Title: The SMART Way To Get The Results You Want
1The SMART Way To GetThe Results You Want
2Are you experiencing any of these common problems
at your company... -Do you have a tough time
getting front line supervisors to supportyour
initiatives? -Do you have a way to VALIDATE
that your training is effective and that behavior
hasreally changed with each and every employee?
-For eighty years, research has proven that
positive recognition is the most importantfactor
in employee satisfaction....at your company is
positive recognition "hit or miss"? -Do you
have a way of knowing who rewarded whom for
what?without abuse favoritism? -Are you
using taxable employee reward options like cash
gift cards?The Pop Quiz Up Front
ContractFree Employee Survey Offer
A few questions
3The only patent pending behavior change process
guaranteed to getmeasurable results
4Heartland Food reports a 90 reduction in
injuries and workmens comp costs-without injury
hiding!Siemens saves 11 million in 18 months
from bright idea suggestionsSport Chalet from
1.6 million to 212,000 in work comp in 3
years.Indalex saves 364,000 and reduces
injuries 94Please review our online case
histories at www.8006901860.com
Results you can count on..
5SmartCard System
- Greater return on investment than cash or gift
cards - More value because its TAX FREE
- Dramatic behavior change RESULTS
Employees may SAY cash is king, but research
shows non-cashrewards deliver a 6 to 1 greater
return on investment
6SmartCard System
Income Tax eats up 40 of your awards budgetbut
tax free Smartcard puts 100 of your budget to
- Greater ROI than cash or gift cards
- TAX FREE means more value
- Dramatic behavior change RESULTS
7SmartCard System
- Greater ROI than cash
- More value because its TAX FREE
- Dramatic behavior change RESULTS
We saved 8 million in 18 months SIEMENS VDO
8Motivatesemployees AND managersto change
behaviorsthat achieve
Sims SmartCard System
your goals!
9Where do you need to improve?
Guest Satisfaction
Discretionary Effort Employee Engagement
Morale Retention
Bright Ideas
5S-Good Housekeeping
10How to achieve Behavior Change
TRAIN Antecedent
REINFORCE Consequences
Train ReinforceBehavior Change
11Part 1-Smartcard Training
Teach the behaviors you want without spray
pray and with validation of effectiveness
12SmartCard System
- Custom, not canned
- Multi-Lingual
- Multiple Communication Points
- Interactive
- Telephone Hotline
- Employee AND Manager Rewards
- Reporting
- Your employees pictures
- here!
Custom, not canned Multi-Lingual Demonstrate
desired behavior changes Customized with
pictures of your employees
Every month, your managers give a custom Training
Smartcard to your employees We track and reward
employees managers who participate with chances
at trips and prizes
Back of quiz card
15Toll-Free Hotline
Employees call a custom toll-free hotline and
submit answers to Smartcard questions to win free
trips other prizes. The greeting is
multi-lingual and customized to your
firm. Detailed reports tell you which employees
and managers are participatingmeasured down to
the employees families if desired.
16Employees win awards!
- First time callers always win!
- Additional calls earn chances for trips and
points to catalog awards - Limit 1 call per card
- Every call can be a winner
- Reports showing who was awarded
17Monthly Dashboard Reports
- Shows which managers are implementing the program
- Managers get rewarded
- Low performers identified for coaching
18The Results
- Involvement increases training retention from 5
to 75 - Our clients report up to 90 call in rates
- No more Spray Pray
- Highest retention comes from teaching the family
- Optional off the job program
19Many ways to participate
KIOSKS Intranet Internet
Electronic Signage
Custom Smartcard Hotline with Your CEOs Greeting
SmartCARDS By email mail
20Part 2-Smartcard Rewards
REINFORCE Consequences
Measures Reinforces Behavior Change Positive,
Immediate and Certain Without favoritism, injury
hiding or why them? Why not me?
21Many Ways To Reward
- Smartcard Scratchoffs
- You Did It Right Cards
- Star Points Online Points System
22You Did It Right
- Tracks any behaviors you choose to reward
- Safety Bucks the in-house nightmare
- More chances to win points for prizes and travel
by phone - Validates Training effectiveness
- Eliminates abuse and favoritism
23Wow! Peer to Peer
- Peers reinforce each other
- Validates Training effectiveness
- Eliminates abuse and favoritism
24Hazard Hunt
- Rewards people who report safety hazards
- Heightens awareness and reduces complacency
- Anonymous, no finger pointing
25Pop Quiz
- How do we end spray pray training?
- How do we help you measure positive recognition?
- How are supervisors involved?
- How have we eliminated abuse favoritism?
- Would you like to review pricing?
26Budget Guidelines
- Budgets are flexible and billed quarterly
starting at just US 20,000 per year - Average client spends 100 to 200 per person per
yearbut some spend less than 10 person per year
- Program pricing includes trips, awards,
consultation - We will work with your budget
- For a custom pricing proposal please call 803 600
8325 in the USA or 02-8005-0860 in Australia or
email bill.sims_at_billsims.net