Title: Perfect Body Shape Kick Off
1Perfect Body Shape Kick Off
2Vision of Greatness
- Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond
measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that
most frightens us. We ask ourselves, "Who am I to
be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
You are a child of God.YOUR PLAYING SMALL DOES
NOT SERVE THE WORLD!!!There is nothing
enlightened about shrinking so that other people
won't feel insecure around you. WE WERE BORN TO
US!!! It's not just in some of usIT'S IN
EVERYONE!!! - Nelson Mandela1994 Inaugural Speech
3Short Term Vision
- 100 New Platinum's by the end of 2008
- Qualifying for January 2009 Hawaii Presidential
Trip - Business Periods 10, 11, 12, 13 of 2008
- 250,000 x 100 4 months 100 million in Volume
for Mannatech - Celebration Party at Hilton Waikoloa Village with
Perfect Body Shape Platinum's and Presidentials
thrown by Perfect Body Shape - www.hiltonwaikoloavillage.com
- Total Vision of Greatness will be revealed at the
4Presidential Director Factory
5Raw Material
- a. People Wanting Career Change
- b. 100 Exclusive Weight Loss leads per month
- c. Perfect Body Shape Coaching System
Presidential Director Assembly Line
6Assembly Line
- a. Work on their mindset
- i. Weekly coaching by Jett
- ii. Development of positive mental attitude
- iii. Focus on Daily activity
Presidential Director Assembly Line
7Processing (4 months)
- a. Teach closing skills to get them to
excellent level - b. 16 signups per month _at_ 150.00 Auto Order
2,400 - c. 3 months _at_ 2,400 7,200
- d. 10 Attrition 6,480
- e. National Director now earning over 3,000 per
Presidential Director Factory
8Further Assembly
- a. Identify 10 people (either clients or
people wanting career change) - b. Lead by example, showing your results to
obtain commitments - c. Obtain commitment to get 100 leads and follow
gameplan - d. Organize 10 people in 3-4 legs
- 0 0 0 0
- /\ /\
- 00 00 0 0
Presidential Director Assembly Line
9Finish Process (4 months)
- a. Teaching Closing Skills to get all 10 to
excellent - b. 3 Months with Attrition 6480
- c. 10 Coaches 64,800
- d. Use your personal 16 sign ups to shore up
weakest producers
Presidential Director Assembly Line
10Finished product
- a. Presidential Director with Continued 16
personal sign ups - b. Monthly income exceeding 8,000 per month
Presidential Director Assembly Line
11Its a Numbers Game
- Have Faith in the numbers
- Safety In Numbers And The Law Of Averages
- SW - SW - SW
- Some Will - Some Wont - So WhatNEXT!!!
- Make Nos your Vitamins - Les Brown
12The Numbers Needed to obtain excellence
- 100 Qualified Exclusive Leads (25 a Week)
- 2 - 3 Warm market contacts a day (15 a week)
- 40 Prospects a week
- 160 Prospects a month
13The Numbers Needed to Obtain Excellence
- Exclusive Leads make contact with 30-40 of them
and can expect a 20 close ratio 6 - 8 sign ups
per month - Warm market make contact with 30 - 40 of them
and can expect 33 close ratio 9 - 13 signups
per month - 15 - 21 sign ups per business period
- You must learn to be a Cherry Picker
14Perfect Body Shape Standard of Excellence (We
expect Excellence in all areas for our coaches)
- Excellent 16 sign ups per BP
- Good 12-15 sign ups per BP
- Fair 8-11sign ups per BP
- Failing 7 or less sign ups per BP (failing to
create enough personal momentum to guarantee long
term residual income)
15Jetts Incentive Contest 60,000 for you! How
much of it do you want?
- Grand Prize - 1 Coach - 5,000 cash
- Second Prize - 2 Coach - 2,500 cash
- Third Prize - 3 Coach - 1,250 cash
- Fourth Prize - 4 Coach - 750 cash
- Fifth Prize - 5 Coach - 500 cash
- First 100 coaches that obtain Excellence will
receive 500 (including Top 5 Coaches)
16Jetts Incentive Contest
- Contest Rules
- Contest will run during BP 5 4/21/07 - 5/18/07
- Must have have a Gold or Platinum plan in PBS
(100 leads or more) - 16 or more personal sign ups with 8 or more being
at the All Star Level - Must submit names and sign up level to
17Reference Materials
- The Closers by Jim Pickens (Amazon)
- The Secret by Rhonda Byrne DVD and Book (Amazon)
- The Magic of Believing by Claude Bristol (Amazon)
- The Genetic Key Diet by Dr. Steve Nugent
18Working leads using PBS Scripts
- QA with experiences and objections you are
currently having - Role Play
- Scripts are designed to initiate dialogue
19Coaching Sessions
- Get your client(s) on the Thursday Evening
Getting Started on the Journey to your Perfect
Body Shape before first individual coaching
session - This will help to establish your posture as their
20Coaching Sessions
- First session
- Cover low glycemic Food Choices (make sure they
stock fridge and cabinets) - Review how and when to take supplements in detail
- Gain commitment as to what physical activity they
will do - Discuss increasing water again, focusing on
Wellness Water - Tell them to get a journal to ensure success
- Ask for referrals have them email a list of
names, emails and phone numbers you can help on
their behalf - Get commitment on what weekly group coaching
session they will join
21Coaching Sessions
- Set up 1 hour conference calls
- No more than 20 clients on any one call
- Go to www.freeconferencecall.com or
www.freeaudioconferencing.com - Set coaching sessions at different times - so no
excuses - Can be set 2 week nights, 1 weekday, 1 Saturday,
1 Sunday
22Coaching Sessions
- How to conduct a group coaching session
- Begin call quickly verifying that each person is
doing what they committed to - Create a Group Dynamics being sure to celebrate
successes - Steer referrals to be on some coaching calls as
their friends for group dynamics - Be firm regarding commitments, do not accept
excuses - Make the call fun and upbeat!!!
23In Summary
- 100 New Platinum's by the end of 2008
- Work the numbers to achieve excellence
- Jetts Incentive Contest
- Scripts are there to assist in establishing
relationships - Coaching keep the energy High, make good use of
everyone's time
24(No Transcript)