Advice on BIO Problems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Advice on BIO Problems


Advice on BIO Problems. Especially questions 2 and 3. By John Mellor ... The British Informatics Olympiad (BIO) is an annual computer programming ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Advice on BIO Problems

Advice on BIO Problems
  • Especially questions 2 and 3

By John Mellor
The British Informatics Olympiad
  • The British Informatics Olympiad (BIO) is an
    annual computer programming competition for
    pre-university students. The first round is a 3
    hour exam, then the top 15 competitors attend a
    final in Cambridge over the Easter holidays, of
    which the best 4 are chosen to represent Britain

A Word About Question 1s
  • Question 1s vary a lot, but it is generally
    fairly simple to see a solution. There are some
    basics you need to know though
  • Being able to parse input, whatever its form
    (integer, string, or possibly decimal)
  • Being able to convert between datatypes (string
    to integer, integer to string, etc.)
  • String manipulation (character at index,
    searching, substrings, etc.)
  • Being able to output anything

Question 2s
  • These vary enormously, and though they are
    always about implementing something, the details
    are unpredictable. If you just plan carefully
    what you have to do though, the task is generally
    fairly straightforward.
  • Make a list of all the data you are given, must
    store, and must output.
  • Then list all the operations you must perform on
    the data, and use these to form a plan of what
    functions you need to write, with some code to
    control the functions.
  • Now break the operations into pieces andwrite

Important Things For Question 2s
  • Ideally you should know how to create use
  • Multi-dimensional arrays of any length (including
    length told to you at runtime) and any type (e.g.
  • Arrays of dynamic length (aka ArrayLists or
    Vectors) which grow automatically as you add more
    to them)
  • Objects (mainly so you can group several bits of
    data together)
  • Hashtables (aka Maps) could be useful
  • Sorting arrays etc. could come inhandy

Question 3s
  • These are often shorter to write than solutions
    to question 2, but require more thought.
  • The most important thing is to spend a while
    planning exactly what youre going to do before
    you start writing it.
  • They are arguably more predictable however, and a
    few techniques can get you a long way.

Recursive Algorithms
  • You can use these when a problem has a basic case
    which is trivial to solve (or simply known).
  • Recursive algorithms solve a problem by
    repeatedly reducing it to a problem one step
    closer to the basic case

if (trivial case) solve directly else solve in
terms of a slightly easier case
Recursion Example Factorials
  • Lets look at how you could find n!. It is defined
  • n! 1 x 2 x ... x (n-2) x (n-1) x n
  • (Note that you could solve this particular
    problem just by using a loop, but in more complex
    cases loops might be unmanageable)

function factorial(int n) if (n 1 n
0) return 1 return n factorial(n-1)
Dynamic Programming(aka Doing things the easy
  • When using recursion you do need to watch out
    that you dont repeatedly solve the same problem.
    For example, the following recursive algorithm
    will find the nth Fibonacci number
  • But it is very slow for large values of n

function fib(int n) if (n1 n2) return
1 return fib(n-1) fib (n-2)
Fibonacci example part 2
  • because it works all the intermediate steps
    between fib(n) and fib(1) many times over

and fib(2) is defined in terms of fib(1) and
Start small
  • The best way to solve this would be to start by
    working out smaller Fibonacci numbers and working

function fib(int n) int terms new
intn1 terms0 1 terms1 1 for (int
i2 iltn i) termsi termsi-2termsi-1
return termsn
This way each number would only be found once
An easier way to start small
  • However as I said before, it is often easier to
    just write the first recursive function you can
    think of than to work out what the most efficient
    way of tackling a problem would be.
  • So the trick is write your recursive function,
    then cheat to make it faster!
  • Simply store everything you work out in an array,
    and whenever you would work something out, first
    check if its stored and if so use the stored
    version instead.

