Title: Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
1Department of Civil, Construction, and
Environmental Engineering
Program Education Objectives and Assessment
Plan ABET Assessment 2010
- Program Coordinators and Committee Members
- CE Mo Gabr
- CEM George List
- ENE Joel Ducoste
- Jim Nau
- David Johnston
- Departmental Assessment Committees
- Fundamentals Murthy Guddati
- Laboratories Rudi Seracino
- Design John Stone
- Applications and Techniques John Baugh
- Supporting Areas Chris Frey
2Criterion 2. Program Educational Objectives
- The educational objectives of the civil
engineering program at North Carolina State
University are to prepare its graduates to - Function successfully in a professional
environment by utilizing and enhancing their
problem-solving and communication skills - Continue learning through graduate or other
professional education and obtaining licensure
where appropriate - Provide professional leadership within their
companies, engineering societies and civic
organizations, and provide mentoring to those
under their supervision and influence and, - Promote organizational success with
consideration of cost and time management while
practicing and promoting ethical behavior and
stewardship of a sustainable environment
3Criterion 3. CE Program Outcome and Interpretation
- (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics,
science, and engineering - Graduates should show that they can employ
mathematics, chemistry, statics, dynamics, solid
mechanics, and hydraulics in solving a wide range
of civil engineering problems. -
- (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments,
as well as to analyze and interpret data - Graduates should show that they can make
decisions regarding type, location, and number of
data points to be collected, duration of the
experiment in view of intended results, and
demonstrate an understanding of accuracy and
precision - (c) an ability to design a system, component, or
process to meet desired needs - Graduates should be able to identify the project
goal define the project search for alternative
possibilities choose the best of the possible
solutions create a design drawing, design plan,
or computer simulation evaluate the design and
justify the final design in written and oral
forms. - (d) an ability to function on multi-disciplinary
teams - Graduates should show that they can participate
effectively as team members working, where
appropriate, with people who bring different
skills, expertise, and perspectives to a project
and with people from different sub-disciplines
within civil engineering - (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve
engineering problems - Graduates should show that they can isolate and
describe the important components of a
problem--what is given, what is known, and what
is unknown--and apply engineering principles and
mathematics to find the unknowns and arrive at
appropriate and effective solutions.
4Criterion 3. CE Program Interpretation (continue)
- (f) an understanding of professional and ethical
responsibility - Graduates should be familiar with the applicable
professional codes of conduct for engineers. The
should be able to apply the codes, where
appropriate, to particular cases in which ethical
issues arise. Graduates should also understand
the importance of professional registration. - (g) an ability to communicate effectively
- Graduates should be able to use forms of
discourse appropriate to civil engineering,
including oral presentations, visual
presentations, and written communications.
Examples include written, visual, and
mathematical solution statements and summaries,
laboratory reports, progress reports, technical
reports, summaries, technical presentations,
charts, graphs, figures, design drawings, and
tables, etc. - (h) the broad education to understand the impact
of engineering solutions in a global and societal
context, they should - Graduates should have been exposed to the
interactions among science, technology, and
social values, developing an understanding of the
influence of science and technology on
civilizations and of the way that science and
technology have been applied to the betterment of
humankind. - (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability
to engage in life-long learning - Graduates should show that they appreciate the
need for further education and self- improvement,
understand the value of professional licensure
and the necessity of continuing professional
developments, and understand the value of
membership in appropriate professional
organizations. - (j) a knowledge of contemporary issues
- Graduates should have been exposed to and
understand selected contemporary technical and
societal issues relevant to their field of study.
- (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and
modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice - Graduates should have an ability to use practical
methods effectively and readily in the
performance of engineering analysis and design.
