Title: Debbie King
1Debbie King
2New Born Visits (3 days old)
- Introduction
- Congratulations
- Other children
- Pre-natal
- Due date
3Newborn visit
- Type of delivery
- Birth weight
- Discharge weight and age
- Hearing test
- GBS stats
4Newborn visit
- Hepatitis B 1
- Billirubin ordered stat as needed
- Circumcision-research contends reduced risk of
HIV in circumcised males - Diet
- Breast/bottle
5New Parent Education
- Provide verbal and written information
- Feeding
- Schedule
- BF support
- Positioning of the newborn
6New parent education
- Exposure-limit visitors and outings
- BMs- vary with babies
- Hick-ups- are frequent
- Sneezing-normal and frequent
- Congestion-of and on and is normal
7New parent education
- Dressing/layers- do not overdress
- Siblings
- Car seat
- Finger nails- file only for 6 weeks
8New parent education
- Cord care- there is none
- Smoking-avoid exposure
- Sun-not directly, can use sun-block
- Oral Needs- Gums and Pacifier-new research
contends pacifier use for all sleep periods is
necessary to prevent SIDS
9New parent education
- Illness
- Office procedures with calls
- When to call
- Recheck schedule- varies
10General info
- Average weight 7 lb
- Average length 20-21 inches
- Normal average weight loss is 10 in first 3-4
days - Normal is to regain back to birth weight by 14
11General info
- Weight doubles by 4 months
- Weight triples by one year
- Weight quadruples by two years
- Normal weight gain is 6-8 oz per week for 6
months - Normal weight gain is 3-4 oz per week from 6-12
months - Normal weight gain 1-2 years old is 8-9 oz per
- Theories are important in practice to help you
know normals - They will be on boards (only a few peds
questions) - Should self study- ex
- Erikson
- Mahler
- Skinner
- Maslow
- Kohlberg
- Piaget
13Exam Of Newborn - Importance of Clinical
- General
- Skin- Color- Birth marks
- Head- Shape- Size
- Eyes- red reflex- alignment
- ENT- ear placement
- Mouth- palate
- Chest/heart- 140- murmur, check for tachypnea,
poor feeding, cool lower ext-?COA - Lungs/resp- 30-60
- Abdomen- cord
- GU- Open, rectum
- Musculoskelatal- hips
- Neuro- (reflexes) startle, tone, grasp,
- rooting, sucking, gag, crying
- symmetry of movement
162 Week Visit
- Birth weight
- Weight today-should be back to BW
- Age of discharge-if this is first visit
- Diet
- Color
- Advise parents not use any medications
172 Week Visit
- Circumcision
- Address concerns of parents
- Exam- 2 week is Repeat of New Born exam
181 Month Visit
- Temperature
- Height
- Weight
- HC
- Percentiles- Know how to plot yourself
191 Month Visit
- Diet- Vitamins A,C,D for babies BF only
- Startles
- Lifts head
- Focus
- Head support
201 Month Visit
- Hands fisted
- Eyes- sees short distance, may cross of and on,
follows to mid line, may seem to look just by or
over you - Sleep-still pretty irregular
- Personality- fussy vs. happy
211 Month Visit
- Spitting- amounts
- Sneezing/ congested
- Grunting
- Only sleeps, eats, and poos
- Colic
221 Month Visit
- Medication not to be used this early
- Safety
- 1 month exam
- Same as New Born
- -Summarize
- -Warn- immunizations at 2 months
232 Month Visit
- Temperature
- Height
- Weight
- HC
- Percentiles- no pattern yet
242 Month Visit
- Smiles
- Coos
- Focus follow
- Tone- increased head control
- Diet- vitamins if breast fed, no solids
252 Month Visit
- Cuddle, eye contact, play
- Increase tummy time
- Position
- 2 month exam- Same as New Born
- Still no medications
264 Month Visit
- Temperature
- Height
- Weight
- HC
- Percentiles- 3 is a pattern
274 Month Visit
- Diet- cereal, BF, formula
- Laughs
- Reaches
- Rolls- front to back
- Sleep- longer at night
- Still no medicines are recommeneded
284 Month Visit
- Self Soothes
- Increase tummy time
- Review safety- car seats, toys
- Activities- ex. Johnny Jump Up
- 4 month exam- same as New Born
- -extra focus on tone and strength
- - encourage team work of parents
296 Month Visit
- Temperature
- Height
- Weight
- HC
- Percentiles
306 Month Visit
- Diet- more solids, less liquids
- - finger foods, new research contends
that meat be included in the food package for
breast-fed infants at 6 months - Reaches, grasps
- Sits alone
- Rolls both ways
- Set schedule- eating, sleep
316 Month Visit
- Knows name
- Encourage crawling
- Vocalizes
- Safety! Child proof
- Teeth
- May use tylenol for pain or fever. Motrin is now
approved down to six months. Benadryl may also
be used if really necessary.
