Title: Ch' 8: Intl Equity Markets
1Ch. 8 Intl Equity Markets
- Approximately 90 of global equity market
capitalization is in the developed world. - Remaining 10 of global equity market
capitalization is in emerging markets. - Emerging markets are growing faster but have
greater volatility.
2Emerging Equity Markets
- Most global equity funds allocate 5 of total
assets to emerging markets. - But, this is quite sizeable in relation to the
market capitalization of emerging stock markets. - Example In 2001 total emerging market exposure
of global equity funds was approximately US108bn
or about the size of Koreas total market
Source IMF Global Financial Stability Report,
June 2002
3Emerging Markets Overview
Notes (1) Sharpe Ratio (portfolio return
risk-free rate)/portfolio standard deviation.
Indicates whether returns reflect wise
investments or excess risk. (2) Why divide data
at 94? Mexico crisis.
Source http//www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/GFSR/2
4How do we measure liquidity?
- Turnover ratio ratio of stock market
transactions over a period of time divided by the
size, or market capitalization , of the market. - Higher ratio ? more liquid market, easier to
trade equities. - Liquidity refers to how quickly an asset can be
sold without a major price concession.
- The equity markets of the developed world tend to
be much more liquid than emerging markets. - Turnover ratio varies markedly over time and
across markets (e.g. US 71 in 94 98 in 98) - Sharp swings might reflect external macro or
political factors that influence local demand for
equities. - Example Hong Kong was 55 in 94, 35 in 95,
37 in 96, 118 in 97 and then 60 in 98!
6Market Concentration
- Concentration ratio ratio of 10 largest stocks
traded as a fraction of total market
capitalization of all equities traded. - When this is high, it may be harder to diversify
a portfolio within the country as there are fewer
investment opportunities. - Emerging markets tend to be much more
concentrated. A small of firms have greater
impact on local market. - Example China was 18 in 98 but the Philippines
was 55 at same time.
7International Equity Market Benchmarks
- Morgan Stanley Capital International Perspective
(MSCI) the main benchmark. - Monthly index covering 23 national stock market
indices from developed countries. - Includes 85 of market cap of each industry
within the country. All stocks are market-value
weighted. (Effective since 2002 book says 60.) - Also publishes regional and global indices.
- Used by most funds/banks to recommend
international investment strategy. Overweight
relative to MSCI. - http//www.msci.com/equity/index.html
8World Equity Benchmark Shares
- Each fund is designed to approximate the return
pattern of a designated MSCI country benchmark
index. - Country-specific baskets of stocks designed to
replicate the country indexes of 14 countries. - WEBS are subject to U.S. SEC and IRS
diversification requirements. Trade as shares on
the American Stock Exchange. - Low cost, convenient way for investors to hold
diversified investments in several different
countries. - Trading since March 1996.
9Cross-Listing of Shares
- A firm has its equity shares listed on one or
more foreign exchanges. - The number of firms doing this has exploded in
recent years.
10Why would a firm cross-list?
- Expanded investor base
- Increased demand for stock ? raise price ?
increase market liquidity. - Make hostile takeovers more difficult and less
likely. - Increases name recognition in a market ?
stimulate local demand for companys services. - Increases name recognition in other markets to
other customer groups ? easier for the firm to
raise capital in the future.
11American Depository Receipts
- An ADR is issued by a U.S. Bank, consisting of a
bundle of shares of a foreign corporation that
are being held in custody overseas. The foreign
entity must provide financial information to the
sponsor bank. - Offers U.S. investors a convenient way to add
global exposure to their portfolios. - Lower administrative costs.
- Avoid foreign taxes on each transaction.
12ADRs more!
- ADRs can be bought or sold just like the stocks
of U.S. companies, and ADR trades clear and
settle just like U.S. stock trades. - ADRs are listed on either the NYSE, AMEX, or
Nasdaq. - ADRs do not eliminate the currency and economic
risks for the underlying shares in another
country. - In early 90s about 60 of intl equity issues
were in the form of ADRs closer to 80 in
13Types of ADRs
- Sponsored ADRs
- Created by a bank at the request of the foreign
company that issued the underlying security. - Largely a historical anomaly now.
