Title: TASK VI: Overarching Goals
1TASK VI Overarching Goals
- Provide complementary modeling and metrology
solutions as an enabling component to the
successful demonstration of the IFC Program
- Implementation of Complementary Metrology Toolset
- Overcome critical limitations of existing
interconnect metrology toolset - Reliability metrology solutions to new
architectures/materials - New metrology solutions as required by Driver
- Adaptive Multiscale Simulators Predictive
Modeling for Interconnect Performance and
Processing - Bridge the existing gap between atomistic and
continuum modeling and simulation - Predict interconnect performance based on
- Materials properties
- Process conditions
- Operating environment
2Predictive Modeling and Simulation
PI Timothy Cale Associated faculty Antoinette
Maniatty, Mark Shephard Post Docs David
Richards (now at Avant!), Vinay Prasad, Ottmar
Klaas, Dibyendu Datta Students Max Bloomfield,
Jing Lu, Suchira Sen Scientific Computation
Research Center (SCOREC)
- Goal Virtual Prototyping via Predictive Process,
Property, Performance Modeling - Microstructure Formation and Evolution
- Amorphous, polycrystalline, single crystal?
- Texture, grain size, composition, defects
- Multiscale Modeling and Simulation
- Reactor scale to feature scale done for selected
processes (CVD, ECD) - Adding grain and atomic scales to complete the
spatial scales
3Predictive Processing, Property, Performance
- Replace correlations and empirical guidelines
with predictive models - Material models
- Process models
- P4 modeling and simulation is a long term vision
- Structure as a function of processing
- Effects of structure on properties and
performance - Initial focus is on nanoscale polycrystalline
films - Help synthesize the disparate/fragmented global
efforts to predict interconnect relevant
microstructure evolution
Unit Ops
West et al, 2001
Sen et al.
Nucleation, Growth
Metrology Support
Geer et al.
J.-Q. Lu et al.
Jing Lu et al.
Bloomfield et al.
Prasad et al.
4Current IFC Projects
- Microstructure formation and evolution
- Create 3D microstructure simulation tools and
couple them to property and performance models in
order to evaluate materials and processes. - Multiscale modeling
- Create models that relate process setpoints to
microstructure evolution and performance
predictions. - Process support
- Create models that support 1 and 2 above, and
activities in other tasks - Atomic layer deposition Barriers, seeds
(UAlbany - Eisenbraun) - (This is a good example of transient feature
scale simulation.) - Roughness evolution - Waveguide fabrication (RPI
Persans) - Stress Evaluating 3D protocols (RPI Gutmann)
5Continuum Modeling vs. Grain Structure
Cale, Borucki, Merchant
6Polycrystalline Film Modeling - State of the Art
- Grains are artificially generated.
- Created in 2D to match size distributions (top
view) - Extruded to make 3D grains
- Grains assigned properties, like orientation,
using distributions - Very idealized grain boundaries
- This simple Grain Continuum approach has been
very useful to understand performance. - We have developed 3D FE grain continuum models
- Grain size and orientation, anisotropy, film
thickness, hardening due to dislocation pile-ups,
thermal recovery, electromigration and stress
driven diffusion.
Columnar grain structure model (blue) with mesh
(yellow) (Borucki, Klaas).
Inhomogeneous thermal stresses in copper film.
Notice stress gradients between grains of
differing orientations.
Data for passivated copper from Vinci, Zielinski,
and Bravman, Thin Solid Films (1995).
lt111gt fiber texture applied to film.
7The Missing Link Grain-Continuum Modeling
Finite-element mesh conforms to grain
Grainboundaries, surfaces
Material properties assigned to grains and grain
Discrete/continuum inter-conversion, as needed.
Store statistical information about each grain
regenerate details as needed. Mathematical and
software opportunities.
8Modeling with Grain-Continuum Representations
- Objectives
- Create 3D microstructure simulation tools and
couple to property and performance models to
evaluate materials and processes.
- Approach
- Atomic scale KLMC models provide data on
formation and growth of islands (nuclei). - Discrete islands/grains are encapsulated in a
finite element mesh and perhaps coarsened. - Multilayer microstructure is represented.