326 Month Visit
- 6 month Exam
- -Same as all past with focus on
- -Strength -Standing
- -Socializing with provider
- -Add Fluoride-if on well water
- -Summarize -Encourage
- -No immunizations at next visit (9 month check
339 Month Visit
- Temperature
- Height
- Weight
- HC
- Percentiles
349 Month Visit
- Diet- table food, cup, self feed
- Schedule- toddler like
- Safety- add poison control
- Encourage mobility- crawling
- Pulling up
359 Month Visit
- Cruising
- Stands alone
- Transfer
- Responds to name
- Understands no, bye
369 Month Visit
- Babbles- mama, dada
- Same PE
- Order/evaluate- HGB
- Summarize
- Next exam 12 months
- Advise may see increase illness with increase in
3712 Month Visit
- Height
- Weight
- HC
- Temperature
- Percentiles (Triple BW)
3812 Month Visit
- Diet- all table food
- -except shell fish and honey
- -start whole milk, cup, self feed
- Sleep- schedule
- Continue to encourage
- -verbalizing, mobility, walking
3912 Month Visit
- Says mama and dada well
- Waves
- Good pincer grasp
- Temper tantrums
- Plays games
4012 Month Visit
- Loves books and outside
- Safety is more important
- Car seat-12 months and 20 lbs to face forward
- Teeth-just water and tooth brush
4112 Month Visit
- Follow one step command
- Stoops and recovers
- Imitates
- T.B./ lead questionnaires for exposure
4212 Month Visit
- 12 month exam
- -head to toe
- -More difficult
- -Be creative, playful
- -May notice hand preference soon, yet could be
as late as 5 years for set handedness - -testicles- should be down
4312 Month Visit
- -hydrocele- gone
- -summarize
- -Choose care givers carefully (babysitters)
- -Next visit 15 month and all basic vaccines
will be completed
4415 Month Visit
- Height
- Weight
- HC
- Temperature
- Percentile
4515 Month Visit
- Diet- same as 15 month
- - avoid juice trap, no juice is needed
- Schedule
- Climbs
- Knows some body parts
- Stacks 2 blocks
4615 Month Visit
- Behavior- big issue
- Books/ music
- 1 hr TV only or none or baby videos
- Follow directions
- Few words only
4715 Month Visit
- 15 month exam
- - head to toe
- - very difficult
- - heart first
- - mouth last
- - observe walking forward and backward
4815 Month Visit
- - FYI intoeing is normal until age 7
- Summarize
- Encourage parents
- Next visit at 18 month with focus on development
4918 month visit
- Same growth evaluation
- Diet- no battles!
