Title: Gastrointestinal Diseases
1Gastrointestinal Diseases
- Presented by
- Maureen Horne-Paul N.D.
- Heel Canada
2Multifactorial Causes of GI Disease
Genetic Influence
3Diverse Approaches to Treatment
Homotoxicological Strategy
Psychological Balance
Vitamins Minerals
Lifestyle Modification
4(No Transcript)
5The Six Phase Table
- Subdivided into three blocks
- Each block has two phases
- Humoral phases
- Excretion
- Inflammation
- Matrix phases
- Deposition
- Impregnation
- Cellular phases
- Degeneration
- Dedifferentiation
6The Humoral Phases
- Intracellular systems are not disturbed
- Defensive system is intact
- Homotoxins can be easily drained
- Inflammation plays a key role
7Excretion Phase
- Bodys attempt to rid itself of toxins
- External or exocrine secretion of a product to
the outside - Drainage by means of bonding, dispersion, or
dissolving the contaminants in secretory products
8Excretion Phase
- Treatment strategy
- Open the emunctories
- Avoid creating blockades to healing
- Support excretion with constitutional therapy
(singles, nosodes) - Dietary support
9Gastroesophageal Reflux
- Symptoms
- Heartburn 30-60 min after eating
- Worse lying down, increased abdominal pressure,
better sitting upright - Nocturnal regurgitation, cough, dyspnea,
10Gastroesophageal Reflux
- Differential diagnosis
- Angina pectoris
- Myocardial infarction
- Gastroduodenal ulcer
- Esophagitis/esophageal ulcer
- Complications
- Esophagitis, stricture, esophageal ulcer
11Gastroesophageal Reflux
- Conventional treatment
- Antacids
- Histamine H2-receptor antagonists
- Proton pump inhibitors
- Gastrointestinal stimulants
- Surgery
12Gastroesophageal Reflux
- Naturopathic Treatment
- DGL (deglycerrhinated licorice)
- Hypoallergenic diet (alkaline)
- Appropriate digestive enzymes
- Probiotics
- Demulcent herbs-althea, plantago, etc
- Stress management
13Gastroesophageal Reflux
Basic Remedy Traumeel
Drainage remedy Lyphosot
Tissue remedy Endoteel
Homaccord remedy Nux vomica-Homaccord
Symptomatic remedy Spascupreel Astricumeel
14Nausea and Vomiting
- Causes can include
- Irritation, inflammation, motility disorder,
mechanical disturbance at any level of GIT - Hepatobiliary and pancreatic disorders
- CNS disorders increased ICP, stroke, migraine,
infection, toxins, radiation sickness - Labyrinthine disorders motion sickness,
infection, Menieres syndrome - Endocrine disorders diabetic acidosis,
adrenocortical crisis, pregnancy, lactic acidosis
15Nausea and Vomiting
- Genito-urinary disorders uremia, infection,
obstruction - Cardiovascular disorders acute MI, CHF
- Drugs morphine, meperidine, excess alcohol,
anaesthetics, chemotherapy, etc. - Psychological disorders reaction to
pain/fear/displeasure, chronic anxiety reaction,
anorexia, bulemia, psychosis
16Nausea and Vomiting
- Complications
- Fluid and electrolyte disturbances
- Aspiration of vomitus
- Gastroesophageal tears
- Malnutrition
- Post-emetic rupture of the esophagus
17Nausea and Vomiting
- Conventional Treatment
- No intervention in mild, self-limiting cases
- Anti-emetics
- Fluids/electrolytes in severe cases (hospital)
- Sedatives
- Antihistamines
- Phenothiazines
- Metoclopramide
- Tetrahydrocannabinol (very helpful in cancer
patients) - Psychotherapy
18Nausea and Vomiting
- Naturopathic Treatment
- Homeopathy-ipecac, nux, puls, tabacum
- Ginger, peppermint
- Light foods
- Increase water intake
- Treat the cause
19Nausea and Vomiting
Basic Remedy Vomitusheel
Drainage remedy Lyphosot
Tissue remedy Endoteel
Homaccord remedy Nux vomica-Homaccord
Symptomatic remedy Veratrum-Homaccord Astricumeel
- Increase in frequency, fluidity, and volume of
