Title: Trace of find_gcd from last class
1Trace of find_gcd from last class
- gcd(9,6) find_gcd(9,6,6)
- find_gcd(9,6,6)6test_rem(9,6,6)
60 find_gcd(9,6,5)1 find_gcd(9,6,5) - find_gcd(9,6,5)5test_rem(9,6,5)
50 find_gcd(9,6,4)1 find_gcd(9,6,4) - find_gcd(9,6,4)4test_rem(9,6,4)
40 find_gcd(9,6,3)1 find_gcd(9,6,3) - find_gcd(9,6,3)3test_rem(9,6,3)
31 find_gcd(9,6,2)0 3 - find_gcd(9,6,2)2test_rem(9,6,2)
20 find_gcd(9,6,1)1 find_gcd(9,6,1) - find_gcd(9,6,1)1test_rem(9,6,1)
11 find_gcd(9,6,0)0 1 - find_gcd(9,6,0) 0
210a Undecidable Problems Intro. to Complexity
12.1 14.1
- Computable Functions Decidable Problems
- Undecidable Problems
- Unsolvability of T.M. Halting Problem
- Reducing One Undecidable Problem to Another
- Review the Concept of Order of Complexity
3Study Sheet for Final Exam
- Fall 2004 Final Exam Friday, November 19, from
1130am-130pm - Sample Test cs.union.edu/csc140/tests/
- Answer Key on my Bulletin Board
4Computable Functions
- Input tapes consisting of ?'s and 1's
- There exists a Turing machine to compute the
answer for "reasonable" input values - May not be a total function
- e.g. quotient a/b may never halt for b0
- (algorithm involved subtracting b from a until
value is less than b i.e. the remainder)
5Decidable Problems
- Turing machine ALWAYS halts
- Halt in state qy (or write Y) for "yes"
- Halt in state qn (or write N) for "no"
- a/bc?
- TM must halt even for the case b0
6Undecidable Problems
- TM DOES NOT EXIST that always halts with "yes" or
"no" answer - Just because one TM doesn't halt for a particular
input, doesn't mean that no TM exists to decide
for all inputs - i.e. a/bc?
- one potential solution looped forever if b0
- we could modify the solution to check for 0 and
halt with "no"
7The Halting Problemfor Turing Machines
- Does a given machine M halt after a finite period
of time when initially presented with a given
input word w? - A solution to this problem (i.e. a TM which
answers the question) must ALWAYS halt with
yes/no no matter what M and w its looking at.
8Potential Solvability of Halting Problem for
Turing Machines
- Encode the "program" of TM M on the input tape
followed by the input to the simulated machine - wMw where wM is the encoded TM M, and w is its
input - Recall how the Universal Turing Machine simulates
an arbitrary TM - If simulated machine never halts, neither does
the simulation - Potential solution to Halting problem would be a
modification of Universal TM. However, we must
have a yes/no decision in all cases, not just a
yes or I don't know yet...
9Unsolvability of Halting Problemfor Turing
Machines (1 of 4)
- Proof by Contradiction
- Assume that there exists a TM that solves the
Halting problem. Call this machine H. (note
this will be the only assumption) - Note Assumption means that H always halts with
yes or no.
10Unsolvability of Halting Problemfor Turing
Machines (2 of 4)
- From H, construct H' which loops when H halts in
qy and halts when H halts in qn. - How would we perform this construction?
11Unsolvability of Halting Problemfor Turing
Machines (3 of 4)
- From H', construct H" which first makes a copy of
its input tape, then invokes H'. - We will present H" with the encoded description
of the TM M in question to determine whether it
halts when looking at the encoded description of
itself as input. - Input tape presented to H' would be wMwM
- Note that H" halts if M does not halt when
presented with itself as input, and H" does not
halt if M halts when presented with itself as
12Unsolvability of Halting Problemfor Turing
Machines (4 of 4)
- The Sting
- Encode the program of H" and present it to H" as
input - H" halts when presented with H" if H" does not
halt when presented with itself as input, and H"
does not halt if H" halts when presented with
itself as input. - Contradiction--Assumption False!
13Reducing One Undecidable Problem to Another
- State-Entry Problem Example 12.1, page 304-5
- From an arbitrary M, construct M' which enters
state q iff M halted. - If we had a solution to the state-entry problem,
we would have a solution to the halting problem.
By modus tolens the state-entry problem must
therefore be unsolvable. - Blank-Tape Halting Problem Example 12.2, page
305 - For any M and w, construct Mw which starts by
writing w on tape then proceeds to program of M. - Mw will halt on blank tape iff M halts on w.