- Sleep- constant schedule
- Safety- ex. Lead exposure
- Development- important issue now
- -can see signs of autism
5018 month visit
- Expected milestones
- - 2 word combos starting
- -kicks ball
- -runs
- -climbs
- -sustains eye contact
5118 month visit
- -enjoys being bounced/swung
- -interested in other children
- -play hide and seek
- -pretends
- -points with index finger
- -plays appropriately with toys
5218 month visit
- -stacks 3-4 blocks
- -7-15 word vocab
- -listens to stories
- -names objects
- -scribbles
- -shows affection- kisses
5318 month exam
- Head to toe
- May still be difficult
- Not all bruises are abuse
- Encourage parents
- Foster independence
5418 month exam
- Wash own hands
- Pick up toys
- Remind some decrease in eating is nl
- Advise parents to call as needed
- Next check up is at 2 years
55General info
- Growth slows from 2-6 years
- Normal growth is about 3 inches per year
- Normal weight gain is about 4.5 lbs per year
- An average 6 year old is about 46 lbs and 46
562 year visit
- Repeat of 18 month exam
- If new pt review milestones
- Now should
- -jump
- -3-5 word combo
- Still on infant scale for height and weight and
infant growth chart
572 year visit
- Last HC done
- Usually more cooperative
- Advice on
- -toileting
- immunization- know schedule
- head circumference
- Macrocephaly- too large
- Microcephaly- too small
- Plagiocephaly- abnormal shape
- Know what to do- for each DX
- Day care
- Assess plans at every visit
- DWP illness-expectation
- biting
60Teething (formation begins 3rd fetal month, ends
in adolescence)
- Central incisors upper 6-8 months, lower 5-7
months - Lateral incisors upper 8-11 mo, lower 7-10 mo.
- Cuspids upper and lower 16-20 mo.
- First molars upper and lower 10-16 mo.
- Second molars upper and lower 20-30 months
- Refer to Harriet Lane for all normals on
- Respirations - based on age
- Blood pressures - based on age and size
- Heart rates - based on age
- may be helpful to keep charts in exam rooms
623 year visit
- Add vision screen
- Stands for height and weight
- No HC
- Add BP
- Chart on proper growth chart!
633 year visit
- Assess BMI
- TB questionnaire
- Pre-school?
- Verbal skills- 75 understood by strangers
- Knows colors
643 year visit
- Count 1-10
- Pedals tricycle
- Knows gender
- friends
653 year visit
- 3 year exam
- Head to toe- may still have round tummy
- Advise parents
- Stool holding is common
- Stuttering is common
- Time outs should be for 3 minutes
- Encourage more playtime and reading
664 and 5 Well-care
- Height
- Weight
- Temperature
- Percentiles
- UA- 5 and up
- Hearing, vision
674 and 5 Well-care
- 4 year milestones
- Stacks 10 blocks
- Throws overhand
- Sings, draws
- Knows real vs. fiction
- Talks about day/life
- Knows gender
- 100 understandable
684 and 5 Well-care
- 5 year milestones
- Skips
- Rides bike
- Counts on fingers
- Draws shapes
- Prints some letters
694 and 5 Well-care
- Draws about 4 body parts
- Knows ABC and colors
- Knows about strangers
- Knows about secrets
704 and 5 Well-care
- Exam 4 and 5 year
- -head to toe exam
- -add cranial nerve exam know how!
- -add walk on toes and heels
- -jumps
- -check spine
714 and 5 Well-care
- Remember! At All check ups review
- -seatbelt -teeth
- -school -safety
- -sun block -diet
- -elimination -strangers
- -sleep -sports
- -behavior -TV time!!- increase in education
of limited time spent here - -friends -chores
72School age 6-10
- Height
- Weight
- Temperature
- Percentile
- BP
73School age 6-10
- Development 6-10
- Varies
- Read pg 16 U/G
- Age 9-10
- Begin tanner assessment
- Assess preparation for puberty
74FYI Obesity
- Screen thyroid
- Screen lipid
- Screen metabolic panel
- With increased lipids-refer to cardiology
- screen fasting insulin
- With or without increased insulin-refer to endo
- Refer all to nutritionist
75FYI Obesity
- 6. Encourage sport participation
- 7. Re-check height, weight 3 month
76General info
- Average school age child gains about 5 lbs and
2.5 inches per year - Average 10 year old is 70 lbs and 54 inches
77Well Care 11-13 years
- Height
- Weight
- Temperature
- Percentiles
- BP
78Well Care 11-13 years
- Medications
- Parental concerns
- Sports concerns
- Adolescent questionnaires review together
79Well Care 11-13 years
- Confidentiality!
