THE ASSESSMENT PROCESS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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primary purpose determine who receives special education services ... At least yearly reexamination of appropriateness of the IEP and revision if ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Systematic
  • Types and number of assessments procedures vary
    depending on reasons for data
  • Legal and Instructional Decisions

Legal Decisions
  • primary purpose determine who receives special
    education services
  • determine whether individual students meets legal
    requirements for one or more disability.
  • student must be determined to have a disability
    and that disability must have an adverse effect
    on the student educational performance.

  • criteria guides assessment process
  • Each disability is defined by federal laws and
    state regulations
  • Federal definitions tend to be general
    descriptions of the condition
  • state guidelines are more specific

  • Legal decisions about mild disabilities require
    several team members
  • parents
  • general and special educators
  • school psychologist
  • speech language pathologist
  • school nurses
  • Informal measures often used to confirm results
    of norm-referenced task and provide additional
    information perhaps unavailable

Comparison Of Eligibility Criteria For Mild
Instructional Decisions
  • Once a students been found eligible for special
    education services the major decisions to be made
    are instructional rather than legal
  • Major concerns are the content of the students
  • What to teach-instructional methods used to
    implement the curriculum or
  • How to teach
  • Next the overall effectiveness of the
    instructional program

  • First step in preparing the IEP is look the
    result of eligibility assessment information
  • current levels performance
  • identify annual goals and short-term objectives
  • select appropriate services and curricular
    modifications of the student
  • decide how to monitor

  • After the IEP is implemented the teacher or other
  • constantly make instructional decisions
  • becomes cycle of teaching-data collection-instruct
    ional decisions
  • (sometimes referred to as teach-test-teach-test)
  • Diagnostic-prescriptive model

  • Several times during the school year the teacher
  • parents about progress toward IEP
  • can be report cards
  • at least once a year the entire IEP has to be
  • Examine effectiveness of educational program and
    new plan for the next year

  • Instructional decisions require specific
    information about the students performance in
    relation to the classroom program.
  • informal assessment of these strategies are more
    useful than formal measures.

  • Identification and referral
  • Determination of eligibility
  • Program planning
  • Program implementation and evaluation

  • Strict guidelines for the ways in which
    assessments must be carried out reauthorization
    of IDEA
  • Students and their parents are protected by legal
    requirements for
  • due process,
  • procedural safeguards,
  • nondiscriminatory assessment,
  • placement in the least restrictive educational
  • confidentiality of information, and
  • development and regular monitoring of the IEP.

  • Due process has been described as a procedure
    which seeks to ensure the fairness of educational
    decisions and the accountability of both the
    professionals and parents making those
    decisions. Turnbull, Strickland, and Brantley,

Identification And Referral
  • First phase is the identification of students
    with possible disabilities
  • large number of kids
  • identification does not necessarily result in
    referral for special education assessment
  • (Bilingual education and classroom

Screening And Teacher Identification Of Students
With School Problems
  • SEA responsible for child find
  • symptoms and signs of disability
  • availability of services
  • Screening procedures used to gather lots of
    information with large groups
  • School records can be examined
  • Anyone within the community can identify a child
    as possibly having a disability
  • Elementary grades, general education teacher
    typically first to see problem
  • First step is not referral. instead prereferral

Prereferral - Intervention
  • General education teachers are expected to make
    modifications in a students instructional
    program before beginning formal procedure for
  • Numerous students experienced minor or
    transitional learning and behavioral problems,
    but do not need special education services.

  • Federal special education law requires parents be
    informed of any referral in writing.
  • Parents have the right participate in the
    assessment and decision-making
  • Parents must give permission for assessment and
    receive an explanation the results
  • Parents can ask for independent evaluation,
    inspect all school records, request due process
    hearing if they disagree

Determination Of Eligibility
  • When assessment procedures have been carried out
    and the results are reported
  • the team members including the childs parents
    make legal decisions about eligibility for
    special education services

Standard Scores
  • Mean represents the average score
  • Standard deviation reflects the variability of a
    set of scores
  • Deviation IQ has a mean of 100 and standard
    deviation of 15 (or 16)

Design of an Individualized Assessment Plan
  • Individualized assessment plan or IAP
  • IAP describes the steps in assessment and
    procedures used in each step
  • Must address the reason for referral and focus on
    areas relevant education
  • Three concerns
  • students skills and abilities
  • general education curriculum and the task with
    which the students having difficulty
  • classroom learning environment

  • focus assessment on the education of the student
  • ask important assessment questions and then
    select procedures
  • choose assessment procedures of the highest
  • coordinate efforts of the team members so things
    are not repeated
  • begin assessment in each area of interest by
    survey in general performance
  • consider the learning task and the instructional
  • compare findings from different procedures to
    confirm the accuracy of assessment results

Parental Permission For Assessment
  • parents must give their permission before
    assessment can take place
  • Special education law requires that parents be
    notified in writing
  • reasonable time before the school progresses
  • information about procedural safeguards,
  • clear explanation of the reasons for the
    assessment, and
  • a description of each of the assessment
    procedures to be used

