Title: 100 People 100 Days Team
1100 People / 100 DaysTeam
- Presentation to Faculty Members
- Ohlone College, Fremont, CA
- Fixed Day
- August 13, 2004
- Dr. Treadway
- President, Ohlone College
- Sally Bratton, RN, FNP, PA-C
- Director, Ohlone Student Health Center
- Nurse Practitioner
- Sang Leng Trieu, MPH, CHES
- Health Education Coordinator
- STARSS Project Coordinator
- Violetta Waters, M.A.
- Medical Assistant
- STARSS ICC Representative
3Presentation Overview
- Introduction of 100 People / 100 Days
- Dr. Treadway
- Brief overview of the program
- Sally Bratton
- Background of the STARSS Project
- Sang Leng Trieu Violetta Waters
- Questions Answer session
- Sally Bratton
- Students
- Towards
- A
- Rapid
- Smoke-free
- School
5Tobaccos toll in the US
- Smoking is the most preventable cause of death in
the US - 1 in 5 of all deaths in the US are caused by
tobacco use - Over 400,000 Americans die each year from
tobacco-related disease - more than from AIDS,
alcohol, car accidents, murders, suicides, and
fires combined
6Smoking Prevalence in California
- 17 of Californians smoke
- 21 of males smoke
- 14 of females smoke
- The 18-24 age group experienced the greatest
increase in smoking prevalence than any other age
group in recent years - 16 daily
- 8 occasional
7(No Transcript)
8Stronger policies Less Ohlone students / staff
9STARSSs journey towards a smoke-free
campus 2000 - present
10Spring 2000 Ohlone Colleges Smoking Policy 20
foot reasonable distance educational campaign
11Spring 2001 Designated Smoking Areas Petition
STARSS Club members conducted a petition campaign
to garner support for designated smoking areas
Goal To create designated smoking areas on
campus Signatures collected 561 signatures
12Spring 2002 Our partner in crime Ciggybuttz
- Name Ciggy Buttz
- Born December 28, 2001
- Height 6ft 8inches
- Weight 8.5 pounds
- The Student Health Center received funding from
ASOC to purchase Ciggybuttz (600). - Ciggybuttzs purpose is to educate students on
the current smoking policy as well as issue
policy violators citation warnings.
13Spring 2002 Ciggybuttz Citation Warnings
Front of the citation warnings Citation warning
cards serve as a great educational tool to inform
students of the smoking policy. On the very
bottom of the citation, it states the following
Had this been an actual citation you have
received a 75 fine.
Back of the citation warnings We offer
information on how we can help students quit
smoking by promoting the health centers services
as well as the California Smokers Helpline.
142000 - present STARSS making headlines
15Fall 2002 Smoking cessation postcards
16Fall 2002 Successfully advocated for designated
smoking areas
17Fall 2002 STARSS Showcase
- STARSS Club kick-off event to celebrate the new
- designated smoking areas policy, November 2002
18Fall 2002 Tobacco-free Fun Run / Walk
A 2 mile run / walk around the campus perimeter
tobacco education and smoking policy messages
posted throughout the course
19Spring 2003 Legislative visits and support
- STARSS Group met with State Senator Liz Figueroa
to advocate for increase in tobacco tax - Senator Figueroa sent STARSS a letter of support
for a smoke-free campus - STARSS members participated in legislative
meeting with Assembly Member John Dutra
20Fall 2003 Elimination of building one designated
smoking area
Remaining areas
21Proclamation from the City of Fremont Mayors
OfficeMay 2004
22Ohlone College New Smoking Policy
- 10.1.1 (Board) Policy on Smoking (Effective June
1, 2004) - A. Legal Authority The Board approved a motion
delegating the approval of this (smoking) policy
to the President/Superintendent at the October 9,
1974, Board meeting. - B. (Administrative) Regulations
- Ohlone College is a designated Smoke Free
College. Smoking is prohibited in all college
vehicles, buildings, indoor and outdoor
facilities, handicapped parking and all open
areas except for general use parking lots. - This regulation applies to all properties and
facilities owned or leased by the Ohlone
Community College District. -
23Smoke-free Campus Policy Press Conference, May
24Educational Interventions
- New smoke-free campus policy postcards
- New signage around campus
- No smoking beyond this point lines painted
around campus perimeter and parking lots - 100 People / 100 Days volunteer program
25New smoke-free campus policy postcards
26New signage around campus
Smoking policy printed on bookstore bags
27(No Transcript)
28100 People / 100 Days Team
To Join 100 People / 100 Days Team
29100 People / 100 Days Team
- Purpose
- A campus-based volunteer group organized to
help educate the students, staff, and faculty
about the smoke-free campus policy - Rationale
- To successfully implement and enforce the
policy, we need campus-wide involvement and
ownership of the policy
30100 People / 100 Days Team
- 4 hours of flex credit for faculty
- Program will begin on August 16 and culminate
with the Great American Smoke-out on November 18 - Each member will receive a Starters Kit which
will contain - T-shirt
- Whistle / lanyard, Policy Promoter button
- Instructions, map of smoking areas
- Postcards, list of possible FAQs, wall poster
31 100 Days Celebration / Evaluation
- Celebration party put on by the Presidents
Office - Student Health Center / STARSS Club will put on
another fun run event, to fall on the Great
American Smoke-out Day (November 18, 2004) - Participating faculty members who would like flex
credit will be asked to submit bi-weekly tracking
forms, which will be provided by the Student
Health Center
32Recruiting Students
- We would appreciate any faculty member that would
give students extra credit for participating in
the 100 People / 100 Days program.
- Contact the Student Health Center
at 659-6258 or - studenthealth_at_ohlone.edu
- sbratton_at_ohlone.edu
34Please support our efforts in enforcing a
smoke-free Ohlone campus.
35(No Transcript)