- P.E.
- Head to toe
- Be considerate
- The period of life beginning with puberty and
extending for an average of 8-10 years. - Puberty focuses on physical changes resulting in
the ability to reproduce. - Mean age for the initiation of puberty is 11.2
years but may range from 9.0 to 13.4. - Females typically reach adolescence 2 years
earlier than males.
- During adolescence, a teenagers weight doubles,
and height increases 15-20. - During puberty, major organs double in size,
lymphoid tissue decreases in mass. - Musculature increases in size and strength.
- Boys attain greater strength and mass continues
into late puberty. - Motor coordination lags behind in growth and
stature and musculature but improves.
82Growth and Development of Puberty
- Physical changes of puberty include
- Growth spurts
- Development of secondary sexual characteristics
- Maturation of genital organs
- Onset of menstruation for girls
83Male Growth Spurts
- Height spurt beings at age 11. Reach peak height
velocity 13 ½ to 14yrs. - Boys increase the quantity of body fat before
beginning their height spurt. - They lose fat until the growth spurt has finished
and gradually again increase fat. - 1st sign of puberty begins around 10 and 12
marked by scrotal and testicular growth. - Pubic hair can occur any time between ages 10 and
- Penis grows significantly a year or so after the
onset of testicular and pubic hair(10-13). - 1st ejaculation is a notable event, occurring 1
year after initiation of testicular growth. - 90 of boys have this event between 11-15.
- Gynecomastia occurs in a majority of boys.
Usually disappears within 2 years. - Pubertal development may not be completed until
age 18.
- Height velocity is higher in males(8-11cm) than
in females(6 ½ -9 ½cm) per year. - Axillary hair, deepening of the voice, and the
development of chest hair occurs in mid puberty,
about 2 years after onset of growth of pubic
hair. - Facial and body hair begin to increase at ages
86Female Adolescents
- Onset of growth spurt is between 8-17.
- Mean age for peak height velocity growth is 12
years. - Average duration of growth spurt is 3 years.
- Females grow 2½-5 inches in height per year and
gain 8-20 lbs. - Increase in height may lead to poor posture.
- Pelvis grows and becomes shapely.
- Increase of adipose tissue from 15-27.
87Secondary Sex Characteristics
- Thelarche (breast development)
- Stimulated by estrogen
- Breast size varies and asymmetry is common
- Development of a breast bud from glandular tissue
- Areola widens and eventually elevates from the
chest wall - Mature breast is characterized by the protrusion
of the nipple
88Secondary Sex Characteristics
- Adrenarche (pubic hair growth)
- Concurrent with breast development
- Initial growth is slightly pigmented and straight
- Starts off with fine growth on the labia majora
- Quantity of hair increases and distribution
spreads from the labia to the mons veris - Texture becomes coarser, curlier, and darker
- Final stage established in about 2 yrs with
typical female triangular distribution with a
horizontal upper border
89Tanner Staging
- Breast Development or Thelarche
- Pubic Hair Development or Adenarche or Pubarche
- Male Genital Development
90External and Internal Genitalia
- Labia major, mons veris and symphysis pubis
develop as fat is deposited. - As a result of increase in fat, the labia majora
fall inward and obscure the labia minora. - Clitoris becomes larger and more erectile and the
entire entroitus appears largers. - Estrogen causes vaginal lining to transform into
think stratified squamous epihelial cells
containing glycogen.