14Complexity Theory
Weve dealt with Computability Theory What is
and what is not possible with a computer?
For the problems that are computable, this
leavesthe next question If we can solve a
problem, how easy or hard is it to do so?
Complexity Theory tries to answer this.
15Measuring Complexity
Just as with computability, the complexity of a
problem should take into account all possible
Turing machine programs.
Consider a the prime decision problem PRIME
x x?N, x is a prime
The (time) complexity of a specific instance
x?PRIME? is meaningless.(The number x can be
listed in a big table.)
The (perceived) difficulty of PRIME is
illustrated by the fact that the x?PRIME?
question seems to become much more difficult as x
gets bigger.
We study the relation between the size of a
problem instance and the required time/space
complexity of the solution for such an instance
(worst case).
17Measuring the Efficiency of Algorithms
- Rapid advances in computer technology make
physical measures (run-time, memory requirements)
irrelevant. - A more standardized measure is the number of
elementary computer operations it takes to solve
the problem in the worst case. - Average performance is not safe.
- There may be particular cases (technically called
instances of a problem) that behave much worse
than the average and nobody can afford to rely on
18Counting Resources
Complexity theory is the art of counting
Time complexity How many time-steps does
thecomputation of a problem cost?
Space complexity How many bits of memoryare
required for the computation?
Again we use the Turing machine model.
19Number of operations depends on "size" of
problem data.
- Sorting 1 billion numbers is quite different from
sorting 10, so we express the number of
elementary operations (expected in the worst-case
scenario) as a function of some characteristic
number(s) that suffice to capture the volume of
the work to be done. - For a sorting algorithm, this number is simply
the number n of numbers to be sorted.
20Time Complexity
Let M be a Turing machine that halts on all
inputs. Definition The running time or time
complexityof M is the function fN?N, defined by
the maximization
We say f(n) is the running time of M, andM
is an f(n) time Turing machine.
21f(n) O(g(n))
It is extremely convenient to use the
followingorder-notation to express our
Let f and g be two functions N?R. We say and
write f(n) O(g(n)) if and only if thereare two
positive constant c and n0 such that f(n) ?
cg(n) for all n?n0.
We say that g(n) is an (asymptotic) upper
bound on f(n).
22Some "big O" examples
- Let f(n) 15n2 7n and g(n) ½n3.
- We have f(n)O(g(n)) because for n016 and
c2,we see indeed for all n ? n0 - f(n) 15n2 7n ? 16n2 ? n3 cg(n).
- 5n4 27n O(n4).
- Take n01 and c32.(But n03 and c6 works also.)
23Hierarchy of Complexity
- Note that for sufficiently large n log n lt n lt
n log n lt n2 lt n3 lt 2n - log n is interpreted as base-2 logarithm
- it does not really matter, since log2n log10n
/ log102 - and constants are ignored
- This is sometimes stated as O(log n) lt O(n) lt
O(n log n) lt O(n2) lt O(n3) lt O(2n)
24Example Traveling Salesperson
- Notoriously difficult one to solve exactly.
- The formulation is very simple though "Given the
coordinates of n cities, find the shortest closed
tour which visits each city exactly once". - This problem has served as a benchmark for almost
every new algorithmic idea and was one of the
first optimization problems conjectured and then
shown to be hard. - To see this famous problem in action TSP Java
25A Brute Force Approach
- input n (number of cities), C(n x n) (distance
matrix) min sufficiently large number
(say, n times the maximum element of C)
for all possible tours i.e.
cyclic permutations of 1,2,...,n find
length of tour if length lt min then
minlength, store tour endif next tour
end - Since there are (n-1)! possible tours, the for
... next loop is executed (n-1)! times, each one
requiring time O(n) (the time it takes to find
the length of the tour, that is add n integers). - Therefore, this algorithm is of order (n-1)! O(n)
O(n!). This is certainly prohibitive. - If, for example, a solution to a 10-city problem
can be found in 1 second, increasing the number
of cities to 20 would result to time 20!/10! or
about 20,000 years!