- (Not important to us.)
- Unsponsored ADRs
- Levels I, II and III
14Unsponsored ADRs
- Created at the request of a US investment bank
without direct involvement by the foreign issuing
firm. - Level I Most basic type of ADR. Foreign
companies either dont qualify or dont wish to
list on an exchange. Trade on the OTC market.
Does not have to comply with US GAAP or full SEC
disclosure. - Level II Listed on an exchange or quoted on
Nasdaq. Slightly more requirements from the SEC. - Level III Most prestigious! Issuer floats a
public offering on a US exchange.
15Factors Affecting International Equity Returns
- Macroeconomic factors
- Imperfect correlation of international business
cycles (not all countries experience ups/downs at
same time). - Weak influence.
- Exchange rates
- Cross-correlation of equity and forex markets is
low but positive. - Industrial Structure
- Some countries are more similar ? greater
correlation of equity market movement - Politics and sentiment
16Trends in Equity Issuance
- Intl equity issuance has far exceeded domestic
issuances in recent years. - Enables top-quality emerging market companies to
raise capital at lower cost. - But, might dampen efforts to develop local equity
Source http//www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/GFSR/2
17Ch. 9 Futures Options on Forex
- Why do we study these tools?
- Provide a more comprehensive understanding of the
foreign exchange markets. - Risk-management.
- Potential profit-making tool.
18Futures vs. Forwards
- A futures contract is like a forward contract
- It specifies that a certain currency will be
exchanged for another at a specified time in the
future at prices specified today. - A futures contract is different from a forward
contract - Futures are standardized contracts trading on
organized exchanges with daily resettlement
through a clearinghouse.
Source McGraw/Hill
19Timing Spot Transaction
20Timing Forward
21Timing Futures
? Implies daily changes in margin account.
22Standard Features of Futures Contracts
- Standardizing Features
- Contract Size (varies across exchanges and
currencies but is constant over time look at
p.211) - Delivery Month (March, June, Sept, Dec.)
- Daily resettlement ? marked-to-market daily at
the settlement price (closing price).
23Initial Margin Requirements
- Margin requirements are complex and are not the
same for writers of options on different types of
contracts. - Margin requirements are subject to change, and
may vary between brokerage firms. - Held as collateral by broker.
- Usually 2-4 of contract value paid in cash or
T-bills. - Account balance fluctuates because of daily
resettlement. - Margin amount is the same for short long
24Settlement Terminology
- Buyer holds a long position (seller short).
- If todays settlement price is higher than
yesterdays, the buyer has a positive settlement
for the day. This means the futures price of the
underlying asset has increased. A long position
in the contract is now worth more. - Exact opposite for the seller.
- Thus, this is a zero-sum game.
25Daily Resettlement An Example
- Suppose you want to speculate on a rise in the
/ exchange rate (specifically you think that
the dollar will appreciate).
Currently 1 140. The 3-month forward price is
Source McGraw/Hill
26Daily Resettlement An Example
- Currently 1 140 and it appears that the
dollar is strengthening. - If you enter into a 3-month futures contract to
sell at the rate of 1 150 you will make
money if the yen depreciates. The contract size
is 12,500,000 - Your initial margin is 4 of the contract value
Source McGraw/Hill
27Daily Resettlement An Example
- If tomorrow, the futures rate closes at 1
149, then your positions value drops. - Your original agreement was to sell 12,500,000
and receive 83,333.33 - But now 12,500,000 is worth 83,892.62
You have lost 559.28 overnight.
Source McGraw/Hill
28Daily Resettlement An Example
- The 559.28 comes out of your 3,333.33 margin
account, leaving 2,774.05 - This is short of the 3,355.70 required for a new
position. - Your broker will let you slide until you run
through your maintenance margin. Then you must
post additional funds (variation margin) or your
position will be closed out. This is usually done
with a reversing trade.