91External and Internal Genitalia
- Thickness of vaginal lining varies with cyclic
circulating levels of hormones. - Vaginal secretions result from decrease hormone
stimulation. - Leukoreah(white muciod discharge) often precedes
menarche by approx. 1 year. - Uterus changes from tubular formation into a
hollow muscular organ. - Endometrial lining proliferates in preparation
for menarche.
92External and Internal Genitalia
- Fallopian tubes grow.
- Ovaries increase in size and develop an adequate
vascular system to trigger the release of
lutenizing hormone and to initiate ovulation. - Anovulatory menstrual cycle is due to slower
development of ovarian function compared to
endometrial function.
- Grand finale of puberty in women, average 12.5
years. - Occurs approximately 1-3 years after thelarche
and during Tanner Stage 3 or 4. - Initial menstrual cycle may be irregular in
quantity and duration. - Frequently anovulatory, secondary to immature
ovarian function. - Rhythmic menstrual pattern set in about 3-4 years
after menarche begins.
94Early Adolescence 11-13 years
- Interests focus on same gender peer group
identification. Peer acceptance importance. - Define normalcy in relation to their peers.
- Thinking is concrete. Lacks the ability for
abstract thinking. Easily overwhelmed and
overruled. - Expresses sexuality through dress, body language,
and curiosity about sexual acts. - Reasearch contends the last area of the brain to
mature is the part capable of deciding, Ill
finish my homework, take out the garage, and then
Ill IM my friends
95Middle Adolescence 14-16 yrs
- Most turbulent stage. Psychologically egocentric
and preoccupied with self. - Self esteem is established through recognition of
the peer group. - Behavior is characterized by profound mood swing
and rebellion. - Struggles for independence. Uses abstract
reasoning and introspection for a better
understanding of self and other. - Sexual behavior is explorative and exploitative.
96Risk factors for suicide attempt in adolescent
- Lack of social connections
- Alcohol and substance use
- Non-intact family of origin
- Firearms in the household
- Poor communication with parents
- Prior suicide attempt
- History of abuse/violence victimization
- Sexual identity issues
97Suicide risks
- Family history of
- Depression
- Sucicide attempts
- Mood disorders in mothers
- Alcoholism or legal troubles in father
- Stressful life events, to include
- Break-up with a partner (in males)
- Separation of parents
- Disciplinary crisis
- Problems at school or work, or not being
affiliated with either.
9814-16 Well-care
- Height
- Weight
- Temperature
- Percentiles
- BP
9914-16 Well-care
- Vision, hearing
- Medication
- Sports form
- Adolescent questionnaire review together
10014-16 Well-care
- Discuss driving and risky behavior
- P.E.- head to toe
- -girls are usually tanner iv
101FYI- Eye exams
- Age 5 or 6 begin
- Optic nerve
- Optic disk/cup
- Darken room
- Practice makes perfect
- Dr. Berland
10217-21 Well-Care
- Treat as adult
- P.E.
- STD screen
- Paps- start age 20 or 3 yrs after 1st intercourse
- FYI-get up to date on street drugs, or at least
have a cheat sheet to refer to. - For example do you know that the effects of
inhalants include hearing loss, neuropathies,
limb spasms, CNS damage, bone marrow damage,
liver and kidney damage, O2 depletion..
103Late Adolescence 17-21 yrs
- Develops a sense of self and purpose to life.
- Sexual behavior is more expressive and less
exploitative. - Intimate and monogamous relationships are
developed. - Abstract reasoning skills are fully developed.
- Individual is able to interact with the adult
world and consider long term implications.
104(No Transcript)
105(No Transcript)
106(No Transcript)
107Review immunization
- -Hep B -Pneumoccal
- -DTAP -Influenza/ Flumist
- -Hib -Varicella
- -IPV -MMR RotaTeq
- Hep A -Menactra
- Boostrix and ADACEL
- Two new- for HPV- Gardasil and Cervarix