Price Regulation of Patented Medicines in Canada - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Price Regulation of Patented Medicines in Canada


... sold in Canada to wholesalers, hospitals, pharmacies or others, for ... in Canada to be filed for each class of customer (hospital, pharmacy, wholesaler, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Price Regulation of Patented Medicines in Canada

Price Regulation of Patented Medicines in Canada
  • Presentation to the First Pan-American Seminar on
    the Economic Regulation of Pharmaceuticals
  • Brasília, Brazil
  • March 17, 2009

  • Introduction
  • Division of Responsibilities for Health Care and
    Pharmaceuticals in Canada
  • Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB)
  • Origins
  • Mandate
  • Jurisdiction
  • Price Regulation
  • Guidelines Review
  • Reporting on Key Trends

Health Care System
  • Federal
  • Canada Health Act (principles of public
    administration, comprehensiveness, universality,
    portability, and accessibility)
  • Canada Health Transfer (24 billion in cash and
    13.6 billion in tax transfers in 2009-10)
  • Health services to special populations (e.g.,
    First Nations, veterans)
  • Provincial
  • Administration and delivery of insured primary
    health care through physicians and hospitals
  • Public health insurance plans and some
    supplemental health benefits
  • Shared
  • Public health (health promotion and prevention)

  • Federal
  • Health Canada reviews the safety, efficacy and
    quality of drug products and approves them for
    sale and use under the Food and Drugs Act
  • Patented Medicines Prices Review Board (PMPRB)
    ensures prices of patented medicines sold in
    Canada are not excessive
  • Provincial
  • Provision of public drug plan benefits to
    provincial populations
  • Administration of provincial drug formularies
  • Shared
  • Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in
    Health (CADTH) conducts Common Drug Review (CDR)
  • Evidence-based clinical and pharmacoeconomic
    reviews of new drugs and new indications for old
    drugs results in recommendation on listing

PMPRB Origins
  • Created in 1987 as part of reforms to the
    federal Patent Act
  • Consumer protection pillar
  • Price controls to balance enhanced patent
  • Industry commits to invest 10 of sales in
    research and development
  • Arms-length body in the Federal Health
  • 5 person independent panel of Governor-in-Council
  • Accountable to Parliament through the federal
    Minister of Health
  • Minister can seek policy advice but cannot
    interfere in decisions of the Board
  • Quasi-judicial tribunal
  • Remedial orders provided for in the Patent Act
    carry the force of the Federal Court

PMPRB Mandate
  • Regulatory To ensure that prices charged by
    manufacturers for patented medicines are not
    excessive, thereby protecting consumers and
    contributing to the Canadian health care system.
  • Reporting To report on pharmaceutical trends and
    on the RD spending by pharmaceutical patentees,
    thereby contributing to informed decisions and
    policy making.
  • Key Principles Openness, fairness, transparency,
    timeliness, efficiency

PMPRB Jurisdiction
  • Authority to review prices charged by patentees
    (factory-gate price) for
  • Prescription and non-prescription patented drugs
    sold in Canada to wholesalers, hospitals,
    pharmacies or others, for human and veterinary
  • The price of each patented drug product,
    including each strength of each dosage form, sold
    in Canada, at the level of the Drug
    Identification Number (DIN).

PMPRB Jurisdiction
  • No authority over
  • Prices of non-patented drugs
  • Prices charged at the retail level to individual
  • Setting prices

PMPRB Legislated Pricing Factors
  • Patent Act sets out factors to be considered by
    the Board in determining whether a medicine is
    being or has been sold at an excessive price
  • The price of the medicine
  • The prices of other medicines in the same
    therapeutic class
  • The prices of the medicine and other medicines in
    the same therapeutic class in countries other
    than Canada and,
  • Changes in the Consumer Price Index

Patented Medicines Regulations
  • Identify the specific reporting requirements of
  • Set out the seven comparator countries used in
    the price review France, Germany, Italy, Sweden,
    Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States
  • Price and sales in Canada to be filed for each
    class of customer (hospital, pharmacy,
    wholesaler, other) in each province and territory

