The Non-Archimedean geometries after David Hilbert - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Non-Archimedean geometries after David Hilbert


... are pairs of real numbers a?; a is called characteristic and ? index. ... Two monosemii are equals if and only if they have the same characteristic and index. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Non-Archimedean geometries after David Hilbert

The Non-Archimedean geometries after David Hilbert
Quest-ce que la géométrie aux époques modernes
et contemporaines ?  Luminy 16 au 20 avril 2007
  • Cinzia Cerroni
  • Università degli Studi di Palermo

Veronese and the debate before the G.d.G. of
  • ... The question about the existence of a
    segment which is infinitesimal in respect to
    another is ancient but neither the supporters
    neither the opponents have proved the possibility
    or the impossibility of this idea, because they
    did not put the question in a right way,
    complicating it with philosophical considerations
    unrelated with it. It, instead, has to be put in
    the same way of those about the parallel axiom
    and the space dimensions that is, if all the
    axioms hold, is Archimedes axiom a consequence
    of the others? Or in other words, let A and B be
    two segments (AltB), does it exist a geometry in
    which in general is not true An gt B, where n is a
    positive integer 1, 2, ..n ?
  • If one takes as the continuity axiom,
    Dedekinds axiom or if one maps the points of the
    line in to the real numbers, then the previous
    relation is a conceguence of it. But I gave a new
    definition of the continuity axiom that does not
    contain Archimedes axiom ... . Veronese.

Veroneses non-archimedean line
  • The work of Veronese caused a national and
    international discussion which involved Rodolfo
    Bettazzi, George Cantor, Wilhelm Killing, Tullio
    Levi Civita, Giuseppe Peano, Arthur Moritz
    Schönflies, Otto Stolz, and Giulio Vivanti.
  • In particular, in 1893 there was a
    turning-point in the discussion Tullio Levi
    Civita published his work
  • Sugli infiniti ed infinitesimi attuali quali
    elementi analitici
  • in which he constructed from the reals number,
    in an analytical way, a number system whose
    numbers (the monosemii) are the marks of
    Veroneses infinite and infinitesimal segments.

  • The monosemii are pairs of real numbers a? a
    is called characteristic and ? index. The
    monosemii with index zero are the real numbers.
    Two monosemii are equals if and only if they have
    the same characteristic and index. Let a? and bµ
    be two differents monosemii.
  • ? µ if the characteristic are equals then
    the monosemii are equals if the characteristic
    are differents, then a? is greater (or smaller)
    than bµ if and only if a is greater (or smaller)
    than b, and conversely.
  • ? µ if the characteristics are both
    positives then a? is greater (or smaller) than bµ
    if and only if ? is greater (or smaller) than µ,
    and conversely. If the characteristics are not
    both positives, one uses the previous rule and
    then one inverts the unequal direction like in
    the real numbers.
  • Notice that, the monosemii a? , with positive
    or negative index ?, are greater or smaller than
    every real number, respectively.

The non-archimedean number-system of Hilbert
  • He considered the set ?(t) consisting of the
    algebraic functions of t obtained from t by the
    five operations of addition, subtraction,
    multiplication, division, and the operation
  • where ? is a function derived
  • from the previous five
  • Moreover, if c is a function in ?(t), it will
    vanish only on finitely many values of t.
    Therefore, c, for positive large values of t, is
    either always positive or always negative.

  • If a and b are two functions in ?(t), a will be
    greater than b (a gt b) or a less than b (a lt b)
    if a b is always positive or always negative
    for positive large values of t, respectively.
  • Let n be a positive integer. Then n is less than
    t (n lt t) since n t is always negative for
    large positive values of t.
  • Consider the numbers 1 and t in ?(t). Every
    multiple of 1 is always less than t, so ?(t) is a
    non-Archimedean number system.
  • An analytic geometry on this number system is

Dehn and non-Archimedean geometries
  • On Hilberts suggestion, Max Dehn, in his
    dissertation Die Legendreschen Sätze über die
    Winkelsumme im dreieck (1900), studied the
    relationship between Legendres theorems and
    Archimedes axiom.
  • In particular, he asked
  • Kann man die Legedreschen Sätze ohne irgend
    ein Steigkeitspostulat beweisen, d.h. ohne von
    Archimedischen Axiom Gebrauch zu machen?