- Grain-continuum representation can be included in
multiscale processing models to predict island
coalescence and grain evolution from reactor
9Texture Competition and Grain Formation
- Atomic scale KLMC models provide data on
formation and growth of islands (nuclei). - Discrete (atomistic) to continuum (FE) conversion
at reasonable island sizes (encapsulation) - Grain-continuum - 3D surface and microstructure
evolution using a finite element based level set
approach. - Grain-continuum representation can be included in
multiscale processing models to predict island
coalescence and grain evolution from reactor
Nucleation data (Yang, Cale)
QD nuclei (Oktyabrsky)
Multiple lattice KLMC simulations (Huang, Gilmer)
Continuum islands
10Holy Grail Predictive Process, Property,
Performance Models
Optimize Design/Setpoints to achieve specified
Atomistic (Å)
ECD Reactor (dm)
Property and Performance Models
Die (mm)
Grain (0.1 - 1 mm)
Feature (0.1 - 1mm)
11Grain Evolution and Coalescence
- Objectives
- Geometric evolution tool for microstructure
prediction on an unstructured mesh. - Identify grain structure and boundaries arising
from evolution of crystallites. - Feed information to property and performance
prediction models.
- Approach
- Track material interfaces using multiple material
level set methods. - Identify and classify material boundaries, and
feed to constitutive models. - Use resulting grain boundary velocities to evolve
grain structure.
Invisible Island
12Multiscale Modeling
- Objectives
- Develop techniques to move information between
different scales and different physics. - Apply these techniques to models of currently
relevant processes.
- Approach
- Use finite element meshes with extreme local
refinement to directly bridge length scales. - Use homogenization and rates from tables, then
combine to produce boundary conditions for
different scales. - Partition computation across multiple
processors/machines to speed results.
(a) ELD mechanism schematic and reaction step
Tseng et al. JECS, 148(5) 2001. (b) 3D FEM
simulation of deposition onto Cu nuclei (c)
Partition of reactor across processors (d)
Intermediate pattern-scale loading of Cu ion
across patterned regions.
13Geometric model and mesh
Encapsulation Convert discrete islands into
continuous islands
Interface velocities
Evolve interfaces
Extract 3D interfaces
KLMC Nucleate and grow discrete or atomistic
14Atomic Layer Deposition
- Objectives
- Support current ALD efforts.
- Predict limits of operating trajectories for
atomic layer deposition (ALD) while maintaining
conformal deposition. - Track transient behavior, including sub-monolayer
coverage, during deposition.
- Approach
- Solve the (linear) Boltzmann transport equation
for true transient approach. - Use predicted number density and heterogeneous
kinetics, e.g., Langmuir adsorption model, to
obtain quantitative deposition rates and required
operating conditions (pulse times) for conformal
Conformal deposition in an L-shaped bend in an
interconnect trench of aspect ratio 2.25.
15Atomic Layer Deposition
- Deposition occurs during reaction step due to
reaction of gaseous reactant with adsorbed
reactant. - Model predicted growth rates as functions of
reactant pulse times show fair agreement with
experimental data (van der Straten et al., U.
Albany, 2001) for the choice of rate constants.
Growth rate dependence on reactant pulse times
for TaNx ALD using TBTDET and NH3 as precursors.
Experimental data is from van der Straten et al.,
U. Albany (2001).
Film thickness and growth rate vs. time for ALD
in a 1 mm deep by 0.25 mm wide trench.
16Electrochemical Deposition - Bumping
Expanding corner decreases coverage.
- Objectives
- Provide tools to assist the development of models
of unit operation. - Validate and improve process and models by
comparing to detailed measurements.
Contracting corner increases coverage.
- Approach
- Continue to develop transient feature scale
simulators. - Use interface tracking developments to extend
current feature scale simulators, attach to
larger and smaller scales in transient manner. - Evaluate models of processes from the literature
and in turn, use these models to test out new
transient tools.
(a) Explanation of bumping via accelerator
coverages (Josell et al.) (b) Effect of aspect
ratio on bump formation. (c) SEM of accelerator
deposited Cu showing bumps. West et al. JECS,
17Modeling Surface Roughness Evolution
- Objective
- Develop models that allow optimization of
roughness-sensitive structures e.g., optical
waveguides and vertical cavity lasers.
- Approach
- Develop models with non-linear chemical
mechanisms that predict the development of
roughness that occurs in etch and deposition
processes. - Use Boltzmann solver developed by Gobbert et al.
to do fully 3D evolution of nanoscale features
using a 3D level set moving algorithm. - Leverage experimental and metrology expertise of
New York team to develop models. - Use simulators to predict roughening as function
of processing conditions.
AFM images of 100 mm2 region of plasma etched
Si(100). (a) 30 min., (b) 60 min. (Image from
Y.-P. Zhao et al.)