  • understandable language and if necessary be
    translated in the parents native language or
    other mode communications such as Braille or oral
  • educational agency must documented these
    procedures the been followed
  • goal is to ensure that the parents agree to the
    assessment and that they have to have given
    informed consent

Administration, Scoring, And The Interpretation
Of Assessment Procedures
  • Assessment devices must be technically sound
  • Standardized test must be administered by trained
    professionals who follows directions

Reporting Results
  • Results must the reported to parents whether or
    not student ultimately is found to be eligible
  • Parents must be informed of their rights to have
    access to all records concerning identification
    assessment and placement
  • School system must respond promptly to the
    request to examine records in no more than 45
  • If any questions given explanation
  • If parents feel that the records are inaccurate
    or violate the childs rights to privacy they can
    ask the school system to amend them

  • The school system must provide information about
    what parents can obtain an independent
    educational evaluation
  • Parents have the right to an outside evaluation
    at public expense if they disagree with the
    schools systems evaluation and a school system
    does not or cannot substantiate its own
  • If the parents initiated an evaluation results
    must be considered by the school system in making
    any kind decisions

Decisions Regarding Eligibility
  • Decisions about eligibility are usually made by
    team after the results have been reported
  • Decisions are based on eligibility criteria
    federal laws and regulations as well as state and
    district policies
  • Team must decide whether the student has a
    disability and if disability adversely affect
    school performance
  • Students with school performance problems due to
    limited proficiency in English or lack of
    instructional instruction are not considered to
    have a disability

Design Of The Individualized Educational Program
  • IEP meeting must take place within 30 days of the
    determination of eligibility
  • IEP must be developed before the student receives
    special education services
  • IEP must be implemented soon after the IEP
  • At least yearly reexamination of appropriateness
    of the IEP and revision if necessary is required

  • Parents must be identified early enough for the
    meeting so theyll have opportunity to attend
  • Parents must be informed of the purpose of the
    meeting where, when, who
  • Meetings must be scheduled at mutually agreed
    upon time and place
  • When parents cant attend, school must use other
    means of communicating to ensure parent
  • IEP meeting may be held without the students
    parents if the parents choose not to attend.
    However school must keep detailed records of all
    attempts to communicate with the parents and any
  • Every effort must be made to ensure the parents
    understand the proceeding and that they are
  • Parents must receive a copy of IEP

IEP must contain information about
  • Present level of educational performance
  • Annual goals and short-term benchmarks /
  • Needed special education related services,
    supplementary aides and services, and program
    modifications and supports
  • Extent student will not participate with
    nondisabled students in general education
    classroom and other school activities

  • Procedures for the students participation in
    state- or district-wide assessment
  • Projected date for initiation of services and
    duration of services
  • Strategies for measuring progress toward annual
    goals and informing parents of that progress
  • For older students, include information about
    transitional services
  • When appropriate special factors such as
    behavioral needs, language needs, instruction in
    Braille, communication needs, and assistive
    technology devices and services

  • Components of the IEP focus on general education
  • Access to and participation in the curriculum
  • Team must explain any placement that removes the
    student from the general classroom.
  • Federal laws do not require placement in general
    classroom just justification of removal or denial
    to participate in extracurricular activities.

Placement of students with disabilities is
governed by the principal of Least Restrictive
Environment (LRE)
  • To the maximum extent appropriate, children with
    disabilitiesare educated with children who are
    nondisabled and
  • That special classes, separate schooling or other
    removal of children with disabilities from the
    regular education environment occurs only in the
    nature or severity of the disability is such that
    education in regular classed with the use of
    supplementary aids and services cannot be
    achieved satisfactorily.

Parental Agreement To The IEP
  • Parent must give consent to before the IEP can be
  • Must approve provisions on IEP
  • Including the educational services to be provided
  • Informed consent

  • Disagree
  • Voluntary mediation
  • Agree written mediation agreement must
  • Disagree or dont participate..due process
  • Due process
  • EA must inform regarding free or low-cost legal
    services if available in the area
  • Local due process
  • Appeal to SEA
  • Appeal to Civil court of U.S. District court.

Program Implementation And Evaluation
  • Implementation of the IEP
  • ASAP
  • Professionals involved must be made aware of
    supports, accommodations, and modifications
  • IEP objectives become framework for evaluating

Ongoing Monitoring Of Student Progress
  • observations
  • analysis of work samples
  • criterion-referenced tests
  • information inventories
  • state-district wide assessment
  • Identical conditions
  • modifications made to administration
  • not participate
  • why
  • describe how assessment will occur

Annual Review Of The IEP
  • Progress toward meeting annual goals
  • Information assessment
  • Formal assessment
  • Classroom observations
  • Portfolio assessment
  • Criterion-references testing
  • Interviews (students /or parents)

  • Schools must provide special education and
    related services and make good faith effort
  • However schools cannot be held accountable if
    student fails to meet goals.(Revise IEP)

Periodic Re-Evaluation Of Eligibility
  • 3 year
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