Max Dehn
  • Born in Hamburg in 1878
  • he received his doctorate in Göttingen at the
  • age of twenty-one, under Hilberts
  • he obtained his Habilitation in Munich in 1901,
  • solving the third of Hilberts twenty-three
  • was Privatdozent in Munich from 1901 until 1911
    and became Ordinarius in Breslau in 1913
  • he moved to the University of Frankfurt in 1921
    where he lectured until 1935
  • he was the driving force of the seminar on the
    History of Mathematics, founded in Frankfurt in
  • in 1939, since he was a Jew, he emigrated from
    Germany to Copenhagen and later to Trondheim in
  • in early 1941, when German troops occupied
    Trondheim, he emigrated to the United States
  • in 1945, he arrived at Black Mountain College in
    North Carolina, where he died in 1952.

The Legendres theorems
  • The sum of the inner angles of a triangle is
    equal to or less than two right angles.
  • If in a triangle the sum of the inner angles is
    equal to two right angles, it is so in every

  • Dehn first showed that Legendres second
    theorem is only a consequence of the incidence,
    order and congruence axioms by proving, in a
    geometry where such axioms hold, the following
    more general theorem
  • If the sum of the inner angles of one triangle
    is less, equal, or greater, respectevely, than
    two right angles then this is true for every
  • He constructed a Non-Legendrian Geometry in
    which there are infinite lines parallel to a
    fixed line through a point, Archimedes axiom
    does not hold and the sum of the inner angles of
    a triangle is greater than two right-angles.
  • He constructed a Semi-Euclidean Geometry in
    which there are infinite lines parallel to a
    fixed line through a point, Archimedes axiom
    does not hold but the sum of the inner angles of
    every triangle is still equal to two right

Die Winkel-summe im Dreieck Durch einen Punkt giebt es zu einer Geraden Durch einen Punkt giebt es zu einer Geraden Durch einen Punkt giebt es zu einer Geraden
Keine Parallele Eine Parallele Unendlich viele Parallelen
gt 2 R Elliptische Geometrie (Unmöglich) Nicht-Legendresche Geometrie
2 R (Unmöglich) Euklidische Geometrie Semi-Euklidische Geometrie
lt 2 R (Unmöglich) (Unmöglich) Hyperbolische Geometrie
  • Therefore, Dehn had shown that, if Archimede
    axiom is not valid, the relationships between the
    hypothesis on the existence and the number of
    parallel lines through a point and the sum of the
    inner angles of a triangle do not hold.
  • In particular
  • ... Dass die Hypothese des stumpfen Winkels,
    wie sie Saccheri nennt, sich nicht deckt mit der
    Hypothese der Endlichkeit der Geraden

Non Legendrian Geometry
  • Like Hilbert, Dehn considered the
    non-Archimedean number system ?(t) and
    constructed an analytic geometry over this set.
  • He constructed, over this non-Archimedean
    plane, an elliptic or Riemaniann geometry, as
    follows. He took the imaginary conic
  • x2 y2 1 0
  • and considered as points and lines all the
    points and lines of the non-Archimedean plane,
    together with the line at infinity with its
    points, and, as congruences, the real
    transformations that establish the conic.

  • He considered, as points of the new geometry,
    the points of elliptic geometry (x, y)
    satisfying the following conditions
  • -n/t lt x lt n/t
  • -n/t lt y lt n/t
  • where n is an integer, and as lines, the lines
    whose points satisfy the above condition.
  • Then he showed that through one point there
    exist infinite lines parallel to a fixed line but
    where the sum of the inner angles of a triangle
    is greater than two right-angles.

Semi-Euclidean Geometry
  • He considered the above non-Archimedean plane
    and constructed over it a new geometry as
    followsthe new points are the points (x, y) of
    the satisfying the following condition
  • -n lt x lt n
  • -n lt y lt n
  • where n is a positive integer and the lines
    are the lines of the non-Archimedean plane whose
    points satisfy the condition above.

