Title: The Greening of Historic Preservation
1The Greening of Historic Preservation
John Tess Heritage Consulting Group Historic
Rehabilitation Tax Incentive Specialists
Portland, Oregon, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
iped National Historic Tax Credit
Conference Washington DC November 7-9, 2007
2- Two Case Studies of Turning Historic Buildings
Green - The McCracken Warehouse or Ecotrust
Building - 10 rehabilitation that resulted in the first
historic building to achieve a Gold Leed
Certification - Portland Armory or Gerding Theatre
- 20 rehabilitation that resulted in the first
Certified Historic Rehabilitation to achieve
Platinum Leed Certification
3The Principles of Sustainable Development and
Historic Preservation go together
- Recycle old buildings
- Use resources (electricity, water, etc.) more
efficiently - Make buildings healthier for occupants
- Encourage alternative transportation
- Encourage compact cities and towns
- Maintain and restore ecosystem health
- Reduce dependence on nonrenewable resources
- Reduce dependence on synthetic substances that
accumulate in the environment - Turn waste into a resource
- Choose products and suppliers consistent with the
other principles - Promote biological diversity
4Location Map
Aerial view of Portland
121 housing units 8,000 s.f. retail Adjacent to
first city park
120 housing units 10,000 s.f. retail
131 rental units 10,000 s.f. retail Outdoor
community space for residents
134 lofts 10,000 s.f. retail Fitness
facility Community room Live/work spaces
13 town houses Live/work spaces
123 housing units 8,000 s.f. retail Public
courtyard Live/work spaces
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14McCraken Warehouse
Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center
15Historic view
- 1895 Unreinforced masonry warehouse executed in
the Richardsonian Romanesque style of
architecture, architect unknown - Historically known as the McCraken Warehouse
located in Portlands rail yards - J. McCraken Co. was building supplies wholesale
company founded by John McCraken a respected
businessman City Council President and one of
Chamber of Commerce founders - 1940 Rapid Transfer Storage Co.
- Bought in 1998 by Ecotrust with gift from Jean
- Create a center for the conservation economy
- Demonstrate practical elements of green
restoration - Rehabilitate a historic building
- Make money
- Build a permanent home for Ecotrust and our
17Redevelopment goals
- Create generous public spaces
- Reclaim and reuse building materials
- Emphasize natural light and fresh air
- Be energy and water efficient
- Purchase new materials that are FSC-certified,
nontoxic, of high recycled content, and locally
sourced and manufactured. - Store and filter storm water on site.
18Before Rehabilitation
19Aerial during construction
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21Exterior Rehabilitation
- Remove paint from brick and stucco
- Repair parapet
- Repair existing wood windows
- New street entries
22Seismic Retrofit
- Innovative approach to seismic upgrade while that
allowed for the least negative impact on interior
historic materials. - Provided for future construction on the site
- Was accomplished on the secondary elevation
23Sustainable Site Features
- Urban redevelopment
- Building reuse
- Access to public transitstreet car
- Bicycle parking and shower facilities
- Flexcar car-sharing
- Stormwater managementecoroof, bioswales,
permeable asphalt paving - Reduce heat island effect--ecoroof
24Eco roof
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32Energy highlights
33Materials highlights
34Stormwater highlights
35Interpretive trail and field guide
36Community of Tenants
The Bill Healy Foundation
37LEED scorecard
39LEED Gold Medal
40The Portland Armory Combining Historic Tax
Credits, New Markets Tax Credits and Green
Strategies, Too
iped National Historic Tax Credit
Conference Washington DC November 7-9, 2007
41Historic Overview
- Built in 1891, originally housed the Oregon
National Guard - Hosted Opera Singers, Professional Wrestling,
Tennis Matches and Presidential visits - Most recent life as storage for previously
adjacent brewery
42Portland Armory
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44Redevelopment Challenges
- Economic need to maintain key historic features
to utilize historic tax credits - Bow trusses
- Facades
- Windows
- Entries
- Inability to alter the façade limited street
presence, daylighting for retail or office use - Seismic requirements presented engineering
challenges - Inability to build up or out lot and FAR
45Redevelopment Alternatives
- Demolition and Replacement. Not seriously
considered - Owner recognized value in preserving
iconic building. - Fitness club. Negotiations were well underway.
Economically viable market rents potential to
take advantage of historic tax credits. - Performing Arts Theater? Fit with physical
limitations of space, but economically deeply
46Redevelopment Goals
- Preserve an iconic Portland building
- Create world-class performance spaces
- Push the sustainability envelope
- Build a lasting, dynamic community asset
47Redevelopment Results
- Main Stage Theater seats 599
- Studio Theater seats up to 200
- Lobby and mezzanine can host events in excess of
200 people - Portland Center Stage administrative offices and
rehearsal space housed in the trusses
48Redevelopment Results
Administrative Offices
Lobby Mezzanine
49Redevelopment Results
Fire Wall
Theater Reception Area
Main Stage Theater
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55Sustainable Design
- First National Register Property to achieve LEED
Platinum status - Skylights for natural daylighting
- Rainwater captured and recycled for toilet flush
- Cooling provided by chilled beams and water from
central chilling plant - 93 of construction waste recycled
56Sustainable Design
57Interactive, Educational
- Ongoing community engagement key project goal
- Community events held inside and outside the
building - Technology used to educate community about the
building - Sustainability and historic preservation are at
the heart of the buildings story
58Armory LEED Scorecard
59Pillar Sustainability
- US Green Building Council
- The first LEED Platinum National Register
property and Certified Rehabilitation project - The first LEED Platinum theater in the world
60The bottom line Principles of Sustainable
Development can be incorporated in the
rehabilitation of Historic Buildings
- Recycle old buildings
- Use resources (electricity, water, etc.) more
efficiently - Make buildings healthier for occupants
- Encourage alternative transportation
- Encourage compact cities and towns
- Maintain and restore ecosystem health
- Reduce dependence on nonrenewable resources
- Reduce dependence on synthetic substances that
accumulate in the environment - Turn waste into a resource
- Choose products and suppliers consistent with the
other principles - Promote biological diversity
61John M. Tess Heritage Consulting Group 1120 NW
Northrup St. Portland, OR 97209 (503)
228-0272 82 Bethlehem Pike Philadelphia, PA
19118 jmtess_at_heritage-consulting.com www.heritag