Graduates should be able to select and use modern
engineering tools that are used by practicing
engineers, including computer software such as
e-mail and spreadsheets, and publishing,
mathematical, and computer aided drawing (CAD)
5Two-Loop Assessment Process
6Relationship of Educational Objectives to EC 2000
EC 2000 Criterion
8. Program Criteria
6. Facilities
5. Faculty
4. Prof. Component
3. Program Outcomes
2. Prog. Ed. Objectives
7Departmental Assessment Committees
- i. Fundamentals Murthy Guddati
- (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics,
science, and engineering - de los Reys
- Hassan
- Nau
- Overton
- Williams
- ii. Laboratories Rudi Seracino
- (b) an ability to design and conduct experiments,
as well as to analyze and interpret data - Abhinav
- Khosla
- Knappe
- Nunez
- Shamim
- Yu
- iii. Design John Stone
- (c) an ability to design a system, component, or
process to meet desired needs within realistic
constraints such as economic, environmental,
social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability - (d) an ability to function on multidisciplinary
teams - (f) an understanding of professional and ethical
8Departmental Assessment Committees
- iv. Applications and Techniques
John Baugh - (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve
engineering problems - (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and
modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice. - Sankar Arumugam
- Joe Hummer
- Richard Kim
- Ranji Ranjithan
- v. Supporting Areas Chris Frey
- (g) an ability to communicate effectively
- (h) the broad education necessary to understand
the impact of engineering solutions in a global,
economic, environmental, and societal context - (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability
to engage in life-long learning - (j) a knowledge of contemporary issues
- Barlaz
- Brill
- Hummer
- Johnston
- Khosla
- Williams
9Assessment Venues
- Departmental Assessment Committees
- Fundamentals Vernon Matzen
- Laboratories Rudi Seracino
- Design John Stone
- Applications and Techniques John Baugh
- Supporting Areas Chris Frey
- Sources of Data
- Course Information/Syllabi
- Fundamentals of Engineering Examination
- Samples of Student Work
- Graduating Senior Survey
- Alumni Survey
- Degree Audit and Advisement Reports
- Employer Survey
- Evaluations of Student Work/Presentations by
Visitors from Industry - Student Self-Assessments of Teamwork Experiences
- Attendance at Lectures in Ethics and
Professionalism - Membership in Student Professional Organizations
10(a) To demonstrate that graduates have an ability
to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and
- Evidence for Assessment
- Fundamentals of Engineering Examination (subject
areas Mathematics, Chemistry, Statics, Dynamics,
Mechanics of Materials, Fluid Mechanics, Material
Science) - Graduating Senior Survey (1 and 2)
- Faculty Perception Survey X
11(b) To demonstrate that graduates have an ability
to design and conduct experiments, as well as to
analyze and interpret data
- Evidence for Assessment
- Course syllabi
- Samples of student work (laboratory reports from
courses such as CE 332, 324, 381, 342), rubric
development - Graduating Senior Survey (2, 10, and 13)
- IDEAL (Identify, Develop, Evaluate, Act, Loop)
process. Eleven metrics are used as thresholds
for deciding whether the objective of outcome (b)
has been satisfactorily met
12(c) To demonstrate that graduates are able to
design a system, component, or process to meet
desired needs
- Evidence for Assessment
- Samples of student work (technical products from
capstone courses, such as CE 400, 420, 440, 443,
and 480) - Evaluations of student work products by visitors
from industry - Graduating Senior Survey (5)
- Senior Project Assessment Questionnaire
13(d) To demonstrate that graduates have an ability
to function on multi-disciplinary teams
- Evidence for Assessment
- Student self-assessments of teamwork experiences
- Samples of student work (from capstone courses,
such as CE 400, 420, 440, 443, and 480) - Evaluations of student work products by visitors
from industry - Graduating Senior Survey (6)
- Alumni survey
14(e) To demonstrate that graduates have an ability
to identify, formulate, and solve engineering
- Evidence for Assessment
- Samples of student work (homework and projects
from CE 375 or other appropriate technical
elective courses) - Fundamentals of Engineering Examination (subject
areas in afternoon session) - Graduating Senior Survey (7)
- Alumni survey (27)
15(f) To demonstrate that graduates have an
understanding of professional and ethical
- Evidence for Assessment
- Fundamentals of Engineering Exam (subject area
Ethics) - Attendance at Lectures in Ethics and
Professionalism - Graduating Senior Survey (10)
16(g) To show that graduates have an ability to
communicate effectively
- Evidence for Assessment
- Samples of student works (CE 305, 324, 332, 381,
383, 400, 420, 440, 480) - Graduating Senior Survey (13 and 14)
- A specially prepared and administered survey of
students in CE senior design courses - Instructor and outside visitor assessments for
specific courses. - Alumni survey
- Employer Interviewer Survey
17(h) To demonstrate that graduates have the broad
education necessary to understand the impact of
engineering solutions in a global and societal
- Evidence for Assessment
- Samples of student works (CE 305, 332, 383, 400,
401, 440, 480) - Graduating Senior Survey (11)
- A specially prepared and administered survey of
students in CE senior design courses - Instructor and outside visitor assessments for
specific courses. - Alumni survey
- Employer Interviewer Survey
18(i) To demonstrate that graduates recognize the
need for, and an ability to engage in life-long
- Evidence for Assessment
- Membership in student professional organization
- A specially prepared and administered survey of
students in CE senior design courses - Alumni survey
- Graduating Senior Survey (12)
- Samples of student works (CE 383, 400, 420, 440,
480) - Attendance at Lectures in Ethics and
Professionalism - Percentage of majors taking the Fundamentals of
Engineering Examination
19(j) To demonstrate that graduates possess a
knowledge of contemporary issues
- Evidence for Assessment
- A specially prepared and administered survey of
students in CE senior design courses - Alumni survey
- Graduating Senior Survey (15)
- Samples of student works (CE 203, 383, 400, 401,
440, 480) - Attendance at Lectures in Ethics and
20(k) To demonstrate an ability to use the
techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools
necessary for engineering practice
- Evidence for Assessment
- Samples of student works (technical reports from
capstone courses laboratory reports) - Fundamentals of Engineering Examination (subject
area Computers) - Graduating Senior Survey (6, 7,and 14)
- Alumni survey (20, 28)
21Timeline Until ABET 2010 Visit
Timeline Until ABET 2010 Visit
22Timeline Until ABET 2010 Visit
23Timeline Until ABET 2010 Visit