Excessive Price Guidelines
  • Under the Act, the Board can establish price
  • In consultation with the provinces, consumers and
    the industry
  • Used by Board Staff to conduct price
  • Provide transparency and predictability to
    patentees and other stakeholders
  • Not binding on Board in a hearing

Scientific Review
  • Purpose To determine
  • The primary indication/use of the new medicine,
    and dosage regime
  • The category (i.e., breakthrough/substantial
    improvement provides modest, little or no
    improvement over other medicines for same
    indication line extension)
  • Therapeutically comparable medicines, and their
    respective comparable dosage regimes

Price Review
  • Application of price tests
  • Reasonable Relationship
  • Association between strength of the medicine and
  • Therapeutic Class Comparison
  • Price of the drug compared to that of clinically
    equivalent drugs sold in same therapeutic class
    at non-excessive price
  • International Price Comparison
  • Price of the drug compared to that of the same
    dosage form and strength of the drug sold in
    countries listed in the Patented Medicines
  • Highest International Price Comparison
  • Canadian price cannot be the highest in the world
    (i.e., 7 comparator countries)

Introductory Price Review
Drug Categorization
Price Increases for Existing Drugs
  • Consumer Price Index (CPI) adjustment
    methodology allows the lower of
  • Price three years ago adjusted for cumulative
    change in the CPI
  • One year cap equal to 1.5 times the forecast
    change in the annual CPI
  • Again, Canadian price can never be the highest
    among comparator countries
  • Even if allowed by CPI methodology
  • In periods of high inflation (over 10), limit
    is 5 more than the forecast change in CPI

  • Where price appears to exceed the Guidelines,
    patentee given opportunity to make further
    written submissions to substantiate price
  • Meetings of patentee and Board Staff take place
    to discuss material submitted
  • May result in revisiting of science (i.e.,
    appropriate comparators)

Possible Outcomes of Investigations
  • Price not excessive and investigation closed
  • Price determined to be excessive under the
  • Patentee given opportunity to provide a Voluntary
    Compliance Undertaking (VCU) to reduce its price
    and repay excess revenues
  • OR
  • Board Staff refers the matter to the Chairperson,
    who decides whether it is in the public interest
    to issue a Notice of Hearing
  • Note Even if hearing called, Board Staff still
    available to negotiate VCU on a parallel track
    with the Hearing process

Separation of Investigation and
  • Conflict Wall between Board Staff and
  • Essential to ensure Board remains unbiased
  • Board never informed of status of investigations
    of particular drugs
  • Chairperson decides whether to call Hearing
  • Board Staff and Patentees both parties before
    Hearing Panel
  • Any communication by one party to the Board
    served on the other party at the same time

  • 11 hearings initiated since January 2006
  • Adderall XR Airomir1 Apotex Concerta
    Copaxone Penlac Quadracel and Pentacel
    Risperdal Consta1 Strattera Thalomid / Celgene
  • One older ongoing hearing (Nicoderm), initiated
    in 1999
  • 1 Resolved through VCUs

Voluntary Compliance Undertakings (VCUs)
  • 47 VCUs approved to-date price reductions and
    offset of excess revenues
  • Over 33M in total since 1993
  • In 2007 and 2008, a total of nine VCUs
  • Three were submitted in the context of a hearing
  • Airomir payment of excess revenues of
  • Risperdal Consta price reduction and payment of
    excess revenues of 4,386,172.99
  • Zemplar price reduction and payment of excess
    revenues of 58,741.67
  • One following the issuance of a Board Order
  • - Dovobet 870,425.68 (for 2006 period)
  • Denavir offset excessive revenues of 61,021.80
  • Forteo offset excessive revenues of 333,629.25
  • Lantus price reduction and payment of excess
    revenues of 694,239.50
  • OctreoScan price reduction and payment of excess
    revenues of 387,181.87
  • Vaniqa payment of excess revenues of 70,860.59

