Title: Notes Summaries
1Notes Summaries
- Quality Data
- Quality points
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- The out of hours doctor was quite right to ask
you to come back and see me when about the
discomfort youve been having. - Especially when he read about you cholesterol.
And family history on you Internet summary - ICRS spine record is coming soon
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11 Date of
entry 26.10.2003
Entry Notes summary on computer
(Read code 9344)
Text AG
12Why Summarise?
- Assists care of individual
- Context for present symptom e.g.
- Referral information for secondary care
- Morbidity Register
- For chronic disease management and flu jabs
- For teaching
- For Vocational training accreditation
13Why Summarise?
- For Practice Audit and improving care
- For external audit (GMS2 and NSFs)
- To populate the ICRS spine
- Out of hours contacts
- Hospital/ AE and others in shared care
- GP2GP transfer
- There is a danger with coded data that people
will believe it is reliable because it is on the
computer! - They/ you can retrieve the data so you cant hide
your errors and sloppiness. - Invisible codes can still show up in searches
and affect quality markers
15Coding issues
- Coding limitations
- Hip replacements
- Learning disabilities and types of abuse
- Negative codes
- Finding the right code. Use of formulary?
- Free text additions
- Associated features
- Standard searching Miquest/ GMS quality
- Problem structures? Active or Priority 1
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- How many of you have a good paper summary?
- Is it up to date?
- What about computer summaries?
- Hypertensive Disease
- Essential Hypertension
- Hypertensive Heart Disease
- Borderline Hypertension-yearly obs
- Hypertensive renal Disease
- Benign Intracranial Hypertension
- D Raised BP reading
- Renal hypertension
- Secondary renovascular Hypertension
- Seen in Hypertension clinic
- G2
- G20
- G21
- 6624
- G22
- F282
- R1y2
- G22z-1
- G24z-0
- 9N03
21Squamous cell (cancer of bladder)
- M Squamous cell papilloma
- M papillary Squamous carcinoma
- M Squamous cell ca in situ
- Malignant neoplasm of bladder
- Squamous metaplasia of bladder
- M Squamous cell Ca metastatic
- Secondary malignant neoplasm of lung
- BB25
- BB26
- BB29
- B49
- K16y7
- BB2B
- B570
22Chest pain
- Atypical chest pain
- Central chest pain
- DMusculoskeletal chest pain
- Chest pain
- Ischaemic chest pain
- Chest pain not present
- Angina
- DNon cardiac chest pain
- 1828
- 1822
- R065A
- 182
- G33z4
- 1821
- G33
- R065B
- Depressed
- XMixed anxiety and depressive disorder
- XDepressive episode
- Depressed mood
- XRecurrent depressive disorder
- XPostnatal depression NOS
- XDepression NOS
- Neurotic depression reactive type
- O/E depressed
- Bipolar affective disorder, currently depressed
- X Bipolar Affective disorder
- 1B17
- Eu412
- Eu32
- 1BT
- Eu33
- Eu530-1
- Eu32z-1
- E204
- 2257
- E115z
- Eu31
24Access screen for Mental H.