Source McGraw/Hill
29Basic Futures Terminology
- Open Interest refers to the number of contracts
outstanding for a particular delivery month. - Open interest is a good proxy for demand for a
contract. - Some refer to open interest as the depth of the
market. The breadth of the market would be how
many different contracts (expiry month, currency)
are outstanding.
30Open Interest
- When a contract month first starts trading, open
interest is technically zero. - Open interest increases over time, until
positions are liquidated heading into expiration.
- Total open interest is the total number of
outstanding positions in all the delivery months
of a futures market. - Liquidity implies at least 5,000 outstanding
31Reversing Trades
- Rare in forward markets about 90 of all
contracts lead to eventual delivery of the
underlying assets. - Commonplace in futures markets only about 1 of
all contracts lead to delivery! - This reflects the regularity of buyers purchasing
offsetting positions and high liquidity.
32Interest Rate Parity
- FT(/) S0(/) (1rUS)/(1r)T
- This theory worked for forwards (remember chapter
5?). And now we can use it again! - Why? If it doesnt hold then there exists an
opportunity to arbitrage differences between the
futures and forwards markets.
33 Eurodollar Interest Rate Futures Contracts
- Widely used futures contract for hedging
short-term U.S. dollar interest rate risk. - The underlying asset is a hypothetical 1,000,000
90-day Eurodollar depositthe contract is cash
settled. - This means profits/losses are realized in the
margin account based on the final settlement
price on the last day of trading.
Source McGraw/Hill
34Reading Eurodollar Futures Quotes
Eurodollar futures prices are stated as an index
number of three-month LIBOR calculated as F
The closing price for the June contract is 94.68
thus the implied yield is 5.32 percent 100
The change was .01 percent of 1 million (1 basis
point) representing 100 on an annual basis.
Since it is a 3-month contract one basis point
corresponds to a 25 price change.
Source McGraw/Hill
35Futures Contracts vs. Options
- Futures Contract youve agreed to purchase/sell
the contract. No backing out but you can offset
or exit a position by buying/selling to someone
else. - Buy long sell short.
- Option contract that gives you the right but
not the obligation to purchase/sell something at
pre-specified terms. No commitment.
- An option gives the holder the right, but not the
obligation, to buy or sell a given quantity of an
asset in the future, at prices agreed upon today. - Calls vs. Puts
- Call options right to buy an asset at some time
in the future at prices agreed upon today. - Put options right to sell an asset at some
time in the future at prices agreed upon today.
Source McGraw/Hill
37Currency Futures Options
- Are an option on a currency futures contract.
- Exercise of a currency futures option results in
a long futures position for the holder of a call
or the writer of a put. - Exercise of a currency futures option results in
a short futures position for the seller of a call
or the buyer of a put. - If the futures position is not offset prior to
its expiration, foreign currency will change
Source McGraw/Hill
38Examples of Terminology
- Long on futures contract buy futures contract.
(can also go short) - Commitment guarantees you a certain quantity of
a certain currency on a specific date. - Intuition
- Similar to forward in many respects.
- Lower transaction costs because it is a
standardized commodity. - Easy to re-sell.
39Examples of Terminology (2)
- Long call on futures option buy option to
purchase a pre-specified amount of a
pre-specified foreign currency at a pre-set price
on an agreed upon date. (can also go short) - Intuition
- Preserve flexibility.
- Leeway to change your opinion about a currencys
trajectory over a specified time-frame. - Limits downside potential.
40Options Contracts Preliminaries
- Intrinsic Value
- The difference between the exercise price of the
option and the spot price of the underlying
asset. - Speculative Value
- The difference between the option premium and the
intrinsic value of the option.
Option Premium
Intrinsic Value
Speculative Value
Source McGraw/Hill
41Currency Options Markets
- PHLX Philadelphia Stock Exchange
- HKFE Hong Kong Futures Exchange
- 20-hour trading day.
- OTC volume is much bigger than exchange volume.
