Title: R
1RD in the games industry
- Dr I Badcoe,Infogrames Development Studios
Sheffield House
2A talk in four parts
- Background
- Production/Development
- Mainstream research
- Further research
3Part 1 Background
- The industry
- Infogrames
- Sheffield House
- Me
4The Industry
- Came from Bed-sits
- Went to Many Small Independent Development
Houses - Now at Few Large international
Publisher/Developers and (semi)Independent
Studios - Was doing Ad-hoc simplistic development by
recognized gurus - Now doing Increasingly sophisticated
management/design required
- Came from Lyon
- Went to Europe
- Now at Worldwide
- Was doing PC/Handheld gamers games
- Now doing Console/Handheld
- mass-market
- licensed properties
6Sheffield House
- Came from Gremlin Interactive
- Went to UK success, limited elsewhere
- Now at Infogrames largest and most- advanced
internal development facility - Was doing Consoles/PC all gamer genres
- Now doing Consoles/PC mass-market licensed
7Me Dr Ian Badcoe
- Came from Biochemistry
- Went to Gremlin Interactive
- Now at Infogrames Sheffield House
- Was doing Head of RD Team
- Now doing Lead Programmer on Superman
8Part 2 Production/Development
- Some numbers
- Process stages
- Environment
- Team environment
- Team structure
9Production Some (loose) numbers
- Time Scale 18m 2yr
- Cost 1,000,000 - ?
- Production Staff 10 - 20
- Other Staff 5 10 ( shared facilities)
- Platforms 1 4 (a)
- Languages 4 7 (b)
- SKUs a b
10Production Process Stages
- Concept genre, license, demography, platform
- Prototype gameplay, technology, feasibility,
- design
- Build make the software and artwork
- Alpha serious gameplay evaluation,
- some content still developing
- Alpha 2 functionality testing
- Beta does it really all work
- Final hardware vendor approval
- send for production
- Archive try not to lose it
11Production Environment
- Languages C/C/ASM
- Environment PC-based.
- Console DevKit HW
- Project mgt light but formal
- Software process evolving formality
- Software design mutating,
- more reuse formality
- Testing Informal unit testing
- Formal system testing
12Production Team Environment
Publishing Label
Studio Manager
Head of Label
Dev. Producer
Publishing Producer
Brand Manager
Other Designers
Production Team
Mocap Studio
Sound Studio
13Production Team Structure
Studio Manager
Production Team
Lead Programmer
Lead Artist
Lead Designer
Junior Designer
Level Designers
14Part 3 Mainstream research and the State of
the Art
- Hardware Support
- Animation
- Rasterizing
- Scene Rendering
- Simulation
- Sound
- AI
15Research Hardware Support
- Hardware is continually changing
- Considerable research required to remain on the
spot - PCs are worse, consoles only change once every 5
16Research Animation (1)
- Body
- Hierarchic, or vertex-based
- Current games tending towards multiple bone
weighting systems, or general morph-targets - Mocap, or hand-edited
- Some run-time IK, not a brilliant reputation yet
- Real-time animation blending now practical
17Research Animation (2)
- Facial animation increasingly practical
- Lip-synch
- manual
- automatic preprocess
- automatic at run-time
- Expressions
- Automatic application to different faces
- Merging the two
- Inhuman faces
18Research Rasterizing features
- A wide variety of previously off-line
techniques coming to the run-time - Patch rendering
- Multitexture mapping techniques
- Shadow/Lighting volumes
- Alpha buffers
- Stencil buffers
- Hardware TL more lights becoming practical
- Procedural textures (2D)
- Anti-aliasing (various)
19Research Rasterizing techniques
- Environment, gloss, depth, bump, , mappings
- Detail textures
- Non-photorealistic rendering (e.g. cartoon)
- Shadows, localized lights, other volumetric
effects - Motion blur, depth of field
20Research Scene Rendering
- Worlds are getting more complex
- Scene-graphs are used, no standard approach
- Portal or tree-based culling
- Hang other requirements on SG, such as AI data
- Procedural geometry
- LoD techniques
- Fixed geometry LoDs
- Render-time subdivision
- View and silhouette-based
21Research Simulation (1)
- Based on numerical techniques generally only
Euler integration - Generally used for rigid-body physical simulation
- Difficulties arise from
- Step-size larger than other simulations
- Presence of many discontinuities
- Approximations have non-linear knock-on effects
- Clash of physical and logical paradigms
22Research Simulation (2)
- Requires efficient and accurate collision
detection - Collisions occurring in mid-simulation step
- Rotations
- Complex geometry
- Numerical precision limitations
- Software architecture problems
- Efficient call-backs to main program
- Speculative placement queries
- Free write access to simulation internals, w/o
compromising efficiency
23Research Sound
- State of the art
- 3D spatialised sound playback
- 32 channels
- Limited playback effects, such as reverb
- Environmental sound processing
- Interactive Music (DirectMusic, et al.)