BMs (gt200g/d of stool excreted) - Normal function varies between individuals
- Several types
- Diagnosis made on basis of history and physical
exam, as well as stool culture
- Types of Diarrhea
- Osmotic
- Secretory
- Exudative disease
- Impaired contact between bowel surface and chyme
- Disease of left colon or rectum
- Causes
- Psychogenic
- Drugs
- Viral or bacterial infection
- Bacterial toxins
- Parasitic infection
- Other intestinal factors
- Cholestatic syndromes
- Malabsorption
- Pancreatic disease
- Reflex from other viscera
- Neurological disease
- Metabolic disease
- Immunodeficiency
- Malnutrition
- Dietary factors
- Food allergy
- Factitious/unknown
- Naturopathic Treatment
- Treat the cause-bacterial, viral, other
- Probiotics
- BRAT diet
- Rule out food allergies
- Fiber
- Stress management, mental/emotional
24BRAT diet
- Bananas
- Rice
- Applesauce
- Toast
Basic Remedy Areel
Drainage remedy Lyphosot
Tissue remedy Endoteel
Homaccord remedy Veratrum-Homaccord
Symptomatic remedy Spascupreel
26Inflammation Phase
- Illnesses are characterized by exudative
inflammation, expulsion of toxins - Accelerated draining of homotoxins from the body
via capillary system and vascular connective
tissue activation - Production of annoying symptoms such as fever,
pain, swelling, discharges - Controlled by nerve impulses and hormones
27Inflammation Phases
- Treatment strategy
- Facilitate elimination of toxins via the
emunctories (Ki, skin, GIT, uterus) - Modulation and support of the immune system if
necessary - Dietary measures
28Acute Gastroenteritis
- Symptoms
- Anorexia, epigastric fullness, easy satiety
- Nausea, vomiting, upper GI bleeding
- If 2 to infection/bacterial toxins, may see
diarrhea, chills, fever, headache, dehydration - Epigastric tenderness
29Acute Gastroenteritis
- Labs
- May be normal or reflect underlying disease
- Special examinations
- Endoscopy (if acute upper GI hemorrhage)
- Barium swallow if indicated
30Acute Gastroenteritis
- Differential diagnosis
- Peptic ulcer
- Neoplasm
- Cholecystitis
- Esophageal spasm
- Angina pectoris
- Pancreatic disease
- Psychological gastrointestinal disorders
31Acute Gastroenteritis
- Conventional treatment
- Remove offending agent
- Stress reduction
- Probiotics
- BRAT diet
- Antibiotics
32Naturopathic Treatment
- BRAT diet
- Probiotics
- Water
- Treat causative factors
- Fiber
- L-glutamine, rice-based medicinal food (if
long-standing) - Demulcent herbs
33Acute Gastroenteritis
Basic Remedy Areel
Drainage remedy Lyphosot
Tissue remedy Endoteel
Homaccord remedy Veratrum-Homaccord
Symptomatic remedy Spascupreel
34Types of Gastritis and Remedies
- Erosive
- Traumeel
- Corrosive
- Endoteel
- Drug-induced
- Astricumeel
35Chronic Gastritis Remedies
- Autoimmune
- Echinacea compositum
- Bile reflux
- Nux vomica-Homaccord
- Geriatric
- Endoteel
- Eosinophillic
- Luffeel
- Signs and Symptoms
- Steady, severe pain and tenderness in the right
hypochondrium or epigastrium - Nausea and vomiting
- Jaundice
- Fever
- Usually associated with gallstones
- Occurs when stone lodged in cystic duct causing
inflammation behind the obstruction - Can become medical emergency
- Conventional Treatment
- Antibiotics
- Analgesics
- IV feeds if severe or very mild oral diet
- Surgery
38Naturopathic Treatment
- Homeopathy
- Botanicals
- Acupuncture
- Hydrotherapy
- High fiber, low fat diet
- Lipotrophic agents, silymarin
Basic Remedy Chelidonium Homaccord
Drainage remedy Hepar Compositum Lyphosot
Tissue remedy Endoteel
Homaccord remedy Belladonna-Homaccord Chol-Heel
Symptomatic remedy Spascupreel Nux
40The Matrix Phases
- Homotoxins deposited into extracellular