Recursive Fibonacci with Cheat
  • Heres an example I took the existing
    recursive Fibonacci function, and added the red
    code to it

int done //I assume this has been initialised
and defaults to 0 function fib(int n) if
(donen ! 0) return donen if (n0 n1)
return 1 donen fib(n-1) fib
(n-2) return donen
Useful data-structures to cheat with
  • If the argument(s) to your function is/are
    integers, then you can use these as indexes in an
    array (as I did for Fibonacci)
  • For anything else, you might well want to use a
    Hashtable (aka Map). These let you use any object
    as the identifier you use to retrieve results
    youve found previously (though its often
    simplest to turn things into a string as you can
    easily concatenate several values into one string)

Fibonacci Cheat with a Hashtable
  • Just as an example
  • (note that String.valueOf(n) is just an example
    (in Java) of how to turn n an integer into an
    object, and isnt even a particularly good way.
    Replace it with a customised conversion)

Hashtable done new Hashtable() function
fib(int n) if (done.containsKey(
String.valueOf(n) )) return done.get(String.valueO
f(n)) if (n0 n1) return 1 done.put(
String.valueOf(n), fib(n-1) fib (n-2)
) return done.get( String.valueOf(n) )
Another Dynamic Programming Example
  • Suppose you need to calculate the highest
    possible sum of numbers passed on a route from
    the top to the bottom of this triangle, with
    every step diagonally down
  • 7
  • 3 8
  • 8 1 0
  • 2 7 4 4
  • 4 5 2 6 5

Another Dynamic Programming Example (part 2)
  • The obvious, but slow, way is to write a
    recursive function which gives the answer in
    terms of the highest sum path of the two sub
    triangles starting diagonally down to the left
    and right of it.

function highestSum(int row, int col) if (row
num_rows-1) return trianglerowcol int
left highestSum(row1, col) int right
highestSum(row1, col1) return
trianglerowcol max(left, right)
Another Dynamic Programming Example (part 3)
  • However this computes each sub-triangle many
  • The clever, and quick, way is to start from the
  • 30
  • 7
  • 23
  • 23 21
  • 3 8
  • 20 13
  • 20 13 10
  • 8 1 0
  • 12 12 10
  • 7 12 10 10
  • 2 7 4 4
  • 5 5 6 6
  • 4 5 2 6 5

Another Dynamic Programming Example (part 4)
  • The code would look something like this

function highestSum() for (int rowrows-2
rowgt0 row--) for (int col0 colltrow-1
col) trianglerowcol max(
trianglerow1col, trianglerow1col1
) return triangle00
Another Dynamic Programming Example (part 5)
  • But again we could just use the obvious approach
    and cheat to make it as fast

int done //I assume this has been
initialised and all set to -1 function
highestSum(int row, int col) if
(donerowcol ! -1) return donerowcol if
(row num_rows-1) return trianglerowcol in
t left highestSum(row1, col) int right
highestSum(row1, col1) donerowcol
trianglerowcol max(left, right) return
Below is an example of how you would actually use
this function
done new intnum_rowsnum_rows //since same
no. of rows as cols for (int x0 xltnum_rows
x) for (int y0 yltnum_rows y) donexy
-1 int ans highestSum(0, 0)
  • Backtracking is a general problem solving tool
    for when you must find a state which satisfies
    several criteria.
  • Backtracking effectively tries every possibility
    until it finds one that works.
  • It can be thought of as solving a maze, where you
    have a starting point and try to reach an end
    point. Whenever backtracking has a choice of path
    it will choose one at random and follow that path
    and all subpaths until it has exhausted all
    possibilities resulting from that pathchoice, or
    finds a solution.

But its not all about mazes!
  • All kinds of computing problems can be solved by
  • Note that although trying every possibility
    sounds very slow, backtracking algorithms will
    eliminate partial solutions, hence eliminating
    the entire set of solutions that the partial
    solution represents without trying every one

So when do you do it?
  • When the solution to the problem
  • Can be constructed in a series of steps, with
    each step adding a part to the solution.
  • At every step there will be several ways to
    extend the partial solution from the previous
    step, some of which will lead to a solution,
    while others wont.