Current Guidelines Review
  • Initiated in 2005 due to changing environment
  • Developments within the pharmaceutical industry
    globalization, mergers, partnerships
  • Changes in nature of new patented medicines
    fewer breakthroughs, more incremental innovation
  • High (over 90) but declining voluntary
    compliance with current Excessive Price
  • Third party reports to PMPRB of significant price
  • Shifting regimes in Canada and internationally
  • Health Canada progressive licensing
  • Certain Provinces-Territories changes in
    legislation, reimbursement and listing agreements
  • Internationally U.S. Medicare, Part D UK move
    away from PPRS

Objectives of Review
  • To ensure that Excessive Price Guidelines remain
    relevant and appropriate
  • Concerns since 2006 regarding
  • Categorization of new medicines dont adequately
    reflect incremental innovation
  • Introductory prices seen as cost-driver
  • The review has involved extensive consultation
    with the PMPRBs stakeholders
  • Consumer groups, industry, and federal and
    provincial health ministries

Review Considerations
  • In reviewing / amending the Guidelines, the
    Board must consider
  • Consistency with the statutes
  • Public / consumer interest focus
  • Impact on patentees
  • Transparency and predictability
  • Overall timeliness

Key issues being considered
  • Clarification of mandate
  • Four levels of therapeutic improvement and
    associated price tests
  • Any market price reviews (national, class of
    customer, province and territory) at and
    following introduction
  • DIP methodology following elimination of benefits
  • Clarifying policy on acceptable measures and
    timelines for offsetting excess revenues
  • Appropriate use of prices of generic drugs in
    price tests
  • Publication of prices

Next Steps
  • Release of revised Notice and Comment document in
    late March 2009
  • Final round of consultations with industry,
    provincial and territorial governments, consumer
    groups in April 2009
  • Board decisions on revised Guidelines in May 2009
  • Publication of proposed Guidelines and outreach
    with stakeholders in June 2009
  • Implementation of new Guidelines in July 2009

Reporting Mandate
  • Annual Report
  • Pursuant to sections 89 and 100 of the Patent Act
  • Provided to Minister of Health on May 31 for
    tabling in House
  • Includes overview of
  • PMPRB activities
  • Price trends patented and all medicines
  • RD expenditures by patentees
  • National Prescription Drug Utilization
    Information System (NPDUIS) Reports
  • Non-Patented Prescription Drug Prices (NPPDP)
  • Quarterly NEWSletter and PMPRB Web site

Highlights from Annual Report 2007
  • Sales of patented drugs increased by only 3 to
    12.3 billion
  • Smallest increase since 1994
  • Patented drugs account for 66 of all drug sales
    in Canada
  • At an aggregate level, patented drug prices in
    Canada decreased by 0.1 decrease at hospital
    level offset increases at pharmacy and wholesaler
  • In relation to comparator countries, Canadian
    prices at 1.01 of the Medial International Price
  • RD-to-sales ratio in Canada up to 8.3 (all
    patentees) and 8.9 (RxD members)

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Prices in Comparator Countries
  • Five of the seven comparator countries saw price
    increases in 2007 only Switzerland and France,
    like Canada, experienced a small decline
  • In 2007, Canadian prices appeared to be slightly
    higher than all countries except the US, a main
    cause expected to be the appreciating Canadian
  • As a result, foreign Median International Prices
    dipped slightly below those in Canada for the
    first time since 1993

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RD Expenditure in 2007
  • Patentees reported total RD expenditures of
    1.32 B in 2007, an increase of 9.5 from 2006
  • The RD-to-sales ratio increased
  • All patentees 8.3 - up from 8.1 in 2006
  • RxD members 8.9 - up from 8.5 in 2006

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Contact Information
  • Gregory Gillespie
  • Director, Policy and Economic Analysis
  • Patented Medicine Prices Review Board
  • Box L40, 333 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 1400
  • Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1P 1C1
  • Tel 1 (613) 952-3305
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