Pass CETSET - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Tips from Yang Zhizhong. Formatting and grading for the spoken examination. Issue No. 511 ... beautiful city and the beauty the beautifulest thing in Hangzhou, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Pass CETSET

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Warm-up Questions
  • What do you know about CET-SET?
  • Length
  • Parts
  • Input
  • Numbers of candidates
  • Numbers of examiners
  • Assessment Criteria
  • Rating Scale

  • Test Format
  • Input
  • Assessment Criteria
  • Rating Scale
  • Language Functions
  • How to succeed
  • CET-SET inside info
  • Viewing a sample test

Test format
Assessment criteria
  • Accuracy
  • Range
  • Size
  • Discourse management
  • Flexibility
  • Appropriacy

Rating scale
  • A (14.515)
  • A (13.514.4)
  • B (12.513.4)
  • B (1112.4)
  • C (9.510.9)
  • C (89.4)
  • D (below 7.9)

Band descriptors-- AA (1)
  • Basically correct use of grammatical and lexical
  • Adequate vocabulary and a fair range of
    grammatical structures for the given task
  • Fairly good pronunciation though some residual
    accent is acceptable
  • Able to produce extended and fairly coherent
    discourse concerning the given task, though with
    occasional pauses due to loss of words

Band descriptors-- AA (2)
  • Natural and active participation in the
  • Use of language generally appropriate to context,
    function and intention

Band descriptors-- BB (1)
  • Errors in the use of grammatical/lexical items
    that do not seriously interfere with
    communication are permissible
  • A basically satisfactory range of voc. to deal
    with the given task
  • Acceptable pronunciation
  • Able to produce coherent and more complex
    utterances, though most contributions are short
  • Frequent pauses while organizing thoughts and
    searching for words, which sometimes interfere
    with communication

Band descriptors-- BB (2)
  • Frequent contribution to the discussion but
    sometimes not to the point or without directly
    interacting with other participants
  • Use of language basically appropriate to context,
    function and intention

Band descriptors-- CC (1)
  • Use of grammatical/ lexical items may be
    incorrect and sometimes impede communication
  • A minimum range of vocabulary and grammatical
    structures to cope with the given task
  • Pronunciation may be faulty and sometimes impede
  • Mainly short utterances

Band descriptors-- CC (2)
  • Long and frequent pauses while organizing
    thoughts and searching for words, which often
    interfere with communication, though basically
    fulfilling the given task
  • Less active participation in the discussion, and
    occasional inability to adapt to new topics or
    change of direction.

Language functions assessed in CET-SET
  • friendly communications
  • making communications work
  • attitude
  • suasion
  • emotions
  • opinionating
  • argument
  • Please refer to The National College
    English Teaching Syllabus for a specification
    of other language functions.

How to succeed (1)
  • Listen carefully to all instructions.
  • Ask the examiner to repeat any instructions you
    are not sure about.
  • Give full appropriate answers, not just one or
    two words.
  • Make good use of the preparation time.
  • Keep to and complete the task. Do not talk about
    irrelevant things.

How to succeed (2)
  • Take a moment to organize your ideas before you
    speak. You can link your ideas in several ways,
    such as
  • Sequence (e.g. first of all, then, after
  • Importance (e.g. I think the most important
    thing is)
  • Contrast (e.g. but, although)

How to succeed (3)
  • Good communication means working with and helping
    the other candidates. Remember, you are not in
    competition with other candidates.

How to succeed (4)
  • You will be marked on both accuracy and range. It
    is therefore important to show variety in your
  • Speak clearly and at a natural speed.

CET-SET inside info (1) --Tips from Yang Zhizhong
  • Formatting and grading for the spoken examination
    Issue No. 511Published on 2003-06-26
  • About requirements and scoring of the CET-SET

CET-SET inside info (2) --Tips from Yang Zhizhong
  • Authentic record of student responses at the exam
  • Issue No. 513Published on 2003-07-10
  • More oral exam responses
  • Issue No. 515Published on 2003-07-24
  • How examinees performed
  • Issue No. 516Published on 2003-08-07
  • Analysis of students' performances in one test