- XDepressive episode
- XBipolar affective disorder
- XGeneralized anxiety disorder
- XPanic episodic paroxysm anx
- XAcute stress reaction
- XAdjustment disorders
- XSchizophrenia
- XMulti-infarct dementia
- XMental retardation
- Drug dependence
- XIntentional self-harm
- XRecurrent depressive disorder
- XPostnatal depression NOS
- XPhobic anxiety disorders
- XMixed anxiety/depressve dis
- XPost - traumatic stress dis
- XObsessive - compulsive Dis
- XAnorexia nervosa
- XDementia in Alzheimer's Dis
- Alcohol dependence syndrome
- XOverdose - deliberate
25Read code Abbreviations
- M Morphology
- X ICD10 derived
- D Diagnostic symptom
- V health status
- SO Site of
- Code-1 Synonym for the preferred name
- h/o History of
- NOS Not otherwise specified
- OS Otherwise specified
26Spot the errorrs
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30Active Problems 13 2 1999 Influenza Past
Significant 1 2 1996 Left salpingectomy
1 2 1996
Ectopic pregnancy 1996 Lower abdominal
pain following
salpingectomy 1996
Low back pain following salpingectomy
5 1994 SOFemale genital tract
problem bleeding following miscarriage
4 1994 Miscarriage
31- Active problems
- 5 11 03 Patient Pregnant
- 1 10 03 Gallstones Excluded on U/S
- 4 9 03 Abdominal pain ?cause
- 7 8 03 Contraception pill
- 8 2001 Insulin Dependant Diabetes Mellitus
- Past significant
- Bipolar depression on Lithium
- 11/98 Urinary Tract Infection
- Hypertension NOS
- 1993 NIDDM
32- Mrs P 55y old
- Active Problems
- 1996 Vaginal Hysterectomy
- 1995 Menorrhagia
- 11/94 Single Live Birth female..Bobby
- 10/93 Recurrent dislocation of joint Left, MUA
- 1992Patient pregnant
33How did we do it?
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35Sunderland Notebusters
- Running from January 2002
- Local code formulary (pros and cons)
- Lead by local Primis trained facilitator
- Practice sign agreement
- Keep summary up to date
- Scan letters
- Move towards paperless records
37Timescale/ Training
- Currently 24 summarisers in teams 2-3
- Average time per set notes 2 per hour
- Training 1-2weeks dedicated time from PRIMIS
facilitator going through notes - Relatively good understanding 4w
- Totally confident 3m
- Beginning to spot ambiguous and incorrect info.
- After 22 months approaching 50 patients in
Sunderland (of 256,000)
38Recorded details
- Average patient 10 items
- Problem patients 30-40
- ?2 a week per summariser
- Take 2-3hours
- Importance Responsibility/ results of incorrect/
incomplete data - Danger of incorrect dates from letters
- XR/ ECGs/ endoscopies (pros and cons)
39Test results
- Enter free text, line label, or move cursor , lt\gt
to back up -
- A Plain X-ray spine B
Barium meal - general - C Standard chest X-ray D Barium
swallow - E Plain X-ray skull F
Barium follow through - G Plain X-ray thoracic cage H Barium
enema - general - I Plain X-ray pelvis J
Ultrasound in obstetric diagn. - K Plain X-ray shoulder/arm L Other
diagnostic ultrasound - M Plain X-ray hand N U-S
heart scan - O Plain X-ray hip/leg P
Standard ECG - Q Plain X-ray foot R
Exercise ECG - S Plain X-ray abdomen T Coronary
arteriogr.-general - U Computerised bone densimetry V Carotid artery
angiogr-general - W Nuclear magnetic resonance X Diagn fibr
endoscopy upper GIT - Y Diagnostic procedure NOS Z Diagnostic
endoscopy of colon
40Outcome/ Benefits
- Of 75 GPs
- 18 Previously no use now use for everything
- 41 improved from occasional use to full use
- 16 Moved from No use to partial use
- 15 practices finished
- 9 consider themselves paperlight
- 6 feel restrained from that by personal training
of 1-2 of partners, or waiting an event. - many practices consider the arrival of
Notebusters as their D-Day and without this push
feel unable to change
41Doing In-House
- Space to work less of a problem
- Often starting with some medical knowledge
- Major problem with interruption
- Really need protected time and continuity
- Training-who? Danger poor quality checks
- For 1 GP with 1800 patients
- 100-120 staff days of work
- 1 staff per GP full time 6months
42Summary Updating
- For a practice list of 1800 per GP
- To keep all summaries within 12 months
- 4-5 summary update per surgery session
- To keep within 2 years
- 2-3 per surgery but each takes twice as long
- Also more work needs to be done pre referral or
43So How to keep up to date summary?
- Consultation problem/ diagnostic headings (?)