matrix/incorporated into cells - Structural components/functions of the matrix
changed - Decreased ability of the matrix to detoxify
41Deposition Phase
- Failure of both excretion and inflammatory
mechanisms - Toxins are inactivated but not eliminated
- Toxins accumulate in connective tissue/ matrix,
cell function intact - Mucous membrane hyperplasia, hepato/splenomegaly,
hyperkeratosis - Symptoms due to compression or expansion of
42Deposition Phase
- Treatment strategy
- Reduction of toxins entering the body
- Open the emunctories
- Detoxification of the matrix
- Gastrointestinal support
- Activation/support of the immune system to cause
effective reaction phase
- Diagnosis
- History is very important
- If no obvious cause (tumors, stricture, etc) and
patient does not respond to simple measures may
need further workup - ? Motility disorder, obstruction, metabolic
- Causes
- Dietary factors
- Physical inactivity
- Pregnancy
- Advanced age
- Drugs
- Metabolic abnormalities
- Endocrine abnormalities
- Lower bowel abnormalities
- Neurogenic abnormalities
- Psychogenic disorders
- Chronic enema use
- Conventional Treatment
- Re-establish normal bowel habits
- Diet
- Adequate food volume
- Adequate bulk/vegetable irritants
- Adequate fluids
- Laxatives
- Enemas
46Naturopathic Treatment
- Treat the cause
- Diet-high fiber (soluble and insoluble),
hypoallergenic if appropriate - Probiotics
- Wean off laxatives
- Water (and lots of it)
- Magnesium
- Exercise
- Retrain bowel
Basic Remedy Nux vomica-Homaccord
Drainage remedy Lyphosot
Tissue remedy Hepar Compositum Endoteel
Homaccord remedy Nux Vomica-Homaccord Graphites-H
Symptomatic remedy Spascupreel
48Impregnation Phase
- Invasion of the interior of the cell by
homotoxins or retoxins (risk for AI disease) - Homotoxins may be dormant or have a local focus
of inflammation - Disruption of the function of tissues, organs,
cell membrane due to matrix overload - Failure of self-regulating mechanisms
49Impregnation Phase
- Treatment strategy
- Open the emunctories
- Reduction of toxin load
- Facilitate detoxification
- Activation and removal of any pharmacological
toxins - Support intracellular function
50Anal Fissure
- Passage leading from the anorectal canal usually
opening through the skin near the anus - Acute pain during and after defacation
- Bright red blood in stool
- Tendency to constipation due to fear of pain
- Formation of sentinel pile, anal spasms
51Anal Fissure
- Conventional Treatment
- Bulking agents
- Sitz baths
- Topical silver nitrate or gentian violet
- Anal suppositories (Anusol, etc.)
- Surgical excision
52Anal Fissure
- Naturopathic Treatment
- Sitz bath
- High fiber diet-soluble gtinsoluble
- Homeopathy
- Botanicals
53Anal Fissure
Basic Remedy Echinacea Compositum Traumeel
Drainage remedy Lyphosot
Tissue remedy Hepar Compositum Endoteel
Symptomatic remedy Spascupreel Paeonia-Heel Vibu
rcol po or pr
Homaccord remedy Nux vomica-Homaccord
54Ulcerative Colitis
- Signs and Symptoms
- Can be mild to severe
- Diarrhea, up to 10-25 BM per day
- Blood and mucous in stool, may occur without
feces - Rectal tenesmus, anal incontinence
- Cramping, lower abdominal pain
55Ulcerative Colitis
- Anorexia, malaise, fatigue, weakness
- Remissions and exacerbations
- Fever, weight loss, toxemia vary with severity of
the disease - Mild abdominal tenderness, gas, bloating
- Perianal irritation, fissure, hemorrhoids
- Uncommonly, fistula and abscesses
56Ulcerative Colitis
- Labs
- Hypochromic, microcytic anemia
- Neutrophillic leukocytosis in acutes
- ESR elevated
- Hypoproteinemia
- In severe disease, electrolyte disturbances
- Sigmoidoscopy/colonoscopy usually diagnostic
57Ulcerative Colitis
