Title: Caring for children with gastrointestinal dysfunction
1Caring for children with gastrointestinal
dysfunction Chap 17
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- Â Intestinal obstruction
- Intussusception
- Inflammatory disorders
- Appendicitis
- Disorders of motility
- Gastroenteritis(Acute diarrhea)
- Dehydration ---Chap 10
- Constipation
- Feeding disorders
- Colic
- Disorders of malabsorption
- Celiac disease
- Lactose Intolerance
- Short bowel syndrome
4Intussusception P602
- Etiology and pathophysiology ?1?
- One portion of the intestine prolapses and then
invaginates(??) or telescopes (???) into
another.?1? - One of the most frequent causes of intestinal
obstruction during infant - Between the age of 3 months and 6 years
- Siteileocecal valve ?2?
- Telescoping of the Intestine obstructs the
passage of stool. - The walls of intestine rub together
- ? inflammation?edema?decreased blood flow
- ? necrosis?perforation?hemorrhage? peritonitis
- In infant, intussusception is commonly associated
with measles, viral disease, and gastroenteritis
syndromes. P603 Fig17-7
5Clinical manifestations P603?2?
- Onset is abrupt
- Acute abdominal pain(periods of comfort between
acute episodes of pain) - Vomiting
- Passage of brown stool?become red and resemble
currant jelly - A palpable mass may be present in the upper right
quadrant or mid-upper abdomen - ????????
- ?????
- ???????????
- ??????(Dance??)
6 Diagnosis P603?2?
- History
- Radiographs and ultrasound of the abdomen
- Barium enema
7Treatment P603?3?
- Hydrostatic pressure???Barium enema
- Oxygen(air)?saline?aqueous contrast material
- Surgery
- Supportive care
- ????
- ?????
- ???
8 Nursing management
- Maintain fluid and electrolyte balance
- Post OP
- Monitoring for early signs of infection
- Pain management
- Maintain NG tube patency
- Assess vital signs?Abdominal distention?
- Listen for bowel sounds every 4 hours
- After normal bowel function
- Clear liquid feeding? half- strength milk and
other foods
9Appendicitis P609
- Is an inflammation of the vermiform appendix.
- Most often in adolescent boys(10-19 y/o)rarely
seen before 2 years of age
- Etiology and pathophysiology
- Result from an obstruction in the appendiceal
lumen - Caused by a fecalith,parasitic infestations,stenos
is,hyperplasia of lymphoid tissue,or a tumor - Obstruction?continued secretion of
mucus?pressure? ?ischemia,cellular death,and
ulceration - Complicationperforation or rupture ? peritonitis
? small bowel obstruction,electrolyte
imbalances,septicemia,and hypovolemic shock
10Clinical manifestations
- Pain
- Fever, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation P610?2?
- Motionless, side-lying position with knees flexed
- Some children
- Appendix is in a different location P609??1?
- Differentiation P609???2?
- Ovulation
- Ruptured ectopic pregnancy
- Pelvic inflammatory
- Periumbilical cramps,abdominal tenderness?1? ?
pain in the right lower abdomen become
constant?4? - Most intense halfway between the anterior
superior iliac crest and umbilicus ? rigidity and
rebound tenderness P610?2? ? if sudden relief of
12Signs and symptoms of a ruptured appendix
- Fever
- Sudden relief from abdominal pain
- Guarding
- Abdominal distention
- Rapid shallow breathing
- Pallor
- Chills
- Irritability or restlessness
13Diagnosis evaluation over several hours P610
- WBC?(teenagers)?2?
- Abdominal pain
- X-ray
- Abdominal ultrasound
- Focused appendiceal computerized tomography(FACT)
14Treatment ?3?
- Preoperatively
- NPO NG decompression
- IV fluids electrolytes
- Antibiotics
- Appendectomy
- Postoperatively
- Antibiotics
- If ruptured
- Penrose drain
- Wound irrigations
15Nursing management
- Promote comfort
- Maintain hydration
- Provide emotional support
- Recognize symptoms of infection
- Support respiratory function
- Discharge planning and home care teaching
16Disorders of motility
- Diarrhea
- ???????????????????
- ???
- (1)????????????
- (2)???????????
- (3)???????????????
- ????????????????,????????????????????
17- ??????????????????,?????????????????????
- ???????????????,? ????????
18Gastroenteritis(Acute diarrhea)P617
- Is an inflammation of the stomach and intestines
?1? - Vomiting and diarrhea
- Infants and small children with gastroenteritis
or - diarrhea can quickly become dehydrated and
are - at risk for hypovolemic shock .
19Etiology and pathophysiology (P617?2?)
- Decrease in the absorptive capacity?decrease in
surface area for absorption?alteration of
parasympathetic innervation - High risk-day-care centers?improper sanitation
(?56?) - Causes(Table 17-2)
20 Clinical manifestations P617
- Mild
- -Slightly increased in number and more liquid
- Moderate
- -Several loose or watery stools
- -Irritability?anorexia?nausea?vomiting
- -Self-limiting
- Severe
- -Continuous watery stools
- -Fluid and electrolyte imbalance
- -Cramp?extremely irritable?difficult to console
21Diagnosis clinical therapy??1?