18Roughness Modeling
- Understand roughening fundamentals using 3D/2D
simulations. - to understand origins of roughening, to
control/minimize roughening - to evaluate transport and reaction models
- Trends of RIE simulations (center) agree with
polymer etch experiments done at RPI (by Persans,
et al. at left) - Smoother surfaces (decreased interface
thicknesses) at higher pressures (radical/ion
ratio up). RMS roughness becomes constant at
long times for high pressures, but increases
linearly with material removed at low pressures. - Small correlation length increase with etch
depth. - ALD type depositions can smooth surfaces
radical dominance
Persans, et al.
ion dominance
Atomic layer deposition
Reactive ion Etching
19Modeling Support for Holographic Imaging
- Objectives
- Provide models and tools to assist the
development of advanced 3D metrology tools. - Validate and improve process and materials models
by comparing to detailed measurements.
(Geer et al.)
Optical hologram of etched features
- Approach
- Provide model-generated surface profiles for
prediction of holographic signatures to compare
with holographic data. This will help automate
identification of defects. - Predict 3D maps of elastic properties to generate
images from ultrasonic tool. - Compare simulations to measured 3D profiles for
model development of high-aspect ratio etching,
or early stages of deposition.
(Geer et al.)
Ultrasonic holography (Geer et al.)
20Predicting Stresses and Instabilities
- Objective
- Develop modeling tools that predict stresses in
multilayer stacks, with film thicknesses lt 100
nm e.g., for 3-D interconnect systems.
- Approach
- Start by using existing tools to evaluate
stresses in proposed multilayer structures. - Consider strain and surface energies as well as
potential diffusion mechanisms that could lead to
surface instabilities/roughening. - Combine dislocation theory with grain-continuum
film model to predict stress and strain behavior
in thin films (lt 100 nm thick). - Couple with adhesion and grain evolution models
to predict overall mechanical behavior in 3-D
multilayer interconnect systems.
21Stress Analysis of Through-Wafer Via
- ANSYS was used to evaluate the stresses caused by
thermal expansion mismatch between copper and
silicon (assuming ECD Cu, then downstream heating
to 400 C). - Conservative assumptions lead us to predict no
silicon failure due to copper expansion. - Reasonable assumptions result in stress along
weakest plane 111 of 220 MPa, compared to
failure stress of 1 GPa. - Barrier materials have little effect on stress.
K.-S. Chen et al., J. of the Amer. Ceramic Soc.,
83 (6), June 2000.
- Begin molecular/materials modeling efforts needed
for - Nanotube growth/doping/bending
- Reaction pathways
- Starting a collaboration with Dieter Wolf at ANL
in microstructure evolution. - Need to couple with intermediate scale models
(continuum, over 10 mm) e.g., Dutton et al. at
Functionalized carbon nanotubes. (a) silicated
nanotube, (b) oxygen-doped defect in carbon
23Virtual Prototyping via Predictive Process,
Property, Performance Modeling
- Tools
- Atomistic/energetic/pathway models
- Microstructure models
- Multiscale process, materials and performance
- Predict performance from
- Materials properties
- Process conditions
- Operating environment
- Performance
- Thin film performance
- Failure analysis / lifetime
- Assess process flows
- Identify trouble spots
- Properties
- Spatial variation - processes
- Thin-film-specific effects
- Thermo-mechanical stress
- Diffusion through multilayers
- Adhesion
- Structure
- Texture (grain orientation)
- Grain sizes
- Interface morphology (e.g., roughness) and
composition - Defect distributions (interface and bulk)
3-8 yrs
1-2 yrs
2-5 yrs
- Materials and process models can be used to
assess process flows and materials sets. - Integrate transient microstructure tools with
transient equipment models. - As interfaces become more important, processing
transients are becoming more important both
planned and unplanned transients. - Our multiscale microstructure software tools are
far enough along to start efforts in property
modeling develop collaborations. - Both discrete and continuum models will be needed
for property and performance predictions quite
a bit of science needed (Math/MSE). - Structural and property predictions to be coupled
with performance models. - See posters 1) an overview of our effort, 2)
multiscale microstructure modeling
25Driver Relationships
All Drivers Support evaluation and selection of
materials, structures, and processes (unit
operations). Deploy modeling to help gain
process understanding. Driver I Single-Chip
Network Element Predict microstructure,
properties, and performance of multi-layer
designs at or near atomic dimensions. Driver II
Collaborative Node (System-on-a-Chip) Predict
microstructure, properties, and performance of
heterogeneous interfaces (opto/CMOS and
RF/CMOS). Driver III Interconnect
Nanotechnology Predict microstructure,
properties, and determine performance of proposed
novel materials, processes, structures etc. for
rapid evaluation and selection.