  • The sum of inner angles is equal to two
    right-angles in every triangle but there are
    infinite lines parallel to a fixed line through a
  • Consider the line through the points (t, 0)
    and (0, 1) this is a line of the new geometry,
    since it passes through the points (0, 1) and (1,
    t -1/t), but intersects the x axis in a point
    that is not a point of the new geometry.
  • Consider the line through the points (- t, 0)
    and (0, 1) this line is a line of the new
    geometry which intersects the x axis in a point
    that is not a point of the new geometry.

The two previous lines pass through the point
(1, 0) and are parallel to the x axis.
Hilbert lectures on the Foundations of Geometry
  • These results were probably achieved by Dehn
    in 1899. Hilbert mentioned them in a letter to
    Hurtwitz written on 5 November 1899 quoted in
    Toepell 1986, p. 257.
  • Hilbert gave some lectures on the Foundations
    of Geometry in the summer semester of 1902. There
    is an elaboration by August Adler (1863-1923) of
    these lectures.
  • In these lectures, he constructed another
    model of Semi-Euclidean geometry, emphasizing
    that the theorem about the sum of the inner
    angles of a triangle is not equivalent to the
    parallel axiom. He was struck by this kind of
    geometry which he called Merkwürdige Geometrie.

The Prinzipien der Geometrie of F. Enriques
  • The article was planned after 1892, and the
    author continued to work on it until its
    publication. The article contains the results on
    the Foundations of Geometry obtained until then
    it is divided in seven chapters and the last of
    them is on the non-Archimedean Geometry and is
    exposed Dehns results on the relationships
    between Legendres theorems and Archimedes

  • In this article the author distinguishes the
    elementary questions, such that the ones
    directly deducible by the geometric properties
    from the superior questions, such that the ones
    needed to study in depth, as the Theory of
    Continuum or the Projective Geometry and so
  • After the representation of these different
    concepts, we reported in the last chapter about
    the new developments, which, through the
    abstraction of the common concept of continuum,
    had given rise to the construction of the
    non-Archimedean Geometry

  • Remaining in the field of Geometry, it must
    not be forgotten that such science is science
    about physical or intuitive facts as they are
    intended to be considered. Logical formalism must
    be conceived not as an aim in se but as a tool to
    carry out and to advance the intuition. The same
    results, logically established, must not be
    considered a mature achievement until they can be
    intuitively understood. But in the principles,
    intuitive evidence must shine luminously

  • Enriques 1900

  • Enriques, in the elementary questions,
    dedicated a paragraph on the continuity and
    Archimedes axiom in which he explained the
    postulates of continuity of Dedekind, Cantor and
    Weierstrass and the relationships between these
    postulates and the Archimedes axiom. Moreover,
    he described the Veronese geometric model of
    non-Archimedean geometry and exposed, as
    Schoenflies 1906 did, the difference between
    Veronese and Dedekind definitions of continuity.

Bonola research on Saccheris theorem
  • Bonola was interested in understanding the role
    of Archimedes axiom in the proof of Saccheris
    theorem. In his work I teoremi del Padre
    Girolamo Saccheri sulla somma degli angoli di un
    triangolo e le ricerche di M. Dehn (1905), he
    demonstrated, in a direct way without the use of
    Archimedes axiom, Saccheris theorem on the sum
    of the inner angles of a triangle
  • This note has as the goal a direct and
    elementary proof of the result by Dehn, that is
    of Saccheris theorem, without the use of
    Archimedes axiom.

Roberto Bonola
  • He was born in 1874 in Bologna
  • he graduated in Mathematics in 1898 under the
    supervision of Enriques, who assumed him
    immediately as his assistant
  • in 1900 he became teacher of mathematics in the
    Female School and he started teaching before in
    Petralia Sottana and after in Pavia, where he
    spent the best years of his short life
  • in 1902 he became assistant to the course of
    Calculus at the University of Pavia and in 1904
    he gave lectures on the Foundations of Geometry
  • in 1909 he obtained the Libera Docenza of
    Projective Geometry and in 1910 he became
    Ordinary Professor on the Regio Istituto
    Superiore di Magistero femminile in Rome
  • he was seriously sick since 1900 and he died
    prematurely in 1911 while he was going to Rome.