- Conventional Treatment
- Antimicrobials
- Cortisone enemas and po Prednisone
- Sulfasalazine (other 5'ASA derivatives)
- Imuran (immunosuppressant)
- Surgery
- Diet (usually not considered important)
58Ulcerative Colitis
- Naturopathic Treatment
- Hypoallergenic diet
- Probiotics
- Antifungals
- Anti-inflammatories
- Rice-based medicinal foods
- L-glutamine
- Fiber
- Fish oils and other EFAs
- Homeopathy
- C, E, Zn, A
59Ulcerative Colitis
Basic Remedy Nux vomica-Homaccord
Drainage remedy Lyphosot Galium-Heel
Tissue remedy Endoteel
Symptomatic remedy Spascupreel Areel Cruroheel
Homaccord remedy Cinnamomum-Homaccord Veratrum-Ho
60The Cellular Phases
- The intracellular systems in the cell are
increasingly destroyed - The bodys defense system is no longer able to
drain the toxins from the cells and the matrix - Loss of regulatory function of cells, tissues,
and matrix
61Degeneration Phase
- Deep alteration of organ structure and function
- Altered intercellular enzymatic function
- Inability of cells to detoxify
- Ongoing toxin accumulation at tissue and cellular
levels - Body attempts to maintain life as long as
62Degeneration Phase
- Treatment strategy
- Emunctory activation and drainage
- Stimulation of detoxification of most affected
organ - Activation of specific defenses against the basic
illness with nosodes - Stimulation of cellular detoxification
- Causes
- Portal hypertension
- Pregnancy
- Sitting too long
- Straining at stool
- Anal infection
- Clinical findings
- Rectal bleeding, protrusion, vague discomfort
- Mucoid discharge from rectum
- Anal pain
- Complications
- Pruritis
- Incontinence
- Recurrent protrusion requiring surgical treatment
- Infection, ulceration
- Fissure
- Prolapse and strangulation
- Secondary anemia due to blood loss
- Conventional Treatment
- High fiber diet
- Non-irritating laxatives
- Sitz baths
- Shark oil suppositories (Preparation H)
- Manual reduction
- Surgical excision
- Naturopathic Treatment
- High fiber diet (soluble gt insoluble)
- Probiotics
- Homeopathy
- Botanicals
- Sitz baths
- Liver detoxification to relieve portal congestion
- Unscented baby wipes
Basic Remedy Hamamelis-Homaccord
Drainage remedy Lyphosot
Tissue remedy Endoteel Hepar compositum
Symptomatic remedy Paeonia-Heel Aesculus
Homaccord remedy Apis-Homaccord Nux
69Duodenal Ulcer
- Signs and Symptoms
- Chronic, periodic epigastric distress within 1
hour of eating - Gnawing, burning, aching pain which may radiate
below costal margin, to back, or rarely to right
shoulder - Increased gastric acid secretion
- Ulcer crater IDd on endoscopy or barium swallow
- May be precipitated by physical or emotional
stress, trauma, infection
70Duodenal Ulcer
- Differential Diagnosis
- With typical symptoms, diagnosis usually
straightforward - Functional gastrointestinal disease
- Gastritis
- Gastric carcinoma
- Irritable bowel syndrome
71Duodenal Ulcer
- Complications
- Treatment failure
- Hemorrhage
- Perforation
- Penetration
- Obstruction
72Duodenal Ulcer
- Conventional Treatment
- Antacids, H2 antagonists, sucralfate
- Anticholinergics
- Proton pump inhibitors
- Surgery (if perforation or obstruction)
73Duodenal Ulcer
- Naturopathic Treatment
- Alkaline diet, no spices, tomatoes, citrus, other
irritating foods - Deglycerrhinated licorice, other demulcent herbs
- Homeopathy
- L-glutamine, gamma-oryzanol
- Fresh cabbage juice
74Duodenal Ulcer
Basic Remedy Duodenoheel Astricumeel Anacardium-
Drainage remedy Galium Heel Hepar
Compositum Ubicoenzyme
Tissue remedy Endoteel Hepar compositum Hepeel
Symptomatic remedy Spascupreel Chelidonium-Homacc
ord Nux vomica-Homaccord
Homaccord remedy Cinnamomum-Homaccord Nux
