integration involves consolidation of
one firm that produces a good which is an input
for a another firm. - This may be more efficient than having production
operated by separate firms. - For example, having farms and flour mills
consolidate into one organization to make flour
may be more efficient than having separate
48Table 7-1 Employment by Foreign-Owned Firms in
the United States
49Fig. 7-6 Flows of Capital to Developing
Countries, as Percentage of Advanced-Country GDP
- A simple model of international labor mobility
predicts that labor will migrate to countries
with higher labor productivity and higher real
wages. - Real wages are predicted to fall due to
immigration - Real wages are predicted to rise due to
emigration - Due to the fact that countries do not produce the
same goods, due to differences in technology and
due to immigration barriers real wages across
countries are far from equal.
51Summary (cont.)
- International borrowing and lending can be
described as intertemporal trade, where countries
with profitable investment opportunities borrow
funds today and repay lenders in the future,
benefiting both borrowers and lenders. - The price of current consumption relative to the
price of future consumption is a function of
borrowing and saving interest rates.
52Summary (cont.)
- Multinational corporations undertake foreign
direct investment, - possibly because locating production in foreign
countries is efficient, - possibly because internalizing technology
transfers is efficient or - possibly because vertical integration is