- History
- Physical examination
- Laboratory finding-S/R?S/C ?urine sp.gr
- Presence of ova, parasite, infectious organisms,
viruses, fat, and undigested sugars.
22 Treatment P618?2?
- Depends on the severity of the diarrhea and fluid
and - electrolyte imbalances.
- Goalcorrect the fluid and electrolyte
- Mild to moderate
- -Oral rehydration therapy ( Contain water,
carbohydrate, sodium, potassium, chloride and
lactate P315 ) - -Carbonated beverages and those containing high
amounts of sugar should NOT be given - Severe
- -IV(N/S with glucose?one half or one quarter
normal - saline? or L/R)?3?
- -NPO
- -Antiemetics and antidiarrheals should generally
not be used in - infants and young children. P618??
- Lactose-free milk, breast milk, half-strength
milk. P315???4?
23Nursing assessment P618
- Frequency, color, amount and consistency of
stools?4? - The amount and type of vomitus
- Observing dehydration
- Urine output and specific gravity
- Weight
- Vital signs ( Febrile )
- Skin integrity
24Nursing diagnosis management P619
- Anxiety
- Provide Emotional support
- Sleep pattern disturbance
- ?????
- Promote rest and comfort
- Altered nutrition
- Ensure adequate nutrition
- CRAM (Complex carbohydrates, Rice and Milk )
P619?? - Diarrhea related to infectious process P620 care
plan - Fluid volume deficit P620
- Risk for impaired skin integrityP621
25Dehydration Chap 10 --P313
- There is not enough fluid in the extracellular
compartment. - The state of body water deficit is called
dehydration. - Sodium is generally lost along with water ?
26Etiology and pathophysiology
- Causes P313 ?1??2?
- Loss of fluid containing sodium are
vomiting?diarrhea?nasogastric suction?hemorrhage
and burns - Radiant warmers ?2??2?
- Adrenal insufficiency and overuse of diuretics
- Bulimic adolescents
27- Blood urea nitrogengt25mg/dL
clinical therapy?1??3? - Serum bicarbonategt17mEq/L
28Medical management P315
- Oral rehydration therapy-mild and moderate
dehydration - Contain water, carbohydrate, sodium, potassium,
chloride and lactate - Lactose-free milk, breast milk, half-strength
milk ???4? - IV-severely P316?1?
- L/R, one half or one quarter normal saline
29Nursing assessment
- Weight
- I/O
- Urine specific gravity
- Consciousness
- Pulse rate and quality
- Skin turgor and mucous membrane moisture
- Respiration
- Blood pressure
30Nursing management
- Provide oral rehydration therapy guidelines
- Teach parents oral rehydration methods
- Monitor intravenous fluid administration
- Discharge planning and home care teaching
31Disorders of malabsorption P627
- ???????????????????
- ?????????????????,??????Lactose Intolerance ?
- ?????????????????,????????(?Celiac
Disease)??????????????,?short bowel
32Lactose Intolerance P628
- Etiology and pathophysiology
- Inability to digest lactose(a disaccharide)?1?
- A congenital or acquired deficiency of the enzyme
lactase - Congenital
- Rare ?3?
- Acquired
- Highest(?100)among Asian and Native American
33- Clinical manifestations ?4?
- Abdominal pain
- Flatulence
- Diarrhea
Diagnosis ?2? History Hydrogen breath
test Lactose-free diet for confirming the
34Treatment ?2? ?4?
- Diet
- Infant-soy-based formula
- Older children-eliminating lactose-containing
foods - Enzyme tablets
35Nursing management
- Support
- Explain dietary modifications and discuss
alternate sources of calcium P337?? - Discuss the need for supplementation of calcium
and vitamin D - Read food labels
36Short bowel syndrome(SBS)P628
- Â Etiology and pathophysiology ?1?
- It is a decreased ability to digest and absorb a
regular diet because of a shortened intestine. - Causesnecrotizing enterocolitis(NEC)?inflammatory
disorders?congenital bowel anomaly - The extent and location of the involved bowel
determine the severityof the disorder. ?2? - Adaptation periodincreases its absorptive
surface area ?5?
37- Clinical manifestations?2?
- Watery diarrhea ?4?
- Treatment ?2?
- Nutritional support ?6?
- TPN?elemental formula?MCT
- Enteral feeding
- High-fat, low-carbohydrate diet
- Nucleotide, glutamine, polyamine, and fatty acid
- Surgical(?)
- ??50???(????????)??????
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- ????TPN????,?sepsis or TPN-cholestasis
39Nursing management
- Meeting the childs nutritional and fluid needs
- Oral and enteral feedings are instituted
gradually - Feeding pump
- Feeding tube
- Emotional support
- Arrange home visits to monitor the childs growth
and development and observed side effects (fluid
and electrolyte imbalance and diarrhea)