CET-SET inside info (3) --Tips from Yang Zhizhong
  • Organize your thoughts
  • Issue No. 512Published on 2003-07-03
  • Make your conversation meaningful
  • Issue No. 517Published on 2003-08-14
  • Words that help fill up oral exam
  • Issue No. 519Published on 2003-08-28
  • About how to improve your oral English to better
    prepare for the CET-SET

CET-SET inside info (4) --Tips from Yang Zhizhong
  • More tips on oral English
  • Issue No. 520Published on 2003-09-04
  • Adding humour to conversation
  • Issue No. 523Published on 2003-09-25
  • Final tips on oral English
  • Issue No. 525Published on 2003-10-09

Input (1)
Input (2)
Input (3)
Good Luck!
Tape script of a sample CET-SET session and a
brief analysis
  • The topic of this sample test is "Going on Tour",
    from the 2002 June CET oral test.
  • There are two examiners and three students but
    only one examiner is shown here. The other one is
    responsible for marking and doesn't speak during
    the session.
  • The three examinees, Zhou Yi (A), Chen Xiaodong
    (B) and Liu Qiong (C), got scores of A, B, and A,

Part onewarm-up
  • Examiner Good afternoon, everybody.A, B, C
    Good afternoon.Examiner Now would you please
    tell me your name and the number of your
    admission ticket?
  • A My name is Zhou Yi. And my number is 020121 mm
    544602.Examiner OK, only the last four digits
    will do. All right! Your name, please.B My
    name is Chen Xiaodong. Er let me see my number.

Part onewarm-up
  • Examiner Yes?A My number is er 5137.
  • C OK. My my name is Liu Qiong. And my number is
  • Examiner OK. Thank you. Now would you please
    briefly introduce yourselves to each other?
    Remember you should not mention the name of your

Part onewarm-up
  • A Mm, who first?Examiner Yes, just introduce
    yourself to each other.B Er let me start
    first.C OK.
  • B My name is Chen Xiaodong. And my English name
    is Norman. Mm I'm now studying in X
    University.Examiner Please don't mention the
    name of your university.B Er sorry.

Part onewarm-up
  • B I'm now er major er I major in er computer
    science and technology.C OK. My name is Liu
    Qiong. And now I'm a sophomore student major in
    finance department. Yeah.
  • A Oh my major is business management and I am
    Zhou Yi. Er I like making friends with different
    people. So mm I'm very glad to meet you all here.
    And my motto is choose what I like and like what
    I have chosen. Thank you.

Part onewarm-up
  • Examiner Er now that we know each other, we can
    do some group work. First of all, I'd like to ask
    each of you to say something about holidays.C
    Holidays? OK.
  • Examiner Zhou Yi, now, do you like going on tour
    during holidays?
  • A Yes, very much.

Part onewarm-up
  • Examiner Why?
  • A Because er I think mm during the trip I can I
    can relax myself, especially you know we now mm
    study very hard at school and usually feel very
    tired during my weekdays. Mm so if I have a
    chance to have to go on a tour during my
    holidays, I feel very happy and relaxed.

Part onewarm-up
  • Examiner Now, Chen Xiaodong, what kind of people
    like touring most and why?B Like touring most?
    Er it's it's hard to say. I think the people who
    have time would like to tour most. Er as we all
    know, we students do not have much time and so er
    we won't er go out for for holidays very very
    often. Er mm maybe the people er who have a high
    salary and have much holidays in years er will go
    out for holidays very often.

Part onewarm-up
  • Examiner Now Liu Qiong.C Yeah.
  • Examiner Do you think it helpful to have a tour
    guide when touring places?C Yes, I think so,
    because when you traveling to a places that you
    have never been to, it is better that someone
    will introduce you something about it and so that
    er I think it will be effective for you to get a
    travel guide when you are traveling.

Part twopresentation
  • Examiner OK, now let's move on to something more
    specific.C OK.Examiner Now, the topic for
    our discussion today is going on tours. Each of
    you will be given a card with four pictures
    showing places of interest in China.

Part twopresentation
  • I'd like you to state your reasons for visiting
    these places. And you will have one minute to
    prepare each of you will have one and a half
    minutes to give your presentation.B OK.C

Part twopresentation
  • Examiner Don't worry if I interrupt you when the
    time is up.A OK.Examiner Now here are your
    cards....(after one minute)...Examiner Now,
    Liu Qiong.C OK.

