Title: Introduction to the Earth System
1Introduction to the Earth System
- Ellen Metzger
- Bay Area Earth Science Institute
- July 28-30, 2009
- San Jose State University
2The Earth System
- Earth is a complex system of interacting
physical, chemical and biological processes, and
provides a natural laboratory whose experiments
have been running since the beginning of time.
Source http//serc.carleton.edu/introgeo/earthsys
3Earth System Science
- Earth is a dynamic body
- with many separate, but
- highly interacting parts or
- spheres.
- Earth system science
- studies Earth as a system
- composed of numerous
- parts, or subsystems.
4What is Earth System Science?
- Earth system science
- embraces chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics
and applied sciences in transcending disciplinary
boundaries to treat the Earth as an integrated
system - provides a physical basis for understanding the
world in which we live and upon which humankind
seeks to achieve sustainability.
Source http//serc.carleton.edu/introgeo/earthsys
5 Â
The Earth System M. Ruzek, 1999
M. Ruzek, 1999
6Earths Interacting Spheres
Source Dr. Rick Behl CSU Long Beach
7Earth System Science A Paradigm Shift
"The organizing power of the evolutionary
paradigm... is paralleled by the organizing
power of an Earth system perspective." Panel
1, Shaping the Future of Undergraduate Earth
Science Education
8Earth System Science Themes
- 1. Interactions of Spheres
- Earth is made of several subsystems or spheres
that interact to form a complex and continuously
changing whole called the Earth system. Â - What is a system?
- Can you think of some examples?
- 2. Scale
- Scale of processes operating in the Earth system
- vary from fractions of millimeters to thousands
of - kilometers and from milliseconds to billions of
- years.
9Source NASA
10Overlapping Cycles in the Earth System
Source http//www.uwgb.edu/dutchs/GRAPHIC0/Astron
11Earth's Spheres"
- Hydrosphere
- Ocean the most prominent feature of the
hydrosphere - Nearly 71 of Earth's surface
- About 97 of Earth's water
- Also includes fresh water- streams, lakes, and
glaciers, and groundwater
12Earth's Spheres"
- Atmosphere
- Thin, tenuous blanket of air
- One half lies below 5.6 kilometers (3.5 miles)
- Biosphere
- Includes all life
- Concentrated near Earths surface
13Earth's Spheres"
- Geosphere (Solid Earth)
- Rocks, minerals, and soils and the processes
- that affect them
- Cosmosphere
- The Universe surrounding the Earth system