26Example Recall MergeSort from Data Structures
O(n log n)
- The following algorithm is based on the
observation that a list can be easily sorted if
it consists of two individually sorted lists. To
sort the n elements of a vector A(1),...,A(n) one
would call the following recursive procedure with
parameters low1, highn - Procedure mergesort(A,low,high)
- input A(low),A(low1),...,A(high) output same
numbers in non-decreasing order - begin if low lthigh then mid
(lowhigh)/2 call mergesort(low,mid)
call mergesort(mid1,high)
merge(low,mid,high) !combine results, takes O(n)
endif - end
27Polynomial and Exponential Time
- Algorithms with running times of orders O(log n),
O(n), O(n log n), O(n2), O(n3) etc. are called
polynomial-time algorithms. - On the other hand, algorithms with complexities
which cannot be bounded by polynomial functions
are called exponential-time algorithms. These
include "exploding-growth" orders which contain
exponential factors, like n!. - There are several arguments to support the thesis
that polynomial is a synonym to practical.
28Faster Computers Dont Help!
- The effect of improved technology is
multiplicative in polynomial-time algorithms - and only additive in exponential-time algorithms.
- The situation is much worse if complexities
involve factorials. - In the TSP, if an algorithm of order O(n!) solves
a 300-city problem in the maximum time allowed,
increasing the computation speed by 1000 will not
even enable solution of problems with 302 cities
in the same time.
29Efficiency of Algorithms
- The technical term for a hard problem is
"NP-complete" which essentially means "abandon
all hope of finding an efficient algorithm for
the exact solution of this problem". - Knowing such limitations, experts do not waste
time on impossible projects and instead turn to
less ambitious approaches, for example - to find approximate solutions
- to solve special cases
- to alter the problem a little so that it becomes
tractable (even at the loss of some fit to the
real-life situation). - The goal of complexity theory is therefore to
assist algorithm designers in directing their
efforts towards promising areas and avoid
impossible tasks.
30Recognition Problems
- A special class of problems require only a "yes"
or "no" answer. These are called recognition
problems. The theory of Computational Complexity
restricts attention to these problems for
uniformity. However, the results can easily be
generalized, since - For every optimization problem, there is a
recognition version - Any complexity results for the recognition
version also hold for the original problem, i.e.
the original problem is not much harder than
the recognition version - Of course, there are problems which are already
in a recognition form, like the Halting Problem.
31Converting a General Problem into a Recognition
- Problem. Multiplication Input. A pair of numbers
x and yOutput. The product x times y - We can convert a multiplication problem into a
yes/no answer by joining together the original
question and the answer and asking if they form a
correct pair. In the case of multiplication, we
can convert a question like 4 x 9 ?? - into a yes/no statement such as
- "is it true that 4 x 9 36?" (yes), or "is it
true that 5 x 7 48?" (no). - In general we can apply this technique to most
(if not all) problems, simplifying formal
treatment of problems.
32Traveling Salesperson Recognition
- The corresponding recognition problem is
- Given a number n of cities, n?3, a non-negative
n x n distance matrix of integers Ccij, and a
non negative integer L Is there a closed tour
passing through every city exactly once, with
total length L? - A solution to the original TSP problem is a tour
of specific length which we can immediately
compare to L and so also solve TSP-rec. Conversely
, suppose we have an algorithm, say A, for the
TSP-rec problem. Then, we could produce a
solution for the original problem by looping
through values for L.
33The Polynomial Time Class P
The class of languages that can be decided by a
single tape TM in polynomial time is denoted by P
(DTIME stands for deterministic time solvable)
Many, many problems are in P.The problems in P
are efficiently solvable.
34Robustness of P
In general, every kind of TM (k-tape, r-heads,
etc.)can be solved by a standard, single tape TM
with only polynomial time/space overhead.
As a result, the poly-time class P does not
dependon the specific computational model that
you use.
If some TM can solve A in poly-time, then A?P. As
we have seen, we can extend the TM-model in many
35In-Class ExerciseExercise 12.1.5 page 308
- Work in groups of 2 or 3
- Answer on next slide (no peeking)
36Knapsack Optimization
- We have unlimited amounts of n items of sizes Si,
i1,...,n and values Vi, i1,...,n and also a
container of capacity C. The goal is to load the
container with X1 pieces of item 1, X2 pieces of
item 2 etc., so that the total value is
maximized. This is the integer Knapsack problem
and the formulation is - Maximize X1V1X2V2...XnVn
- subject to X1S1X2S2...XnSn ? C
- where X1,X2,...,Xn are the decision variables
(how many of a particular item to load) and take
non-negative integer values.
37Knapsack Recognition
- The corresponding recognition problem (Integer
Knapsack-Rec) is - Given two positive integers K, C, and Si,Vi,
i1,...,n, is there an assignment of non negative
integers to the variables X1,X2,...,Xn such that - X1V1X2V2...XnVn K and
- X1S1X2S2...XnSn ? C
- Again, no one has found a good solution to this.