And how do you do it?
  • This is where recursive algorithms really come in

function solve() if (done) return true for
(each new step possible from current position)
make step, storing it in some global data
structure if ( solve() ) return true undo
step, removing it from the data
structure return false //n.b. you could
just pass variables as parameters to the function
instead of storing them in a global data structure
A slight variation on backtracking
  • Sometimes you are required to output the number
    of solutions instead. Heres how you could do so

int solutions 0 function solve() if (done)
solutions solutions 1 else for (each new
step possible from current position) make
step, storing it in some global data
structure solve() undo step, removing it
from the data structure)
For example BIO 2005 q3 - Movies
  • A group of actors
  • must each film a
  • certain number of
  • scenes.
  • Only one actor is in each scene.
  • Each actor must shoot his/her scenes in order.
  • Actors vary in seniority and can never have
    filmed more scenes than their seniors.
  • Find the number of
  • different orders in
  • which the scenes
  • could be shot.

int actors int scenes int done function
main() actors inputInteger() scenes new
intactors done new intactors for (int
i0 iltactors i) scenesi
inputInteger() int solutions
solve() print(solutions) function solve()
int solutions 0 for (int i0 iltactors
i) if (scenesi gt 0 (i0 donei lt
donei-1)) scenesi-- donei sol
utions solve() scenesi donei--
for (int i0 iltactors i) if (scenesi
gt 0) return solutions return 1
And yes, you can cheat here too
int actors int scenes int done Hashtable
done new Hashtable() //note that an eight
dimensional array could have function main()
//been used instead of a Hashtable actors
inputInteger() scenes new intactors done
new intactors for (int i0 iltactors i)
scenesi inputInteger() int solutions
solve() print(solutions) function solve()
if (done.containsKey(getKey())) return
done.get(getKey()) int solutions 0 for (int
i0 iltactors i) if (scenesi gt 0
(i0 donei lt donei-1)) scenesi--
donei solutions solve() scenesi
donei-- for (int i0 iltactors i)
if (scenesi gt 0) done.put(getKey(),
solutions) return solutions done.put(getKey(
), 1) return 1 function getKey() String key
"" for (int i0 iltactors i) key
donei return key
Sensible sizes
  • You can store a maximum of about 8,000,000
    integers or 32,000,000 characters.
  • performing a simple operation a billion times
    takes about 5 seconds, so if you have, say,
  • that will use up all your time

for (int x0xlt1000x) for (int
y0ylt1000y) for (int z0zlt1000z) do
Getting help
  • Make sure you know how to use your programming
    languages help systems.
  • You can use pretty much any relevant help system
    except websites, so remember to download the
    manual, your favourite tutorial, etc.
  • As practice, you could try finding out about
    things I mentioned above using your choice of
    manual/tutorial (e.g. dynamic length arrays,
    Hashtables, sorting arrays)

Help! It doesnt work!
  • Once youve finished your program, make sure
    that it works for the sample input. If you have
    time its also nice to make a few of your own
    test cases for a more thorough test.
  • If it gives you an error message, that will
    hopefully be enough to find the mistake.
  • If it runs fine but gives the wrong answer or
    takes more than about 30 seconds, youll have to
    find it yourself

Finding Mistakes
  • Re-read the question thoroughly and make sure you
    took every piece of information into account.
  • Check that all your code seems to be doing the
    right thing, and that numbers you have written
    are not one to high or too low!
  • Most programming environments include a debugger.
    These let you run your code line by line,
    checking the values of variables as yougo, and
    can be very useful forfinding mistakes.

About marking
  • Many/most of the marks are just for a correct
    solution, only a few of the test cases seriously
    test your programs speed, so dont worry too
    much about efficiency as long as it works.
  • Dr Forster often tests the simplest cases for a
    few marks a pop, as many programs work for all
    but the simplest cases! You can of course
    hardcode them
  • If you have time left over at the end you can
    probably get about 4 marks per question you
    couldnt solve just by hardcoding the example and
    the simplest cases
  • Written qs are often possible even if you didnt
  • the program done
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