Part twopresentation
  • Examiner Would you please begin? And Chen
    Xiaodong, Zhou Yi, please put your cards aside.
    Listen to what Liu Qiong has to say.
  • C OK. Mm there are four scenic spots on my
    picture. Mm the first one is the West Lake. Er
    you know, Hangzhou is very beautiful city and the
    beauty the beautifulest thing in Hangzhou, the
    most beautiful thing is the West Lake.

Part twopresentation
  • Er here I can er tell you an idiom in Chinese,
    that is er "there is paradise in the sky, and
    there is Suzhou and Hangzhou on the ground." So
    you can see you can say you can see from this
    idiom that how people like Hangzhou because it is
    really a beautiful place. Er and the second
    picture is Guilin scenery. Yeah. I hear I can
    also mention an idiom that is "the scenery in
    Guilin is the first in the world.".

Part twopresentation
  • Maybe er maybe er it is some something somehow
    exaggerated, but er Guilin is really very
    beautiful I know from my oral English teacher. He
    is Canadian and he has been to Guilin this mm
    this Labour Labour Holiday. And and he told me
    that er it is it was really nice to be there
    Yeah, the third one is er Mountain Taishan. Yeah.
    Mm I myself have been to Mountain Tai this er
    last summer vacation.

Part twopresentation
  • And I feel it is a magnificent mountain. But
    there is one only one drawback, that is, because
    it is too famous, so I think it is overcultivated
    somehow. Yeah. The fourth one is the Beidaihe
    seaside resort. I think it is a place that many
    many leaders of our country often go there. So I
    think it is a very good place for you to spend
    when er in summer.

Part twopresentation
  • Examiner Now Zhou Yi, please.A OK. Mm there
    are four pictures in my paper and first is Great
    Wall, second is Palace Museum. There is some (the
    examinee doesn't know what the picture is) and
    the last is Temple of Heaven. Both of these sites
    are in Beijing. And you know Beijing is a place
    where many kings lived. And mm they attract they
    are attracting many people from home and abroad
    every year. And

Part twopresentation
  • I think mm for my for myself as a Chinese,
    (cough), sorry, (When someone coughs or sneezes
    while speaking, it is best to say "Excuse me.")
    because these places show the prosperity and
    humanity of our China, mm I think if I go to
    these places, it can mm make me look back into
    the history and mm look and make me prepare
    better for my er future study. And I think if I
    visit these places, I can I can just moti
    motivate myself to study even harder to make our
    country more much stronger.

Part twopresentation
  • Examiner OK. Now Chen Xiaodong, it's your
    turn.B On my picture er there are four modern
    cities Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Dalian.
    Mm er first picture is Beijing. Er as we all know
    Beijing is our capital. And on the picture er
    there is an ancient things I do not know what it
    is. Mm mm but er compared with the other three
    cities, I think Beijing er has more mm er Beijing

Part twopresentation
  • is more er more ancient than the other three. Mm
    how to say, mm...I, can ask a question, er your
    question is er among the er four things er I
    should choose one that is most attractive and
    base my reasons on it or I should give every er
    each picture my reason.
  • Examiner I think it just depends. It's not
    necessary to worry.

Part twopresentation
  • B Oh, I see, I see. Then I turn to the next
    picture Shanghai. Mm on the picture er it's there
    are many er modern buildings. Mm and I think it's
    during the APEC, and I think er er Shanghai is er
    getting er more and more how to say...
  • Examiner All right.B I'm too nervous.

Part two discussion
  • Examiner All right, now we all have some idea of
    the reasons for visiting these places, I'd like
    you to discuss the topic further and see if you
    can agree on what places college students would
    like to see most. During the discussion you may
    argue with each other or ask each other questions
    to clarify your point.You will have about four
    and half minutes for the discussion. And your
    performance will be judged according to your
    contribution to the discussion.