24Research AI
- It is very difficult to find clear examples of
high tech AI used in games. Where it does
occur, it is in specialized contexts such as the
limited nn/ga in Creatures. - However, use of low tech AI techniques is
pretty-much endemic - Path-finding
- Simple expert systems
- Custom rule-based systems
- Tactical decisions
25Part 4 Advanced Research
- Animation
- Curved surfaces
- Physics/Simulation
- Sound rendering
- AI
- Network strategies
- Generalities and convergences
26Advanced Animation
- More bones, verts, polys
- More biological control mechanisms
- Elasticity and thickness of skin
- Inherently non-squashing joints(say via layers
of flesh) - Attach clothing to figure animation
- Merge IK and animations to give run-time
customization/targeting - Better facial techniques
27Advanced Curved surfaces
- Problems of patch topology
- Triangular patches
- Better tools
- Subdivision surfaces
- Beyond smoothness
- Overlap with animation
- Procedurally created surfaces
- (shattering, liquids, )
28Advanced Physics/Simulation
- Better or novel integrators
- Yet to see efficient, error-free, arbitrary
geometry, collision-detection - Yet to see an internally consistent, usable,
efficient physics-engine (but some reasonable
candidates) - Material-based physics
- Integration with animation and/or IK?(Joint
limits, muscles, proprioceptors) - Scale up number of objects.
- Soft objects?
- Liquids?
29Advanced Sound rendering
- Given an environment with geometry and materials,
should be able to render its sound properties. - Initially preprocess approximate, big data
- Eventually could calculate on the fly(but would
need full convolution in sound HW) - Good for immersion
- Good for intuitive consistency
30Advanced AI
- Higher-tech strategic AI techniques
- Bring commercial/academic AI to games, but,
- What use is that AI really?Strategies for
visible AI assistants, god-gamesAI for
background is arguably a waste of time. - Behavioural AI
- More peoply people grudges, favours, obsessions
- Again, needs to be visible to be useful
- Constructive AI
- Creates the world in which play occurs
- Tunes features to player skill and preference,
or, - Has a personality and style of its own
- Yet again, may need to ensured its highly visible
31Advanced Network strategies
- Distributed simulation techniques
- Resolution of desynchronized sessions
- Partially synchronized sessions
- Local server architectures
- Digicash techniques alternative uses
- True copy protection
32Generalities and convergences
- Overall trend is from hyper-tuned, limited,
custom code, towards efficient, more-general,
library code, however - Trend is very slow
- More-general is still quite specific
- Systems which set out to be too broad are
generally rejected - Systems which are PC only are not much use
- Anything reusable must be highly customizable
- Very little library code is from external sources
- Integration of different libraries is awkward
33Generalities and convergences
- Techniques become available as game-platform
power increases, but it takes time to work out
how to use them. - The support tools for a new technique are at
least as complex as the technique itself - Evolution of genres which use a technique, can
take several generations - Player understanding can need educating before a
genre becomes popular (e.g. a new style of play
or controls)
34Generalities and convergences
- Increased power of representation (only one
expression of which is realism), leads to
increased immersion, and intuitive consistency
35Bonus Part Furthest Research
- Quo vadis?
- Just what is a game, anyway?
- What is fun?
- What is entertainment?
- How difficult should it be?
- When is it appropriate to play with software?
- How good are these controls?
- What is our rôle-model? Movies? TV? Books?
Plays? Board games? - Who are our audience(s)?
36Further disinformation?
- ibadcoe_at_uk.infogrames.com
- (24hours hotline)