Title: P.1
1Sensor Modeling and Triangulation for an
Airborne Three Line Scanner lt 2008 ASPRS Annual
Conference gt
- JAMES S. Bethel
- Wonjo Jung
- Geomatics Engineering
- School of Civil Engineering
- Purdue University
- APR-30-2008
- Introduction
- Dataset
- Camera Design
- Flight and observations (3-OC Atlanta, GA)
- Sensor Model
- Trajectory Model
- Pseudo Observation Equations
- Data Ajustment
- Implementation
- Results
- Conclusions
- Future plans
31. Introduction
Developing an algorithm to recover orientation
parameters for an airborne three line scanner
41. Introduction - Types of three line scanners
Three separate cameras
Linear arrays on the same focal plane
51. Introduction
Instantaneous gimbal rotation center
flight trajectory
- While ADS40, TLS and JAS placed CCD arrays on the
focal plane in a single optical system, 3-DAS-1
and 3-OC use three optical systems, rigidly fixed
to each other. - For this reason, we need to develop a
photogrammetirc model for three different cameras
moving together along a single flight trajectory
61. Introduction
- Parameters to be estimated
- Exterior orientation parameters
- 6 parameters per an image line
- Additional external parameters
- Translation vector between a gimbal center to
perspective centers - Rotation angles between gimbal axis and sensor
coordinate systems - Interior orientation parameters
- Focal lengths
- Principal points
- Radial distortions
71. Introduction
- There have been two kinds of approaches.
- Reducing number of unknown parameters
- Piece-wise polynomials
- Providing fictitious observations in addition to
the real observations - Stochastic models
81. Introduction
- Reducing number of unknown parameters
- Piecewise polynomials
91. Introduction
- Providing fictitious observations in addition to
the real observations - 1st-Order Gauss-Markov Model
101. Introduction
- Self-calibration
- Partial camera calibration information is
provided. - focal length, aperture ratio, shift of the
distortion center, radial distortion - Coordinates of projection center of the camera
relative to the gimbal center is not measured.
Just design values are provided. - Need to refine some of the parameters
Strip ID Heading Altitude
2 E 5,500ft
3 W 5,500ft
4 E 5,500ft
5 W 5,500ft
6 S 5,500ft
8 N 5,500ft
9 S 5,500ft
10 N 5,500ft
11 S 10,500ft
12 N 10,500ft
13 S 10,500ft
14 N 10,500ft
15 E 10,500ft
16 W 10,500ft
17 E 10,500ft
18 W 10,500ft
20 GCPs
8Check points
133. Sensor Model
- Collinearity Equation a line scanner
Sensor Coordinate System (SCS)
Perspective Center
scan line
flight direction
143. Sensor Model
- Collinearity Equation - oblique camera
perspective Center
scan line
flight direction
153. Sensor Model
- Collinearity in a three line scanner
three angles should be considered
flight direction
gimbal center
plumb line
164. Trajectory Model
- 1st order Gauss-Markov trajectory model
- Probability density function f(x(t)) at a certain
time is dependent only upon previous point - Probability density function is assumed to be
Gaussian - Autocorrelation function becomes
174. Trajectory Model
- 1st order Gauss-Markov trajectory model
autocorrelation function
Parameters are highly correlated!
185. Pseudo Observation equations
One-sided equation
Symmetric pseudo observation equation
autocorrelation function
196. Data Adjustment
- the Unified Least Squares Adjustment
207. Implementation
- To reduce the number of parameters, only the
parameters of lines containing image observations
are implemented. - For the memory management, IMSL Ver. 6.0 library
is used. IMSL contains a sparse matrix solver. - riptide.ecn.purdue.edu
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 operating systems
- 16 multi core processors
- 64GB of system memory
218. Results
- Processing time 49 seconds
- (16 core x86_64 Linux with 64GB ram)
- Number of iteration 7
- Converged at 0.58 pixels
- RMSE 1.08 pixels for 8 check points
228. Results
- Interior Orientation parameters are
239. Conclusions
- We could successfully recover the orientation
parameters using stochastic trajectory model - Interior orientation parameters of three cameras
can be refined through the self calibration
249. Future Plans
- Analysis on the model properties
- Adding pass points
- Automated passpoints generation