( 46x) Why? Regulatory restrictions great
explanation on p. 217. - Trading is in six major currencies against the
U.S. dollar. (Australian dollar, British pound,
Canadian dollar, Japanese yen, Swiss franc, Euro)
42European vs. American options
- With an American option, you can do everything
that you can do with a European optionthis
option to exercise early has value. - CaT gt CeT MaxST - E, 0
- PaT gt PeT MaxE - ST, 0
Source McGraw/Hill
43Basic Option Pricing Relationships at Expiry
- At expiry, an American call option is worth the
same as a European option with the same
characteristics. - If the call is in-the-money, it is worth ST E.
- If the call is out-of-the-money, it is worthless.
- CaT CeT MaxST - E, 0
Source McGraw/Hill
44Basic Option Profit Profiles Long Call
Long call
Source McGraw/Hill
45Basic Option Profit Profiles Short Call
short call
Source McGraw/Hill
46Basic Option Pricing Relationships at Expiry
- At expiry, an American put option is worth the
same as a European option with the same
characteristics. - If the put is in-the-money, it is worth E - ST.
- If the put is out-of-the-money, it is worthless.
- PaT PeT MaxE - ST, 0
Source McGraw/Hill
47Basic Option Profit Profiles Long Put
long put
E - p
Source McGraw/Hill
48Basic Option Profit Profiles Short Put
Short put
E - p
Source McGraw/Hill
49Currency Futures Options
The s in the call and put columns denote the
premium for a call or put expiring in the
specified months. So a call expiring in March
with a strike price of 8500 hundredths of a cent
(or 0.85 per 100) sells for a premium of 0.83
but the premium is substantially higher for the
April and May expiry dates.
Source WSJ
50Test Theory Expiration Value of an American Call
Option (Ex 9.4)
- CaT CeT MaxST - E, 0
- Given that the strike price 8500, we have
locked in a rate of 0.85/100 yen ? 10.625 mn. - Suppose the exercise price 8400.
- CaT Max 8500-8400, 0 100.
- This means we have the option to buy 12.5mn yen
at the current price of 0.84 per 100 yen ?
profit of 125,000! ? - Suppose the exercise price 8600.
- CaT Max 8500-8600, 0 0.
- Now, wed choose not to exercise the call because
the exercise value is negative.
51Currency Futures Options
The s in the call and put columns denote the
premium for a call or put expiring in the
specified months. So a put expiring in March
with a strike price of 8500 hundredths of a cent
(or 0.85 per 100) sells for a premium of 0.45
but the premium is substantially higher for the
April and May expiry dates.
Source WSJ
52Test Theory Expiration Value of an American Put
Option (Ex 9.5)
- PaT PeT MaxE - ST, 0
- Given that the strike price 8500, we have
locked in a rate of 0.85/100 yen ? 10.625 mn. - Suppose the exercise price 8400.
- PaT Max 8400-8500, 0 0.
- This means we have the option to sell 12.5mn yen
at the current price of 0.84 per 100 yen (when
we paid 0.85!). Now, wed choose not to exercise
the call because the exercise value is negative. - Suppose the exercise price 8600.
- PaT Max 8600-8500, 0 100.
- This means we have the option to sell 12.5mn yen
at the current price of 0.86 per 100 yen ?
profit of 125,000! ?
53Market Value, Time Value and Intrinsic Value for
an American Call
ST - E
Market Value
Time value
Intrinsic value
We can draw similar pictures for puts. This is
just an example to illustrate the existence of a
Source McGraw/Hill
54Interpretation of Graph
- Intrinsic Value you only care about it when you
make a profit. Hence, this line was truncated at
zero. - Time Value reflects a gamble that the option
might be more profitable (more in-the-money) as
time passes (i.e. before time of expiry).
55How is a call (or put) priced?
- Given that CaT gt MaxST - E, 0, the market value
of this call will be greater or equal to this
amount. Why? - CaT intrinsic value of the call. Translation
when you actually make a profit, this is
positive. Otherwise you dont care. - Premium time-value of money. You expect that
the call will be worth more at date of expiry.