- Letters GP or staff first (pros and cons)
- XRs, other tests, child protection, AE protocol
- Opportunistically. ?temporary codes until GP
- Someone still has to check
- move date on and accept responsibility
- The clinician is the best person when they have
seen/ are seeing the patient - Quicker
- Can check details with the patient
44Typed Letters
Hospital Letters ?500/week
- Types of Scanning
- Cut, OCR and paste
- Attach image files
Date-Stamped Scanned
Doctor Reading, Coding Action (themselves or
highlight for secretary)
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46Have we managed?
- Hard work
- Easier as paper light since 1997
- League tables of partners quarterly
- Backlogs easy to run off, share and work through.
(usually patients who rarely attend) - Problem coding consultations
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49How do I compare?
- All data needs a date (some systems not
automatic) - Code needs to be accurate
- Text must never modify meaning
- The more major the diagnosis the more important
to code and be accurate - Use symptom or vague code until diagnosed (often
start with a number or D) - Chest pain gtgtgt angina after exercise tolerance
test e.g. - Sciatica gt prolapsed disc or lumbar spondylosis
- Wheezy or cough gtgtgtasthma
- Use preferred term codes rather than synonym
- Synonym may be marked as e.g. H33-1
51Principles -2
- HIP for CHD Data Items and Recording-principle 1
- The data collected must form part of normal
clinical activity - (any data required for the NSF must fall
out of that activity) - Keep summary compact
- What to merge/ inactivate/ remove from summary
- Modifying associated text/ merging
- Different systems merge/ inactivate/prioritise
- If there is a current script for it it should be
on the summary. - Complete/ Accurate/ Relevant/ Accessible/ Up to
date - Confidential
- ?use of personal history (13) with free text for
lifestyle/TOP/ father - Mark when summary updated and by whom (9344)
52Other Information
- Tests what codes are extracted for reports?
- 7 are procedures e.g. endoscopy/ surgery
- 3 are results e.g. colonoscopy normal
- 5 are radiology
- 9 are only really for admin of above
- Allergies
- Immunisations
- Child protection
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56Other Information
- Allergies
- Immunisations
- Child protection
- Serious mental illness register
- Chronic Disease Management templates
- Base on NSF and good practice, not just GMS2
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60Smoking cessation Advice
- Health Education Smoking
- Nicotine replacement Rx
- Smoking cessation advice
- Refer Smoking cessation clinic
- Smoking cessation milestones
- Anti smoking monitoring admin
- DNA Smoking cessation clinic
- Seen smoking cessation advisor
- Refer smoking cessation advisor
61GMS Quality Markers
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65GMS audit screens
- Rogue Codes
- Hypertension G2 or not G2
- Chronic Bronchitis H31
- Acute exacerbation COPD H314(?)
- Emphysema H32 Dont use unless correct
- Mild/ mod/ severe COPD H36-8
- COPD OS and NOS H3y,z
- Remember New codes C10E and F for Diabetes
Type I/ II (not C108/9)
- Lab result issues
- HBA1C (dcct aligned) 42W4
- not 42W HBA1C
- Serum creatinine 44J3
- not plasma creat 44JF
- Serum Cholesterol 44P
- not 44OE Plasma total cholesterol
67Passing the information on
68Insurance Report
- Timesaving
- Legible
- Very acceptable to Insurance companies
- Set up to National eGPR standards
- Pilots electronically before end 2003
- But
- Relies on data being entered onto system
- Summaries being updated
- GP removing inappropriate data before sending
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70Passing the information on
- Referrals
- Insurance
- For next GP
71Consultation and Summary Printout
Farewell Summary on Clipboard
Farewell Template printed
72Consultation and Summary Printout
Farewell Summary on Clipboard
Paste to WORD file
Farewell Template printed
73Possible next stage
Image Files Recent scanned letters
Text letters (EMIS WP and old scanned-OCRd)
- Text File
- Practice details
- Confidentiality statement
- File types and how to use
74Who do our systems serve?