  • Bonola shares his masters vision of geometry,
    i.e. as a deeply intuitive discipline. Thus, only
    a direct proof could really satisfy our intuitive
  • The way followed by Dehn to prove, without
    Archimedes axiom, Saccheris theorem is very
    elegant and logically complete. Geometrical
    intuition, however, needed a direct proof, that
    is a proof without formal systems, constructed
    over abstract concepts, that only formally
    satisfies the geometrical properties.

  • He started from the research of Father
    Saccheri Saccheri 1733 on Euclids V axiom. He
    considered the birectangular isosceles
    quadrilateral ABCD ( 1 right angle and AB CD),
    that is now called the Saccheri Quadrilateral and
    distinguished the three Hypothesis the one of
    the right angle, the one of the acute angle and
    the one of the obtuse angle.
  • He then demonstrated Saccheris theorem If
    one of the three previous Hypotheses is valid in
    a Saccheri Quadrilateral, this hypothesis is
    valid in every Saccheri Quadrilateral without
    using Archimedes axiom.
  • To prove Saccheris theorem, he considered a
    plane in which the axioms of connection, order,
    and congruence are satisfied, distinguishing two
    cases the closed line and the open line.

Dehn Research Program
  • The foundations of geometry represent a type
    of mathematical inquiry that highly suited some
    characteristic features of Dehns mind. However,
    he was not primarily interested in finding
    minimal sets of axioms or in separating the
    postulates of a given discipline into sets of
    weaker ones and then proving their independence
    and completeness. He was interested in finding
    solid and simple foundations for a theory, in
    particular for projective geometry
  • the aim of the foundations of projective
    geometry, as well as of metric geometry, is to
    transform the projective relations
    (collineations) into algebraic relations. Dehn

  • This kind of approach was to become a real
    Research Program, for Dehn inspired many
  • Ruth Moufang (1905-1977) in her main work
    Alternative Körper und der Satz von
    Vollstadingen Vierseit she constructs the
    non-desarguesian planes, that nowadays are called
    Moufang planes, exhibiting a delicate interplay
    of geometry and algebra.

Hilbert had shown that a subset of his axioms
for plane geometry (essentially the incidence
axioms) together with the incidence theorem of
Desargues permits the introduction of coordinates
on a straight line which are elements of a skew
field. He proceeded as follows he had defined
the operations of addition and multiplication
and their inverse, using the incidence theorems.
So, the Desargues theorem and the incidence
axioms are sufficient to prove the calculus rules
and the commutative rule of product . Vice
versa, had constructed a geometry in which is
valid the Desargues theorem, by using the
elements of a skew field. We investigate in the
same way, by using a particular case of
Desargues theorem, called D9, which is
equivalence to the theorem of the complete
Moufang, 1933.
Therefore, as Hilbert had shown that the
Desargues theorem together with the incidence
axioms of planes allows one to introduce
coordinates in a projective plane which are
elements of a skew field, and vice versa Ruth
Moufang proved that the configuration D9 (or
equivalently the theorem of complete quadrilater)
holds in a projective plane if, and only if can
it be coordinatizated by an Alternative division
ring (of characteristic not 2). M. Hall in
1943, introduced a general way to coordinatize
every projective planes with planary ternary
rings and made a classifications by using the
relationship between the algebraic properties and
the geometric properties.
  • We may note that Veroneses pioneering work
    did not give rise to a real mathematical school,
    but to a lasting debate on the subject of
    non-Archimedean geometry also within Italian
  • Bonolas work was more influenced by Dehns
    and Hilberts approaches than by that of
    Veronese. In fact, since in his researches he was
    principally concerned about non-Euclidean
    geometries, he was above all interested in
    studying the relationships between Archimedes'
    axiom and the Saccheri theorem and besides, it
    was significant for him to obtain Dehns result
    under a more elementary point of view.

  • It follows from the previous considerations
    that Enriques (and his student Bonola) considered
    the foundations of geometry as a part of
    elementary mathematics, while the approach of
    Hilbert and Dehn is founded on the study of the
    interrelation between algebraic property and
    geometric property, and so considers foundations
    as a fundamental part of research in modern
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