vomica-Homaccord Graphites-Homaccord
- More frequent with advancing age
- Most common in sigmoid colon, other high pressure
areas of the gut - Never in the rectum
- Inflammation in 10-20 of patients
- Signs and Symptoms
- Constipation usual, may be diarrhea
- LLQ pain and tenderness gt BM, may be severe and
steady - Occult blood in 20 of cases
- Inflammation ranges from mild infiltration to
extensive changes with abscess formation and/or
- Complications
- Diverticulitis with perforation of the
diverticulum - Peritonitis
- Abscess formation
- Bladder involvement (frequency and dysuria)
- Fistula
- Differential diagnosis
- Colorectal cancer
- Conventional Treatment
- High fiber diet
- Bulking agents
- Stool softeners
- Anticholinergics
- Antibiotics
- Surgery in severe cases
- Naturopathic Treatment
- Probiotics
- Homeopathy-arg nit, met alb, coloc
- Vit A, C, zinc
- Botanicals
- Rice-based medical foods
Basic Remedy Echinacea Compositum
Drainage remedy Lyphosot Ubicoenzyme
Tissue remedy Endoteel
Symptomatic remedy Spascupreel
Homaccord remedy Nux vomica-Homaccord
82Dedifferentiation Phase
- Proliferation of undifferentiated,
non-specialized cell forms - Loss of cell specificity and function
- Loss of oxidative energy, glycolysis dominates
- Malignant diseases at the end of this phase
- Progression of tumor growth may be associated
with emunctory function
83Dedifferentiation Phase
- Treatment strategy
- Emunctory stimulation and activation
- Lyphosot, Berberis-Homaccord, Nux
vomica-Homaccord, Galium-Heel - Stimulation of psychophysical reactivity
- Constitutional compound remedy (Sil, S, Phos,
Calc carb) - Decrease toxin load
- Dietary measures
84Dedifferentiation Phase
- Treatment Strategy cont
- Inhibition of proliferation at cellular level
- Viscum album, colchicum, etc.
- Specific inhibition of neoplasm
- Tumor-specific single remedy
- Anti-neoplasic nosode stimulus
- Stimulation of cellular detoxification
- Re-initiation of cellular enzyme function
85Basic Therapy
Acute Phase
Duodenal ulcers related to psychological stress
- Anacardium (D8/10/30/2000)
- gastric spasm and pain, ulcer
- depression due to stress
- Ipecac (D6/10/30/200)
- nausea, gastritis, irritability
- Iodum (D30/200/1000)
- chronic gastritis, pancreatic diseases, stress
Stomach Duodenum
- Inner conflict,anguish, worry
- Stress-related gastritis, IBS
- Stomach ache lt empty gt eating
87Nux vomica-Homaccord
- Bryonia (D2/6/10/30/200)
- gastric heaviness, dyspepsia,
- chronic liver disease, constipation
- Colocynthis (D5/10/30/200)
- abd colic, irritability, diarrhea
- Lycopodium (D5/10/30/200)
- flatulence, liver disease
- Nux Vomica (D4/10/15/30/200/1000)
- intoxication, abd spasm, irritability,
- constipation
- Esophagitis
- Gastritis
- Toxic hepatitis
- Acute intoxication
- Lifestyle change
- Attitude change
- Addiction
Liver Duodenum
Adrenal support Kidney drainage Liver,
gallbladder, urinary tract inflammation
- Berberis D2/10/30/200
- painful, acute inflammation
- kidney drainage
- Colocynthis D3/10/30
- biliary colic, spasm
- Veratrum D10/30/200
- colic with vomiting and diarrhea
- cramping
Biliary tract, Kidneys, Adrenals
Hepatitis Jaundice Cholecystitis Biliary colic
- Chelidonium (D10/30/200)
- cholecystitis, spasm, inflammation
- Belladonna (D10/30/200/1000)
- inflammation, spasm, heat sensation
- Fel tauri (D10/30/200)
- detoxification of liver, cholecystitis,
- cholangitis
- duodenal/gastric ulcer, pancreatitis
Biliary Ducts
90Constitutional Outline of Diarrhea and
Nux vomica-Homaccord
Hepar Compositum
91Remedies Acting on the Biliary Ducts
Chelidonium- Homaccord
Berberis- Homaccord
Chronic liver/gallbladder disease Cholecystitis He