Part two discussion
  • C OK.Examiner Remember, during the discussion
    you should try to come to an agreement on what
    places college students would like to tour
    most.C In my opinion I think college students
    would prefer maybe scenic spots to those modern
    cities, or maybe to historic places. Because as
    far as students are concerned, er we live in big
    cities. And we don't have much chance to get in
    touch with nature, so if we

Part two discussion
  • have time to travel, and then it's better for us
    to travel to the places which is more natural
    because there you can enjoy the er beautiful
    scenery of nature. Yeah, that's my opinion. What
    about yours?A As for me, I think mm we should
    go to the historic sites. Because you know there
    are many historic sites in China. And these
    places often has experienced er experienced much
    in the past. And most of them mm saw the past of
    our country. Mm both mm both good or bad. And I
    think the places can remind us of our

Part two discussion
  • past and motivate us to mm work much harder and
    to strengthen our country. And mm I think mm if
    we work even harder, mm our country will have a
    better future.C Yeah.B Maybe maybe to tell
    you the truth, er I don't like travel anymore. So
    I can't tell many er of much of the er things.
    And I think er if the er the places the scenery
    in the places er looks beautiful, and er er we
    can relax ourself in these places mm I will go.
    And mm and I

Part two discussion
  • do not often go out for traveling. And mm what
    attract mine mm attract me most is whether there
    have good food. And that maybe to other mm people me think for a while.

Part two discussion
  • A Oh, I like I like delicious food and I think
    it's a good idea to have special food in
    different places. And you know there are many
    delicious food in China, and but I think it is
    not mm the first most important purpose if I go
    on a tour.C Yeah, yeah. Food is one thing. And
    I think the main purpose for traveling is to
    relax yourself. And I think ah well, er and here

Part two discussion
  • listening to your reasons I think that ah places
    that could combine historic stories and natural
    beauties together, combine those two things
    together. I think these places are the best
    places best choice for college students.A I
    think so.B Yeah, I think so.

Part two discussion
  • C Yeah, in my summer holiday, last summer
    holiday, I went to Qingdao and went to Mountain
    Tai, and also I went to Qufu, you know I think er
    this is a trip that combined natural beauty and
    historic stories together. Because Qufu is the
    hometown of Confucius. Yeah, there are I feel I
    have very different feeling from the feeling when
    I traveled in Qingdao and Mountain Tai. In
    Mountain Tai, er I just feel the magnificence of
    nature. And in Qufu, I felt a lot of er maybe I
    get a lot of information about the traditional
    culture of our country. And in Qingdao, I enjoyed

Part two discussion
  • scenery and seaside. And also I enjoyed the
    modern life and very nice city.B Thank you
    for your introduction. And I have a plan to go to
    Mountain Tai this summer holiday.C Yeah.A I
    hope I can enjoy myself there.

Part three follow-up question
  • Examiner OK, that's the end of our discussion.
    Now I'd like to ask you one last question on the
    topic of going on a tour. OK, now Zhou Yi. Have
    you ever thought of traveling abroad?A Mm yes,
    I think so, if I have much money.Examiner
    Where would you like to go first?A Mm I think
    if I like Europe. I think if I have money I will
    go to such countries as England and France.

Part three follow-up question
  • Examiner Give us your reasons.A Mm I think
    these I think mm these countries have mm have
    such a history that attract me most and mm I
    think the buildings there are very old and
    artist. And mm I like such things.

Part three follow-up question
  • Examiner OK, Chen Xiaodong. What do you think
    makes a good tour guide?
  • B What makes a tour good? Mm er I think first
    of all er he should know the places very well.
    And er he should be warmhearted. And he should
    have an ability of leadership. And he should er
    er make a good preparation for the tourists. And
    may maybe I think he should be active er in daily
    lives. And as may maybe mm maybe that's

Part three follow-up question
  • Examiner OK. Now Liu Qiong. Why do people like
    to tour distant places rather than local scenic
    spots?C Well, I think there are several
    reasons. First er people are so familiar with
    their around places. So and man have the
    curiosity to er to maybe to explore new things.
    So I think er that's why people want to travel to
    distant places. The first one is people want to
    know different things, from theirselves
    themselves. So er if you travel to distant

Part three follow-up question
  • places, you will feel a different life style or
    er different people or different culture. I think
    that will be beneficial to us. Yeah, that's
    all.Examiner OK. That's the end of the test.
    Thank you, everybody.A, B, C Thank you.
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