Title: Water management and flood protection
1Water management and flood protection
- Connecting and protecting deltas
Piet Dircke, Program Director, GKN Water ARCADIS
Imagine the result
- ARCADIS Global Knowledge Network Water
- Water Management and flood control in Europe
- Netherlands
- European Union
- France
- Water management and flood control in the USA
Latin America - Brazil
- New Orleans
- California
- Florida
- New York
3GKN water knowledge exchange
4Sea defences Hondsbosche Pettemer Zeewering,
Zuiderdijk hoorn-Enkhuizen)
5River dikes and leveesNational rivers levees
emergency act
- Almost-floods of 1993/1995
- Evacuation of 250.000 people
- Most of the emergency levee reinforcement works
- Room for the river, Meuse River works
6Closure dams Afsluitdijk
Plan Waterlely Tidal energy, flood protection
ecosystem recovery
75 year National levee safety inspection program
- Levees, dikes, dunes (category A and
B) 2006 (2001) - 1264 km meets the standard 44 (40 )
- 680 km does not meet the standard 24 (19 )
- 931 km no judgement 32 (41 )
8Dutch Delta Commission II (2008) adapting to
climate change
9Flood Control 2015 Integration of IT technology
- Towards a smart flood control organization
- Improve quality of decision making during
emergencies - Fast real time prediction of calculated risks
10Innovation in materials design BASF
elastocoast, wave overtopping resistant
11Storm surge barriers
- Design construction
- Risk management
12Estuaries coastal restorationScheldt Estuary
Netherlands and Belgium
13 - European Union Exchange of Experiences and
Comparative Analysis for ICZMContractor ARCADIS
Sub-contractor Coastal Marine Union
(EUCC)Jan 2009 Dec 2011
14Canal Seine Nord Europe
- 2005 by VNF (Voie Navegable France)
- Design of lock levelling system, including water
saving basins for 7 locks - Nautical design of outer harbours
- Design mooring system, wave damping
- Design of civil engineering works of the locks
(structural and geotechnical)
15Brazil Ports of Itajaà Navegantes
- Estimation of additional sedimentation as a
result of the executed dredging works - Nautical study, Three dimensional hydraulic flow
computations - Vertical ship motion computations ship
manoeuvring simulations - Evaluation of the future layout
- Determination of the limiting conditions
16HPO system New Orleans
17GIWW Sector Gate
18IHNC storm surge barrier
19New Orleans a wake up callUSA Deltas with
opportunities for GKN Water
New York City
California Bay-Delta
Florida Everglades
20California San Francisco Bay Delta
21Florida SFWMD CERP Comprehensive Everglades
Restoration Plan
22New York Verrazano Barrier Conceptual design
23Verrazano Narrows Barrier Artist impression