Title: Healthcare Worker Retention
1Healthcare Worker Retention
- Marc Luoma Pamela Foster
- The need to focus on healthcare worker retention
- Causes of retention and turnover
- Practical work in the field
- QA
3What about you?
- For specific jobs youve quit, write down the 1
or 2 biggest reasons you quit.
4The Need
- Demand on the system is increasing
- Diseases that previously were controlled
- Large cohorts entering reproductive age
5The Need
- Ability of the system to respond is decreasing
- Supply issue fewer applicants to schools
- Lower recruitment
- Retention
6Retention Issues
- Reductions in force due to budgets
- Sickness and death of healthcare workers
- Competition with the private sector
- Competition with more-developed countries
7Need Evidence-Based Approaches for Retention
- WHO exploring policy options
- Some developing-country research
- Lots of research from developed countries
- Presents a good starting point
8Retention Quiz
- Individual task
- Select answers to the 6 retention questions
- Record your answers on the quiz
- Plenary
- Review each question
- Discuss answers
- Prizes!
- Grand prize-highest scorers
91. Happy, satisfied workers are more likely to
- Work hard
- Perform well
- Remain on the job
- All of the above
101. Happy, satisfied workers are more likely to
- Work hard
- Perform well
- Remain on the job
- All of the above
11Retention/Turnover Model
Job Satisfaction
12Retention/Turnover Model
Job Satisfaction
132. Job satisfaction is related to
- Salary
- Supervision
- Work stress
- All of the above
142. Job satisfaction is related to
- Salary
- Supervision
- Work stress
- All of the above
153. Rank in importance
- Absolute level of salary
- Perceived equity of salary
- Subsistence level of salary
- Frequency of increase of salary
163. Rank in importance
- Absolute level of salary (4)
- Perceived equity of salary (2)
- Subsistence level of salary (1)
- Frequency of increase of salary (3)
174. Which is most important for retention?
- Supervision frequency
- Perceived caring of supervisor
- Perceived fairness of supervision
- Quality of performance feedback
184. 4. Which is most important for retention
- Supervision frequency
- Perceived caring of supervisor
- Perceived fairness of supervision
- Quality of performance feedback
19Supervision and retention
- People dont quit jobs, they quit bosses.
- Its the managers, stupid.
205. Biggest cause of stress for nurses?
- Inflexible schedules
- Lack of training
- Relationships with patients
- Relationships with doctors
215. Biggest cause of stress for nurses?
- Inflexible schedules
- Lack of training
- Relationships with patients
- Relationships with doctors
226. Which is more important in developing
- Connection with community
- Administrative policies
- Location of work site
- Personal growth opportunities
236. Which is more important in developing
- Connection with community
- Administrative policies
- Location of work site
- Personal growth opportunities
24Community Connection
- Physical environment (building, water, etc)
- Demand for services
- Willingness to pay
- Personal safety
25Job satisfaction influences
- Salary
- Level
- Process
- Raise amount
- Indirect benefits
- Work content (importance)
- Career enhancement
- Organizational support
- Feedback from supervisor
- Clear goals
- Amount of responsibility
- Degree of autonomy
- Caring supervisor
- Job security
- Job title
- Opportunities for development
- Physical environment
- Committed co-workers
- Affiliation
26Emerging Better Practices
- Recruit and place provider in home villages
- Compulsory rural service
- Financial incentives
- Hardship allowances for rural work
- Tuition payback by rural work
- Community connections
27Lessons Learned
- Context of Intervention
- Ministries of Health
- Tanzania
- Government
- Department of State
- Private Sector
28Actionable Issues
- Leadership Accountability
- Issues arent confronted directly
- Negative/corrosive organizational culture
- Vibrant rumor mill
- Little recognition or positive feedback
- Complaining with no offering of solutions
- Organizational structure problems
- Unclear roles
- Fixation on hierarchy
- Unsatisfactory conditions of service
29Suggested Actions for Improving Retention
- There is no silver bullet no one thing that
will improve retention. It is a series of
things, in need of persistent renewal (e.g.,
periodically taking the pulse of the
30Suggested Actions for Improving Retention
- Leadership
- Envision and describe together elements of a
positive organizational culture develop
indicators of such a culture - Distinguish between good turnover (disgruntled
employees or poor performers who leave) and bad
turnover (good performers who leave because of
organizational performance issues) - Distinguish between individual, small group and
organization-wide problematic behavior and
respond appropriately
31Suggested Actions for Improving Retention
- Leadership
- Act as role models, develop mentoring/supportive
relationships with your staff - Address conditions of service where possible not
all remedies are costly
32Suggested Actions for Improving Retention
- Negative/Corrosive Organizational Culture
- Conduct an assessment- talk to people to hear
their thinking about the organization identify
key issues - Clarify roles, remove hierarchical barriers
- Provide accurate and timely information (to cut
down on the rumor mill)
33Suggested Actions for Improving Retention
- Negative/Corrosive Organizational Culture
- Provide coaching around specific in-unit issues
that create work blockages and unsupportive
environments. - Offer specific training in giving and receiving
work assignments, feedback, managing disagreement
34Suggested Actions for Improving Retention
- Working with New Employees
- Re-examine hiring criteria and enhance
interviewing skills. Look to hire for retention
purposes (not only technical, team skills,
experience managing challenges effectively,
positive outlook) - Develop and implement an orientation for new
employees. - Provide coaching and mentoring as
35- Remind yourselves and others that this
- is an on-going effort. Search for and
- celebrate examples where positive
- changes have occurred.
36(No Transcript)
37Q A?