This reflects private information or beliefs.
This will be largest when date of collection is
most distant. - Market value Time value Intrinsic Value
56One Very Important Caveat
- When we discuss whether to exercise a call or put
at expiration we examine only the marginal value
of exercising the option at that date. - When we discuss profit we look at the relative
values of strike and exercise price. - But what happened to the initial premium we paid
to purchase the option? That is an up-front cost
that we have already absorbed in its entirety. - Therefore we should really look at profits
realized at time of option expiration net of
initial costs.
57Sailing in Uncharted Waters?
- How do you decide to go long/short a call/put or
to buy a contract vs. an option? - Hire PhD economists! ?
- Purchase research reports and follow their
recommendations (e.g. each bank publishes
forecasts). - Take a guess and pray your intuition is good.
- Use 2 or 3 of these methods simultaneously. Most
common is 1 2 together. - Which method is best? Depends!
- Note the banks hire PhD economists too but the
marginal cost to an individual company is lower.
58Hedging Your Bets
- Suppose you arent sure which way an exchange
rate will move. Could go up or down. If you
guess wrong, you could lose big. - So, try to protect yourself by using a
complicated scheme. - Instead of counting only on the future income
generated by the futures contract (1), - you borrow and lend the present value of the
expected value at time of expiration (2). - If your expectations are not fulfilled, you will
have protected yourself via this hedge.
59European Option Pricing Relationships
- Consider two investments
- Buy a call option on the British pound futures
contract. The cash flow today is -Ce - Replicate the potential upside payoff of the
call - Borrowing the present value of the exercise price
of the call in the U.S. at i The cash flow today
is E /(1 i) - Lending the present value of ST at i The cash
flow is - ST /(1 i)
Source McGraw/Hill
60European Option Pricing Relationships
- When the option is in-the-money both strategies
have the same payoff. - When the option is out-of-the-money the borrowing
and lending strategy has a higher payoff. - Thus
Source McGraw/Hill
61European Option Pricing Relationships
- Using a similar portfolio to replicate the upside
potential of a put, we can show that
Source McGraw/Hill
62Option Value Determinants
Call Put 1. Exchange rate (S)
2. Exercise price (E) 3. Interest
rate in U.S. (i) 4. Interest rate in
other country (i) 5. Variability in
exchange rate 6. Expiration date
7. Interest rate spread (i - i)
The value of a call option C0 must fall
within max (S0 E, 0) lt C0 lt S0. The precise
position will depend on the above factors.
63Portfolio Evaluation (1)
- Imagine a simple world where the dollar-euro
exchange rate is S0(/ ) 1 today and in the
next year, S1(/ ) is either 1.10 or .90.
S0(/ )
S1(/ )
Source McGraw/Hill
64Portfolio Evaluation (2)
- A call option on the euro with exercise price
S0(/ ) 1 will have the following payoffs.
- We can replicate the payoffs of the call option
with a levered position in the euro.
Source McGraw/Hill
65Portfolio Evaluation (3)
Source McGraw/Hill
66Portfolio Evaluation (4)
- In this example, the portfolio has twice the
options payoff so the portfolio is worth twice
the call option value. - The portfolio value today is todays value of one
euro less the present value of a .90 debt - We can value this option as half of the value of
the portfolio
67Portfolio Evaluation (5)
- The most important lesson to draw from this is
that a position can be replicated by building a
portfolio. The replicating portfolio
intuition. - Many derivative securities can be valued by
valuing portfolios of primitive securities when
those portfolios have the same payoffs as the
derivative securities.
Source McGraw/Hill
68Technical Extension
- Weve determined the lower bounds on call put
premiums but have not figured out exact pricing. - To derive the exact pricing scheme, youd need to
adjust for all possible scenarios - volatility of exchange rate movements,
- probabilities of appreciation and depreciation,
and - the risk-free hedge ratio.
- If youre really gung-ho about this, read pages
225-227 very carefully. Otherwise, spend just a
few minutes on that section enough time for
your eyes to glaze over and youre done.