patic damage
- Lycopodium D30/200/1000
- liver/ bile duct/ gallbladder diseases,
cholesterol - Taraxacum D30/200
- chronic liver disease, dyspepsia, portal
congestion - Veratrum D30/200
- fever, diarrhea, vomiting, collapse
- Belladonna D30/200/1000
- anti-inflammatory
- Calc carb D30/200
- flatulence, biliary colic
- Cardeuus marianus D30/200
- constipation/diarrhea, liver protective, colic
- Chelidonium D30/200
- gallbladder colic, jaundice with itching
Liver Biliary Tract
93Basic Compound Remedies
Metabolic disease
- Hepar Compositum
- Global digestive stimulation
- Tendency to constipation
- Enhances liver metabolism
- Liver drainage
Fatty Liver Liver Insufficiency
94Hepar Compositum
Detoxification via liver drainage China,
lycopodium, chelidonium, carduus marianus,
taraxacum, cynara, calc carb, sulphur
Cellular Respiration Alpha-lipoic acid, NAD
Digestion/Anti-inflammatory Cholesterinum,
95Basic Compound Remedies
Degenerative disease
- Endoteel
- Anti-degenerative
- Stimulating activity on the entire digestive
mucosal surface - Tendency to diarrhea
- Specific action on the pancreas
Mucosal Problems
Detoxification/Constitutional Berberis, sulphur,
phosphorus, silicea
Mucosal Tissue Support Euphrasia, euphorbium,
Anti-inflammatory Belladonna, argentum nitricum,
carbo veg, sulphur, graphites
97Esophageal Diseases
- Functional pathology
- Nux vomica-Homaccord
- Inflammatory pathology
- Traumeel
- Degenerative pathology
- Endoteel
98Intestinal Diseases
- Functional pathology
- Nux vomica-Homaccord
- Inflammatory pathology
- Traumeel
- Degenerative pathology
- Endoteel, Pulsatilla compositum
99Anorectal diseases
- Vascular pathology
- Aesculus compostium
- Inflammatory pathology
- Paeonia-Heel
- Connective tissue pathology
- Pulsatilla compositum
100GI Symptomatic Remedies
- Usually given orally
- Alternative to pharmaceuticals
- Prescribed on the basis of particular symptoms as
well as a specific diagnosis
101GI Symptomatic Remedies
- Hepeel Liver
- Astricumeel Gastro-duodenal
- Areel Colon
- Paeonia-Heel Rectum
Functional liver disorders Nux moschata, china,
Liver detoxification Lyc, phos
Liver damage, cholecystitis, cholangitis
Cardeuus, chelidonium, colocynthis
- Lycopodium, Nux mochata
- Flatulence, chronic liver insufficiency
- Cardeuus marianus
- Liver damage, portal congestion, biliary colic,
hemorrhoids - Chelidonium
- Biliary colic, pain right shoulder
- China, Phosphorus
- Slow digestion, diarrhea tendency, parenchymal
damage - Colocynthis
- Colic, stabbing pains
Acute and chronic gastritis, mucosal damage Arg.
Reflux, hyperacidity, nausea, inflammation Ant
crud, carbo veg, robina, ip, bell
Gastric ulcer, dyspepsia, alcohol abuse Arg nit,
- In addition, can be combined with
- Spascupreel, Cardiacum-Heel anginal disorders
- Duodenoheel duodenal ulcer
- Veratrum-Homaccord gastroenteritis
- Hepeel liver disease
- Chelidonium-Homaccord cholangitis
- Nux vomica-Homaccord spasmodic constipation
- Areel dyspepsia, diarrhea
Diarrhea with any condition, anti-inflammatory
Normalize gut ecology
Liver, gallbladder, small intestine,
colon, pancreas
107Cholangitis Cholecystits
Hepatopancreatic disorders
Intestinal parasites
Bowel toxin elimination
Colitis Dysentery Food poisoning
- Elimination of homotoxins formed through
fermentation and putrefaction in the small
intestine - Any condition with accompanying diarrhea
- Colitis, dysentery, intestinal parasites, food
poisoning - Hepatopancreatic disorders, cholangitis,
109Paeonia Heel
Hemorrhoids Paeonia, hamamelis, sulphur
Constipation Nux vomica, graphites
Anal Fissure Nitric acid
110Gastrointestinal System
111Thank your for your attention!